Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Posted by
Chris H
8:40 PM
Monday, October 30, 2006
Countdown to operation!

Posted by
Chris H
6:48 PM
Sunday, October 29, 2006
I have finished another item on the list, yaa hoo! The kitchen looks fantastic, even Stew thinks so. I took the "roller door" off the wall cupboard, it was driving me nuts, but now it's permanently open till I make some doors for it. So it's all good.
I got a sleep in today, Stew was a darling and got up to Brylee and Griffin for me (it was his turn for a sleep in). That was really nice cos I was so tired last night after painting for so long. I'm like that, once I start something I just gotta finish it, never mind how late it gets.
An curled up in my lazyboy thinking about doing something, don't quite know what yet! Will tell you later...
Stew and I had lunch at the Ashurst Domain, just because we could! NO KIDS, left them at home with the teenagers, it was soooo lovely.
Then when we got home I decided I just couldn't leave it alone, and put the first coat of paint on our ensuite...... when I post the b4 and after photos you will see why it needed to be done! After that I needed a shower, so used the little kids bathroom ..... and it felt really weird being in a different shower..... I couldn't figure out why it felt soooo weird .... until I realised I was washing my BRA !!! ha ha ha... I hadn't taken the darn thing off, what a blonde !
So that's me done for the day, will probably get on the treadmill and exercyle a bit later on tonight, followed by a sauna. No idea how many steps I've done so far today, .... till later.....
Posted by
Chris H
10:50 AM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
What Havn't I Painted?!
Okydokey... went to Weight Watchers this morning...... it was all about "Drinking Water".... only trouble is I don't drink ANY! Interesting discussion tho. I only drink Diet Coke, around 2.5 - 3 litres a day....DREADFUL I know, but I'm addicted. I have managed to lose my weight only drinking Diet Coke, so can' t relate to the saying "you will only lose weight if you drink your water".
Am being encouraged by my W/W Leader (Sandra) to try some carbonated flavoured water, so am committed to giving it a go for 2 weeks....... while still drinking my Diet Coke, only NOT SO MUCH. If I stop drinking it I get a MAJOR HEADACHE, stands to reason eh?
Got home around 11.25 am and have been painting the kitchen cupboards ever since..... pure white.. what a shitty job. But I am sure the results will be lovely.... hey it's a great way to spring clean the kitchen, just paint everything.... ha ha ha
On the family front, Stew was "Mum" all day, took the kids out for lunch and a play in the park, Steve and Lisa are out at her family's for dinner, and Mike is glued to his computer, as per usual. I swear to God he would sleep with it if he could!
I have been very good on the food front, had a couple of yummy Chocolate/Mint Weight Watcher Bars while painting, and have just had corned beef and coleslaw for dinner.... so yum too. I drunk a whole bottle of H2Go Sparkling Water as well, so on the right track.
Pedometers don't chock up the numbers when you are painting, even tho you are on your feet for hours and hours, you ain't going anywhere but between the paint pot and the wall..... so dismal numbers for the last few days! Yesterday was only 7960 steps, today so far (6pm) it's only at 2703, but I am going to take Izzy for a walk later on, so that should add a few thousand.
Ok, I'm outta here, things to do, places to go, cupboards to paint (2nd coat), oh yeah.
Till later....EXHAUSTED UPDATE.... TOOK THE PUP FOR HER WALK.... AND DID 2ND COAT ON KITCHEN CUPBOARDS ... HAVE JUST FINISHED AND IT'S 10.45 pm. And I thought I'd get to do the ensuite too today, yeah right! I might just have a "day off" tomorrow and do nothing, I mean NO PAINTING ! My fingers are soooo dry from the paint and constant washing etc. Am now going to have a shower and go to bed. nite nite.
Pedometer: 7884 STEPS.
Posted by
Chris H
5:53 PM
Friday, October 27, 2006
Hmmmm, what shall I paint today?
Kitchen Before Painting started, finished results tomorrow......
Posted by
Chris H
5:05 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Midday update...
The good thing about the long wait was that I took me knitting (lovely Granny that I am) and almost finished the back of Joel's jumper. So not exactly wasted time.
Rachel, we have two spare bedrooms, remember the two biggest teenagers share the "rumpus room", being engaged and all! This IS a big house, 6 bedrooms, rumpus etc etc. I couldn't imagine living in a smaller house, I like lots of room. So when I get Stew home from the hospital I can "park" him in our bedroom and bugger off to the other end of the house, and if I'm lucky I won't hear him when he bleats..... lol
Well, might get some washing out before I go back to check on how his operation went... oh yeah, and to visit him!
till later..........
Stew rang me at 11.45, he got as far as the pre-op room, was talking to the anethetist... and the surgeon came out and said "OH SORRY, CAN'T DO YOU TODAY, WE HAVE RUN OUT OF TIME" FUCK!!!!!!!
So now he has to go back next Thursday... here's hoping it's third time lucky? I am spitting tacks, Stew is livid. I could thump someone really.
One good thing, I did the stairwell last night with sandtex, looks so-so, needs another coat. But I am getting it done! more later!
Posted by
Chris H
11:23 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Busy, busy, busy
Above is a picture of the spare downstairs bedroom that I finished painting a couple of months ago, I only did it cos I was putting off doing the hallways! And guess what? I finished the downstairs hallways by 1.30 this afternoon, who cool is that!!! No picture cos they just look the same in a photo! But do I feel great about them.
Now I just have to gear myself up to do the upstairs hallway and plaster the stairwell and paint it too. Just decided not to plaster the entire wall, I'm going to use sandtex paint, it will cover all the imperfections and not take so long or so much money to do. Not IDEAL, but who cares? I'ts not like I'm going for a house award... ha ha
Tomorrow Stew (hubby) goes into hospital for an operation. He is having an umbilical hernia repair, and have a gauze patch put over his midline muscles, apparently they did not meet at birth, so he is in danger of his guts spilling out from under his breast bone down to his tummy button, it's already started. Yummy stuff eh? eewwwww. Then he is home for about 3 weeks recovering, hope I don't kill him! lol
Obviously I haven't been to the gym this morning, I was so geared up to do the painting. I shall probably go this evening instead.
The kids are dropping like flies again, am taking Griffin to the Dr. at 4pm, he's coughing and spluttering all day and vomitting at night... and Mike is not feeling too crash hot either... high temp, sore throat and headache. Friggin hell, hope no one else gets sick before tomorrow, I want to go to the hospital with Stew!
I spoke too soon, now Lisa's feeling ill too..... I'm going to cook dinner for them, and bugger off to the gym.
On the food front, I have been a good little vegemite, ham and cheese sandwich for lunch, am having 1 sausage and some veges for dinner. (after I've been to the gym). Better go for now, lots to do.
Posted by
Chris H
1:27 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
So, I have been procrastinating about painting my hallways for 18 months at least... I have managed to strip the wallpaper, sand and undercoat... now I have the paint too, I just need to actually pull my finger out and paint them! These are only the downstairs hallways, there is a huge stairwell and a couple of smaller hallways upstairs too. Wish me luck, I am going to start tonight, instead of pigging out and eating junk after dinner! This could be a good way to avoid food eh? hee hee
Left photo: Front door to lounge, Middle photo: lounge to bathroom, Right photo: Master bedroom to bathroom. I think I shall start at the front door, that way the entry looks nice first!
As for the rest of the day: Took kids to school/kindy in car (raining) then back home, picked up Izzy and took her for a walk in the rain..... our puppy walk is 2.6kms long and takes about 25 minutes, depending on how often Izzy has to sniff trees etc. Then I went to the gym for another 30 mins on the treadmill, 20 mins on the exercycle, and a 30 min sauna.
Since then I have done bugger all...(unless vacuming counts?) Am having a girlfriend over for dinner, Roast lamb and veges. I will probably get to the painting after that, and knowing me I shall not stop till it's midnight!
till later...update.... it's 11.40pm, I'm covered in paint, and the hallway from front door to lounge is done! Ya bloody hoo! And I ate nothing, only drank diet coke with ice for the last 4.5 hours. So there, I just needed to keep myself occupied! Roll on tomorrow night....
Did 10147 steps today, I'm happy with that.
Posted by
Chris H
2:58 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006
No# 56 DONE

Posted by
Chris H
6:49 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Rain, rain and more rain
Posted by
Chris H
4:50 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Happy Birthday
..... went to Weight Watchers this morning, really enjoy going just to say Hi to everyone... we are getting heaps of new members lately and it's nice to say hi to new people. Then it was on to morning tea... a skinny Latte with my w/w buddy, also named Chris. Our W/W Leader (Sandra) came too, so that was cool.
Home, then back into town for our usual saturday lunch in town with Brylee and Griffin, I was not good...... Hey it's my birthday! Had a chicken open sandwich type thingee, and WEDGES..... bad bad bad.
Then I got home and found my nasty useless teenagers baking me a chocolate cake.... awwwww !!!! That is sooooooo nice, and they had bought me a couple of "scratchies" and I won $7 on one.... yaa.
Might not be going to Castlepoint afterall, the weather is turning to shit. There is always another weekend eh?
Got a phone call from my Mum, she's in Coffs Harbour, Aussy. It's raining there too, so I don't feel so hard done by. It almost always rains over Labour weekend so I'm used to it. Anyway, it's not the weather that makes a birthday nice, it's the people you spend it with..... and ok, I bitch about my teenagers often, but I LOVE THEM! Mike (almost 17) even offered to get me some hot chips for afternoon tea..... hmmmmmm what chance do I have to lose weight this weekend eh? I didn't have any chips! But I will have to try the cake, it's not every day your kids bake you a cake!
I did weigh this morning (at home)...... stayed the same...... boo hoo. Next week I shall have to work extra hard to counter what I have eaten and am going to eat, today.
Oh My God, the cake was so YUM! Not dry, and with PINK icing , so pretty! They did so well, we all had cake for dinner....... nothing else, just cake!$#@!!!!
Well, that's me for the day, am going to try to get on my treadmill and exercylce later, after the cake's gone down, ha ha.
till later.....
Posted by
Chris H
12:01 PM
Friday 20th October
So, what I posted today has shown up as Thursday's post, it's wrong and I havn't figured out how to fix it yet.... hopefully by putting this on it will correct it? We will see!
Posted by
Chris H
11:59 AM
Friday, October 20, 2006
Aww ain't they cute?
Posted by
Chris H
6:31 PM
It's Freezing again
Well it's freezing again.... blowing a gale..... don't know why the snowball tree bothers getting flowers, they get blown off within a week EVERY year!! I hate being cold.
Took kids to school/kindy in the car today, took Izzy along for the ride, she loved it. Then it was off to the gym.
It was "Grandparents" day at kindy today, and as I am Griffin's Mum and Grandma, usually I would go, but as I had a commitment with a gym buddy, Steve (teenage son) and his fiance Lisa went as his "special" guests instead... oh how nice! I suppose they do have some good points eh? They even bought him lunch at McDonalds too, tho I didn't need the ice-cream sundae they brought home for me! (I ate it anyway) DOH. They are greasy pork sausages me thinks......try to butter me up all the time they do.
Haven't done much else today, went to a meeting at school in regards to Brylee's learning. She is doing well, has had a wobbly start and has needed some extra help but she is coming along now.
Griffin starts in a month or so, I am counting down the days!
We have a long weekend coming up, and if it's fine we plan on going over to Castlepoint on the east coast, so i can walk up to the lighthouse again, only this time I shan't be falling down on the ground gasping for breath like last time!!!! I am so proud of myself and how far I have come in the last 3 years...... I used to find walking to my letterbox an effort (REALLY!), and I couldn't bend down and get something off the floor.... now I can with ease. Life is so good now. Losing the weight is like gaining a whole new life, take it from someone who knows! I have a favourite saying and it goes like this:
Nothing tastes as good and being slim feels..... and it is sooo true.
Let me clarify "slim", when you have been a size 28, going down to a size 14 is SLIM, maybe it isn't to a chick who's a size 10, but to all you bigger girls out there, 14 is SLIM eh? !! hee hee
I just been to Aqua KickBoxing again, another good workout.... so much fun in the water with a bunch of other ladies .... only thing is.... my pedometer did not enjoy it, in fact it DIED !!! BUGGER BUGGER. So all you people out there, don't take your pedometer swimming, THEY DON'T LIKE IT. lol
Now that's about all from me for today, time to watch some telly and unwind. Till later....
Posted by
Chris H
6:30 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
MY Rumpus Room
Left is a picture of MY Rumpus room, where the "piglets" live... See how they keep it, they are pigs. I hate a mess, so this is one of the reasons I am stressed !
Stood at the door of MY rumpus room and threatened to throw icy cold water on the lazy teenagers to make them get outta bed (at 10.30am).... I HAVE done it before, so they moved pretty fast! Funny really, the power of icy water! hee hee, I am evil. The teenage son and his fiance have the rumpus room as their bedroom cum lounge, cos its a huge room. We have two spare bedrooms, but they are a bit small for their bed, computers, tv, etc. I can't wait till they bugger off and give me back my room, I have plans for it.
Just had lunch, coleslaw again (cos I really do like it) with some chicken nuggets. Feel like having 1..( or 5) of the kids cereal bars....... but I WONT.
I'm sure I get stressed out and eat because of those darn teenagers, they drive me nuts. I hope you read this you lazy little shits...!
Ah, the rest of the day looms... will add on later....
Went to pick up Griffin from kindy, and he's gone home with another wee boy!!! This is a FIRST ! So cool, no endless chatter all afternoon, how cool is that? Took Izzy for a walk up to the shops, it isn't very far, and was roasting by the time we got home... where did this hot weather come from? Just two nights ago we had a hail storm and it was freezing.
till later...
Just did 20 mins treadmill, 20 mins exercyle, 40 mins in sauna. Steps today: 11071,time for bed. nite nite
Posted by
Chris H
11:39 AM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Awesome Day
Here is a picture of my puppy..... she's beautiful!
Then home where I was a good girl and had salad and mushrooms for lunch, yummy.
My nephew came around after lunch and waterblasted the eaves under the second story of our house... something that has been screaming out to be done for at least 2 years!!!! I have two strapping great teenage sons at home, but try getting them to do anything!
I cooked dinner for the family, left it in the oven and my husband and I went to Aqua Kickboxing at the Lido... which is where my gym is too..... and it was really neat! I shall definitely be going again.
So, today I have done 11242 steps and eaten NOTHING BAD! This is really working..... lately I have been raiding the pantry out of boredom, eating heaps of rubbish! But I havn't since Saturday, so I must be on track finally. My weight watcher leader will be so happy with me!
Posted by
Chris H
4:25 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Today: I did 1 hr and 20 mins cardio, took 12591 steps (that's good!) and am now off to have a sauna.....
Food was great too, friggin coleslaw and mushrooms for lunch, meatloaf and veges for dinner. I drink DIET COKE.... nothing else! Water is yuk yuk yuk! I have tried it in a million different ways, and it still sucks.
I was told in order to lose weight one had to drink AT LEAST 6 glasses of water a day.... I lost 61 kilos and didn't drink a drop.... hmmmmmm ! Go figure that one.
till later he he he
Posted by
Chris H
6:05 PM
Posted by
Chris H
9:25 AM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Wow, I didn't think my list of things to do would take up so much room, oh well, too bad it's done now. I have been compiling it for over 2 weeks, it's not that easy to think of realistic things to do!
Today has been spent working on this blog mostly, I am not that computer literate, but have managed to get most things on that I wanted. Hope it looks ok?
It's been a shitty day outside, cold and windy, so the kids have been stuck inside, driving me nuts. Brought our puppy inside several times, so add her to the mix and you have chaos. Izzy is a golden retriever, 13 weeks old and adorable. We start dog obedience at the end of the month, hope it goes well.
On the "diet" front, I have been very good..... not counting points......but have been good. Lots of coleslaw and skinny mayo. No exercise today tho, sat on me arse all day! Never mind, tomorrow is gym day again. I go to the gym 4 days a week, doing mostly cardio to try and burn off the fat. I was doing lots of weights and going 7 days a week, but have stopped that now as I was building muscle.... not a look I wanted. oh yeah, and muscle weighs more than fat eh?
This week I am also going to start going to an Aqua Kickboxing class... sounds like fun! May even get my hubby to come along too... he's on a "get healthy kick" as well, he has lost around 12 kilos over the past few months....... I must have FOUND THEM!!! Yep, it's his fault (gotta blame someone). lol till next time....
Posted by
Chris H
7:41 PM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Ok, second post for the day! Thought I'd try and put a photo up, and I did It! Not bad for an old girl eh? And I did it without help from know-it-all teenage son. Ya for me. This is a photo of me BEFORE I gained the 15 kilos. So I will soon post a photo of me NOW.... thats it for today.
Posted by
Chris H
9:54 PM
So, how to start??? Simple, here goes... I was a while ago at "goal" and felt fantastic (I lost 61 kilos), then I got complacent and have gained back 15 darn kilos.....so I have decided to keep an online journal to try and get back on track and back to goal.
I read lots of other girls blogs and have been inspired by them, but not enough to do anything about my gaining. So, maybe if I am "out there" myself I can turn myself around? Who knows, it may work!
There are lots of reasons why I have gained 15 kilos, the biggest one being I thought by going to the gym most days I could eat whatever I liked........doh......... does NOT work. And at Weight Watchers once you reach goal you become a Lifetime Member and don't have to weigh every week, in fact you don't have to weigh at all.... just pay for one meeting a month and wah lah, you can still go.... lovely social outing, no weight gain shows if you don't get on the scales. NOT something I reccommend.
So, there you have it, my downfall in a few short months. And now for the hard work to really start, I must lose my 15 lovely kilos all over again... hope it isn't as hard as losing the 61 kilos I lost first time around!
Posted by
Chris H
5:43 PM