Saturday, July 01, 2023


 Today, because it's supposed to be a wet day, we will be staying inside, and doing odd jobs around the house.

Stew will do his usual weekend grocery shop first thing.

Then I am getting him to vacuum my sewing room for me.

After that, no idea!  There really isn't too much to be done around here now days.  We got all the big jobs done over the past three years.

Actually, I would like to visit a salon or chemist and get a treatment for my hair today.  I looked at the few conditioners that I have here, but none of them are what I would like.

So, a trip to The Base is on the cards... and maybe lunch out and about too.

Stew suggested we go to the movies, so I will check out what is on as well.  It's an idea.

Well.... seems Stew does not have to do the vacuuming after all.
Lacy came around and is doing it for us!  All of the edges and behind doors, and the sewing room!

Before she arrived, we did the grocery shopping.
And once Lacy has left we will go out for my hair treatment and some lunch.

Stew and I had lunch at Iguana today.  We like the place, it has a nice atmosphere.
We ordered a Seafood Chowder each.
It came out almost cold.  So it got sent back.
Then it came back piping hot, which was lovely.

ABOVE: It was a very TASTY dish, but NOT seafood chowder as you know it.
It was a vegetable soup, with (in mine), one shrimp and a teeny, tiny piece of octopus.  The rest was potato, carrot, peas and corn.
Because it was nice and tasty, I didn't bother telling them they forgot the seafood part.  😂😊😋  But really, it was a bit of a rip off.

After lunch, we walked up to Centre place for some hair stuff.  I got a L'oreal Nourishing Mask.

Then off to K Mart, where we bought a bit pet cushion, so the girls can sleep inside at night.  
They get groomed on Tuesday, and will freeze their butts off in the garage.  

I hope they use the new bed!  I might have to lock them inside to make them use it, cos they do love their crate at night.

Today has been weird weather wise.  Fine one minute, then raining the next.  But on a whole, COLD.

Stew is going to watch a movie now, so I might join him.  Or not.  We will see.

I am cooking a roast chicken for our dinner.  First time I've done a roast in MONTHS.  I can't wait, it's gunna be delicious.

So... we didn't have roast chicken after all.  What I thought was a roast chicken in the bag was actually chicken nibbles!  So we had roast chicken nibbles and veges.  It was still yummy.

Winding down for the day, catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Have fun out and about. I don't even know what movies are in theaters these days. Not a clue!

  2. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Chris, on another thing (and it will suck you in and use up a few hours), have you seen Bad Sisters, an Irish series. It is fabulous, in Australia I think it was on Apple and I think we joined Apple for the free period, then cancelled after we’d binge watched it. You won’t believe what a bad bastard one of the sisters husbands is.

    1. Lots of great shows on Apple. Bad Sisters, Ted Lasso, Shrinking, Severence (weird), The Morning Show, and I just started (and am loving) For All Mankind. I heard Still is good too (about Michael J Fox).

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Oh, sorry, Marie, Melbourne (Bad Sisters comment)

  4. Lovely idea go movies with your main man

    1. Yeah didn't happen. There was NOTHING on that we both wanted to see. And I am not gunna waste money watching something that has no interest to me. Netflix at home wins.

  5. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Please send Lacy my is the edges and behind couches/chairs that elude my vacuuming. Ha
    Ky Girl

  6. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I wish I had a Lacy

  7. I need Lacy to visit .... well done Lacy!

  8. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I almost said - call Lacy.

    What a big help!


    1. Haha I beat Ma to it and called her after reading the blog

    2. Anonymous10:44 PM

      I am your mom’s age and have my own aches and pains too. Somebody to wash windows and vacuum is better than a present. Truly helpful and such a relief and treat.

  9. Oh thank you for the Loves on DCR 🥰✌️
    If your local I'm more than happy to come give a hand, just sort it thro
    The Crabby Tart 😁
    #Lacy 💙💜

    1. Anonymous11:09 PM

      You could get a sold trip out of it 😂😂😂

    2. Anonymous1:04 AM

      World not sold🤦‍♀️

  10. I need a Lacy, so many jobs on my to be done list.

  11. Lacy you can come do mine next :)

  12. Wakey wakey! Good Morning to you!


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