Monday, July 31, 2023


 Where the iron landed on the carpet on Friday, it didn't look TOO BAD, but it felt all hard and crispy, with bits sticking up like splinters of glass?

Clearly it had melted, then set again.

I gave it a rub with a brush, and it all came off.  It left it looking even worse.

But at least it wasn't all hard and crispy any more.

When it first happened, all I thought about was my ruined iron.
A few hours later and I realised the carpet was ruined as well.
So today I will be making an insurance claim to get it replaced.

It's obviously a crap type of carpet, Stew reckons it's a 'garage carpet'.  I'm probably going to replace it with vinyl.  That will be easier to keep tidy, and vacuuming it will certainly require less effort.

So, that is top of my 'to do' list for the day.

I've also got all the usual Monday jobs to get done.  General housework.

Then I can get into the sewing room and work on the 4 runners that are on the go.  

No walk today, my legs are sore from yesterday's walk.  They were actually sore before I even did yesterday's walk, so clearly I need a break.  

And that is me for now, I'll be back later.

10.16 am:  Before ringing the Insurance company this morning, I sat down and did the maths.
After we pay our deduction, and they add age/depreciation and upped our premiums due to a claim, I figured out that we would be way better off to replace the flooring ourselves!
Like, it's the cheapest 'carpet' on the market, so isn't going to cost much to replace anyway.

Stew reckons we do it with either carpet tiles, or vinyl tiles... a bit at a time, so we don't have to empty out the entire room.
I concur.  Excellent idea.  That way I can continue using the room as well.

So, no Insurance claim after all.

I saw a video of someone making chicken rissoles while I was lounging in bed this morning.  So I just made some.  Cooked ONE to try them out.
Very nice.  
We will be having them for dinner tonight, and easily the next night as well.    2 Chicken Breasts go a long way in a batter.
I love the internet!   You see so many interesting things/recipes and so on.
One thing is for sure.  You never need to buy another cook book.

AUDREY AND FELICITY:  Yes that is amusing.  I should have clarified that it was ME lounging in bed.  😂😅

I have been working on those runners all day.

ABOVE:  I now have three of them finished.  I am taking a little break before doing the last one for the day.

It's now 3.25 pm and it's lunchtime!  lol


1 Chicken Breast
3 Eggs
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Paprika
2 Tablespoons of Mayonnaise
2 Tablespoons of flour
100 g/3.5 oz of Tasty Cheese
1 teaspoon of Granulated Garlic
Chopped parsley to taste.

Chop up the chicken into small pieces.

In a bowl add all the other ingredients and whisk till not lumpy.

Add the chicken to the mixture.

In a frying pan add some oil and heat up, not to hot!

Then add spoonful's of the chicken mixture and fry until the chicken is cooked.

Have with a side salad, or whatever you want on the side,  and dressing of your choice.

I didn't use any dressing as it was very tasty on it's own.  I also didn't use the parsley, as I feel it can overpower other flavours.

8.45 pm:  I'm happy to say Stew really enjoyed his chicken rissoles this evening.  I had a couple more as well.
Definitely something I will keep on our menu.
We are now just doing our usual evening routine, watching the telly till bedtime.


  1. I knew you damaged the carpet. The picture you posted has a giant Iron image burned into it. I just never thought it would be claimable. I guess I have zero trust in insurance. In this country it seems you pay pay pay and they decline. Or charge more than the value of a wrecked car, carpet, what have you. I never even considered it for our log burn in the carpet. They would probably raise our insurance to the point it wouldn't be worth it!

    Hope you have a better experience!

  2. Vinyl would make that room colder for sure, maybe glad to see the runners are in full swing again.

  3. Wow making chicken rissoles while lounging in bed that would be messy.

  4. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Is it possible to inset a square of vinyl flooring, as an ironing station, and just leave the rest carpeted?

    Or just do half the room?

    Or rearrange to put a piece of furniture over the burn mark?

    I have thought of doing half vinyl in an upstairs bedroom to make half of it a yoga room. However, if we ever moved, listed the house, it would have to be made cohesive.


  5. Apparently Turkey mince is nice and less “fattening” too.

  6. It is always worth doing the maths before making an insurance claim.
    Now ... you need to share the rissole recipe, please!

  7. I agree. Cookbooks are a thing of the past. Just look up whatever you want to make and DONE. There it is.
    Have fun shopping for new flooring! Oh - the possibilities!

  8. The last cookbook I bought was a digital download (via Amazon) from an Acquaintance. I wanted to support her. Well, guess what> I got a new phone (or several) and I don't even know how to find it. That is why I won't buy digital downloads any more. I'm sure I COULD find it. But really. How much digital merch is floating around out there not being used, not on a bookshelf, not able to page through, view, lend, or sell, or give away.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      I agree totally.

      I buy a few short digital downloads each year, like under 20 pages each. Sometimes just 5-8 pages. Quilt patterns and woodworking patterns mostly.

      I print all of them immediately.


  9. Anonymous1:36 PM

    "I saw a video of someone making chicken rissoles while lounging in bed this morning". Hope you find this funny!? I thought, at first, you were saying the person was making rissoles while lounging in bed!! Lovely idea in my head!! Audrey

  10. That crossed my.mind too!

  11. Had to Google it. Tasty Cheese is Cheddar! Tasty Cheese is a type of Cheddar that has been matured for a minimum of six months.


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