Tuesday, July 18, 2023


 Guess what I am doing today?


You get no prizes for guessing I will be sewing.

All day.

So I suggest you bugger off and read something else, cos I'm gunna be busy.

All day.

If you feel like leaving a comment, tell me what you are doing today.

Are you going to do something exciting?  Productive?  Fun at least? Or just boring same old same oh?

ABOVE:  Back for a moment.
I've not talked about weight loss in a while.
Because, there has been none in months.
I'm MAINTAINING what I've lost.
This is good.

My focus for the next few months will be to continue to do just that.  Maintain.
I clearly don't do well over winter!
I'm a comfort (read:  Fuck I'm cold!)... comfort eater.
So more warm, yummy food is creeping in.
BUT, I'm not gaining or losing weight, which is awesome.

My clothes all fit me exactly the same.
So all is good.
In a few months I will jump back on the wagon and work hard to drop a few more kgs.  I AM NOT GIVING UP!
But at the end of the day it's not a race, it's a way of living that is sustainable, and keeps ME happy.
No one else.

I don't give a rat's arse what other people think about me, my size, bla bla bla.
For too many DECADES, it's been about what other people think about me.
Fuck that.
I'm now at an age where I don't care anymore.
My biggest critic is long gone, and his opinion no longer hurts me.

"Shit you're FAT.  Jesus you're FAT" no longer rings in my ears.

I look in my mirror and I'm perfectly  happy with what I see.
I may not be 'slim', but I'm perfectly good the way I am right now.

PHEW.  What an awesome rant that was!  I needed to get it out.
Now... I can get to me sewing.

ABOVE:  1.40 pm.  I'm making slow progress.
I've nearly finished the 2nd runner to the point of quilting it.
I am going to make all 4 to that point before doing the quilting.
I'm taking my time, taking little 'time out's' so my back doesn't give me grief.

My neighbour down the road even got a visit from me for a yak.  His dog escaped his section, and I needed to let him know what happened.
That clever dog was back in his own backyard when the neighbour got home from being out this morning!  The wind blew open a side gate, enabling him to sneak out.

A bit funny, and lucky the dog didn't stray too far.

I emailed my WW Leader this morning, and explained where I'm at at the moment.  And said I would still be attending the WW meeting, but not weighing in for a month or two.  I need to stop being so obsessed with friggn NUMBERS.
She's all good with that.  Just as well, cos I'm still paying the fee!

The WW meeting was good.  I'm slowly getting to know a few of the ladies.  No names yet, but I  recognise and chat with them.  I'm terrible at remembering names btw.

There's also a few who are utter bloody snobs, and don't give ya time of day!  Not my sort of people, and no loss to me.  I consider them RUDE when you say 'Hi' and they look at you then turn away!
There is no reason to be that rude eh?

Anyway, I'm home now and I'm going to snuggle down and enjoy the evening with me blankie, hot pod and Stewie to yak to.


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I got all (50) my blocks done.

    Sewing half the rows today/Monday, half of them tomorrow/Tuesday.

    Shopping for my border fabric on Wednesday.

    Add the border Thursday.

    Sewing the backing Friday.

    If all goes well, I hope to have it to my long arm quilter by the end of the week.


  2. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I'm going to try to put up 3 jars of dill pickle spears (cucumbers from the garden) and to work on the last sleeve on my sweater that I'm knitting. Trying to be productive in this summer heat!

  3. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Forgot to sign in- This is Margaret from U.S.

  4. Going to work πŸ™„... meh.

  5. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I cleaned yesterday morning and Saturday morning then acted like a slug rest of each day because our temperature reached 99 degrees, so I binged Outlander season 7 episodes 1-5. Today is laundry day. Once it is finished and put up I am going out to window shop.

  6. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I put a load of laundry in and ran the dishwasher prior to going to work, where I spend much of my time thinking about how I can retire (I am 66 years old and working full time.). But it’s a beautiful sunny, cool summer day!

  7. Good on you, I agree. We can't live our life hating the way we look and none of us are going to look the way we did when we were young (and slim). You look great now so should be rightfully proud.

  8. Good postive vibes Chris wish I could get the self hate vibes out of my head for sure.

  9. You are looking so healthy compared to a year or so ago. Amazing how voices stick in our heads years after the idiots have left our lives. Go you.
    Today I am washing and need to pack for three days in Melbourne.

  10. Today, I went to the doctor for the third day in a row. I think I may be on the mend. Hopefully no doctor visits tomorrow. I actually tried to go to Emergency Departmetment tonight thinking I may need an IV. But the wait was over two hours so went to urgent care instead. They gave me a pain shot and steroid shot - so now I am guzzling a large diet coke from McDonald's while I am able! Three of us got Covid on vacation - but I take the award for being the sickest!

    1. I commend you on being the sickest! Well done you. Glad you can drink Diet coke again... it's SUSTENANCE ! lol

  11. Anonymous6:19 PM

    You look so good in that photo Chris

  12. Anonymous10:43 PM

    I agree with local alien's comment - you really do look awesome! Also the side bar photo of you and Stew is lovely :) I'm currently without a car so am working from home in my shed/office. It is pouring with rain and a little too cool in here really but, hey ho, that's the British summer for you.....

    1. Well your summer sounds like how our last one was... WET. Praying for a long, dry, hot summer here come December.

  13. At work, as per the usual. One rainy hot summer here.

  14. I think you look fabulous but I always have thought that! Those runners are so beautiful!


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