Sunday, July 09, 2023



ABOVE:  The birthday cake is ready. 

ABOVE:  Miss Muppet was an adorable baby.  My Mum bought that gorgeous baby dress and bonnet for Keera.

ABOVE:  Coco always kept a very close eye on her.  Coco is a very maternal dog.

I am sure I'll get more lovely photos for our memories today.

We are expecting lots of family here for lunch today. 

I am still buzzing knowing that in just a few short months we will have ANOTHER special baby in our family.  

Nothing can take the joy of that away.

ABOVE:  Yaaa!  Our kid is here.

MUM and DAUGHTER together again.  Ya can't ever break THAT bond.

ABOVE:  Why this photo?  Cos that's REAL LIFE in this crazy family. 

ABOVE:  lots of lovely happy family photos.  
And Steve being a creepy, hide behind the pillar bloke.

ABOVE:  my favourite photo of the day.  Keera and Emily, aged about 3/4, then 11/12.  Gorgeous girls.  Love them to bits.

We have been advised that Keera is not allowed to take any of her presents back to where she lives.  Seems those who look after her don't want any of it in their house.   Keera was so looking forward to taking her presents back with her.  'They' certainly don't seem to be putting Keera's interests first.
That's a shame for Keera, she will only get to play with them when she's here or with her MUM.

PROMISES WERE MADE 3 years ago.  And promptly BROKEN by them.  A child was STOLEN at the end of the day.  How often we all see Keera now is 100% down to lies told, nasty games played,  power hungry fucking manipulative people, and fucking LIES UPON LIES being believed by lawyers.   

There is always two sides to a story, anyone believing 'their side' has been given a total pack of lies.  But don't take my word for it.
I don't give a shit what you think.
Just look at how that person's EX-family have ALL walked away from it.  That should tell you all you need to know.

Well... I am calling it 'End of Day' now.  We've had a lovely day with our family here, lots of yummy food, laughs and cuddles galore.
Tomorrow is another day, with a nice walk to look forward to as well.


  1. Hsve an awesome day celebrating Keera’s birthday 🥳

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Have a wonderful day celebrating with Keera 🥳😍 we've had sooooo much rain again this weekend 😡 but shit happens GM 💙💙

  3. Happy Birthday Keera! I hope you have a great day with your family!!

  4. Wow 11 miss Keera. Doesn't seem that long since she was baby

  5. Happy Birthday Keera. That photo makes me realize how old Coco is.

  6. Happy birthday Keera. I hope you have the best day ever.

  7. Happy birthday to Keera look at those
    Mother daughter pics like peas in a pod…..
    Lovely photos.

  8. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Looks like Keera is having a top birthday. You guys are a good looking bunch. Omg Steve after you zeroed in the photo hilarious but also he had a great little framed spot to himself. Love the comparison shots between the cousins, you captured a great moment with such happiness and glee. And can we just do a round of applause to the platters/serving dishes - I am needing some of those and I like the idea of plating up the main cake on it with the handles easy to transport and great size. But I feel I also need the smaller individual ones because they stack well and look amazing. Brilliant idea. I know you have had them for a while but they are earning their keep. And bloody hell a new little grandchild just around the corner its so exciting. No more runners I am sorry to say - you have to start a cot quilt, an individual place mats, booties, capsule blanket etc etc. Pivot is what I am saying. Maria (Australia)

  9. WOW! The ONLY person that hurts is Keera. I can't imagine telling a kid that lives with me, that she can not have her own gifts in the house. That is being unnecessarily cruel to a child!

  10. I don't usually comment on you family situation but for Keera's sake why on earth would you (yes you Kelly and Gordon) NOT ALLOW Keera to enjoy her new presents at your home? Totally crazy, deranged behaviour that is only hurting Keera.

    1. I 100% agree. Though I can't say 'WHO' due to the likelihood of being dragged through court for slander. You can though. THANKS.

    2. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Yep that's so bloody petty not allowing a little girl to enjoy her presents. Really shows what type of people they are

  11. I am so pleased that Keera got to celebrate her birthday with you all. Your lunch spread looks delicious. Happy Birthday Keera. As for the present situation, I really feel so sad for Keera ... that seems so cruel (emotionally abusive?) not being allowed to enjoy HER presents at her "home".

  12. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Hope you had a awsome day keera you are a gorgeous girl. Sorry you couldn't take your presants home with you. They will be that much more special when you see mum. Xx bex

  13. Well that really is a very nasty, spiteful thing to do. To deny a child happiness, solely because of your own desire to hurt others is just down right cruel.

    I have always felt guilty over this whole situation, that Bex and I weren't able to keep Keera and give her the home she deserves. We thought we were doing what was best for Keera when we left her in your care, but as history has shown even your own flesh and blood can betray you. And that is exactly what you have done, betrayed the trust placed in you. You were trusted to help raise Keera, teach her right from wrong, but most importantly give her access to her mother seeing as how you two were such good friends and lived so much closer.

    Yet all you have done is lie. You lie so much I doubt you even know what the truth is anymore, and unfortuntely that has rubbed off on those in your household. You have cheated all of us out of a proper relationship with Keera, and you have stolen so much precious time and memories that we will never be able to get back. One day she will learn the truth and you will have to face up to all that you have said and done.

    To say I wish the worst on you would be an understatement. I have never wished ill on anyone as much as I do the two of you. But you will get yours, the universe will make sure of that. I only hope it is slow and drawn out, for a quick punishment is too good for the likes of you.

    I am glad you call yourself a Mitchell, because having you as a Harvey brings insult to the name.


  14. Rhonda7:54 PM

    Keera looks so happy. So glad she had a fabulous day. Very very sad for her that she is being prevented from loving family interaction. At the end of the day when Keera is at an age to decide her future no-one can stop her following her dreams and own wishes. Until then I hope she is not emotionally damaged by her forced upbringing. For goodness sake what is wrong with people 🤷‍♀️. Well done Steve, your comment is beautifully written and I can tell it comes from your heart.

  15. Anonymous9:06 PM

    What that person is doing is pure evil, can it even be legal? Steve you have a great heart, such compassion and empathy for Keera.

  16. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Not nice, I agree.

    But on the other hand, now you know. And “presents” in the future can be excursions/activities. There are a lot of fun things to do. She will remember that better than gifts.

    The party looks really lovely.

    At what age do children get to decide for themselves in NZ? 16? 18? But that being said, she will have lived with different viewpoints for a long time and may make similar choices. Or she may rebel, it is hard to know.

    (I dropped my dad like a hot potato as soon as I was old enough. We were in the same building for one wedding and two funerals in 40 years. It was the smartest thing I ever did, I wish I had been able to do it earlier.)

    It really makes one have respect for the families who cannot live together (like divorce) but do a great job sharing nicely and fairly and respectfully.

    I am sorry you have to deal with so many things. It must really be upsetting, especially for you. It must be really tough to have to deal with it constantly, knowing there is no resolution.


  17. Such a happy day for all, Keera you are loved by all I do hope one day you understand the full situation.

  18. Ohhh and Steve you of all people owe no explanation at all, out of love you offered a place in your home and hearts out of love Keera future was discussed decided and agreed upon. Out of hate a plan has hatched and been dragged on for too long the nasty manipulative game playing doesn’t begin to cover the immature irrational attitude behaviour and traits, being displayed borderline narcissistic IMHO, not to
    Mention the lies and bullying tactics, Chris Stew you both deserve a medal.

  19. So glad Keera had a happy family birthday. All the best to her . Wonderful photos

  20. Hugs. Keera knows who her real loving family is and it ain't them. I hope karma gets them big time.


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