I'm off to the Doc first thing this morning.. Top of the list: swelling of feet. Then I will ask about my knees. And not sleeping. And being a miserable bitch. Think that's all! OH and if I am a candidate for Lap Banding???
After that. Grocery shopping. I. CAN. HARDLY. WAIT. ....I LOVE Shopping... but not for the groceries. Who does???
Stew went a grabbed a couple of things last night, and came home with a new Re-useable shopping bag. I seem to be collecting them! I have ... hell more than I can ever use probably, but I just love buying them! Weird .
ABOVE: The new Trelise Cooper shopping bag.... and below the other side of it. I love the stripey side best.
I better get a move on..... Doctor Bruce awaits..... ONWARD....
My visit to the Doctor went something like this:
- My swollen feet:
HE said: "Hmmmm, just something you will have to live with, might change your piddle pills"
What I HEARD: "You are FAT"
- My Knees:
He said: "You don't have arthritis"
What I HEARD: "You are FAT"
- MY noT being able to sleep:
He said: "You are stressed out"
What I HEARD: "You are FAT"
- My wanting to get a Lap Band:
He said: "You might want to try counselling first"
What I HEARD: "You are FAT... and grasping at straws you lazy, fat, ugly Tart!"
- Round-UP: He made me fill out a questionnaire... then he assessed my answers and put me on an ANTI-DEPRESSANT cos he reckons all my problems stem from being DEPRESSED. And I have to go see him EVERY Wednesday morning for the next few months. No new piddle pills, no Lap Band referral (YET)...
After that thrilling appointment, I went and got the groceries at Sylvia Park....

ABOVE: The groceries, in my pretty bags. Just have to put it all away now. FRIGGIN THRILLING.
AMANDA: gee that was ever so helpful. NOT. If I could find something to be really happy about I would FOCUS on it. And you of all people must SEE how I have been struggling with my weight for the last 2 years with no sucess! Thinking about having a Lap Band is not taking the easy way out for me, it is going against everything I ever thought I would do.
End of Day: Feeling hopeful I can get on top of my shitty self. nite nite.