Sunday, July 02, 2023



ABOVE:  How cute are the girls in their new bed?  I think they like it.

ABOVE:  That is Marley, saying "Throw it for me".  I don't.  Cos she would play fetch ... all.  day.  long.

Today I am going to move some pots/plants around outside.

There's one group of plants that don't get any rain/water unless I use the hose on them.  I keep forgetting, and some of them are/have died.

Yeah, I get no gardening prizes I'm afraid.

So we shall move them into the garden, or at least to an area that gets rained on.  And I will put some none vegetative things in their place.

ABOVE:  Started this one last night.  Same, same... but different.   I should have it finished by lunchtime, so can show you then.

Well we had a very  late start today.  I lay in bed as long as I could (9.45 !), then got up and did the few jobs I wanted to get done before lunchtime.

ABOVE: All the plants in pots have found new places to be, and now everything on top of this heat pump is just 'treasure'.  Not needing to be watered.

Excellent job done.

After that Stew and I finally got to hang out the gazebo sides, and the gazebo itself, to dry after our last market.

The weather has been too iffy or just too downright wet to do it sooner.

I am now going to finish off that new runner.

Later on today I have to hem two new pairs of work trousers for Stew.  Fuck I hate hemming!  But I will do it... cos I really should. 😕😓😒

Slight change of plans.  We are going to Taco Bell for lunch.  Cos I am craving their chips.  Shoot me.  I won't be weighing in this coming Tuesday!  Taking a few days 'off' the diet.  It's doing me head in.

5 minutes after typing the above... I saw a huge cloud heading our way!  So we rushed to get the gazebo and sides back inside.  And now it's bloody well raining again.  I dream of summer... and dry days for weeks on end.  

2.45 pm:  Lunch was lovely.  The weather has totally packed it in, rain and wind and bloody freezing.  Snowing down south, and there's talk of the Desert Road being closed due to snow as well.

So.  I got the newest runner finished.

And because it's quite 'different' from the previous ones, I decided to video Stew's reaction.

He hammed it up, of course... but anyway:

ABOVE:  And yeah... what do you think of it?

Lacy came over cos she was bored.... so now she's in me face, drinking my diet coke!  Oh well, I don't mind sharing sometimes.

7.54 pm:   Well what a lovely day.  After Lacy left, I set to and made a really lovely Surimi salad for our dinner.  It came out really well.

Then I hemmed some new work pants for Stew, something I loathe doing, but it needed being done.
I feel good for having done it now of course.

Time to sign off for the day.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Oh! There you are. Good morning! Doggies look cozy. Can't wait to see more than a peep of the new runner. I am not to be trusted with plants... Bad plant Mom.

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Those colours are looking just gorgeous on the runner

  3. Just replying back to your message to me: I never had much desire to travel around UK until I researched my family tree and started looking into more history. We'll be looking at lots of old stuff and finding a few 'dead people' (as Stu calls my ancestors). I'm just stoked that I could fit Coronation Street into the mix!! When I first looked there were no tours but they have just opened up one where you walk the street and also visit replica sets like Roys Rolls, The Rovers etc. Like you, I have watched the show since the beginning so I'm very excited!

  4. kiwionholidays5:16 PM

    Before I forget fabulous Lynda you are getting to go to the UK It will be amazing
    That new runners lovely but I am pretty biased toward pinks purple blues and greens and anything Kiwiana
    Great to catchup


  5. OMG Stew hamming it up 😲 😱 😲
    Still chuckling 😃 🤣

  6. Ohhhh that’s so nice that pink pretty as

  7. Anonymous5:46 PM


  8. Kiwionholidays5:50 PM

    Sent one from my computer which I don’t think worked
    Lovely Lynda that you’re doing the UK ,It will be fabulous
    Loving the new runner anything pink purple blue green or Kiwiana gets a thumbs up 👍 from here

    Take care lovely of Lacy to do the luring the other day ,
    Well done Lacy wish you were closer 🥝💯🎸

    Cheers 🥂

    1. LOL... they all came through Chick!

  9. Just love these little videos where I hear your delightful kiwi voices 😍❤️

  10. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I had to look up “Surimi salad”.

    I don’t think I have ever heard that word previously.

    Does it come in a can, like I would think of tuna? (tuna salad, normally made with chopped hard boiled eggs/celery/mayonnaise here in USA, but I make mine with mustard not Mayo)


    1. It comes in a block about 2 inches thick, either fresh or frozen. I had the surimi, boiled eggs, onion, capsicum, tomato, lettuce and seafood dressing all mixed up in the bowl. I was tempted to add cucumber too, but that would have been the dominant flavour so I omitted it. Surimi is rather nice just on it's own too btw.

    2. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Very interesting. Thanks

      I had to look up “capsicum” but recognized it immediately.

      Red bell pepper is one of my husband’s favorite things.


  11. Love the runner, a softer look, very nice. It is raining cats and dogs here too, not cold very humid.

  12. Love the runner but you know I'm partial to pink lol


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