Monday, July 17, 2023


 ABOVE:  I spent a good couple of hours last night cutting out 4 Braid Runners.

They are all going to be using the gorgeous Blue Kaffe Fasset fabric as the 'main' fabric.  

I fully intend making one for myself after I've got that lot done.

ABOVE:  I posted this photo on Facebook and Instagram last night.  I captioned it :  SHOW ME YOU HAVE GRANDCHILDREN, without saying a word.
Sadly, I can't do that here as ya can't show me with a photo, so pop on over to my Facebook if ya want to, and if you are a 'FRIEND' there of course.  ( )

I dunno if that will work!  I'm not THAT computer savvy.  Just enough to do most things I need to do. 

So, in case you haven't guessed it yet, I will be sewing today.

Maybe not all day, as Stew took today off so he's home too.
I don't think we will be going to a walk today.  
But if we can think of something to do, we might go out and about.
Dunno yet.

Moving on.... catch ya later.

2.30 pm:  we've had a busy morning.
First up we went to the post office and posted off a runner to KJ down in Wellington.
After that we went out to Tamahere to have a better look at our new stall site.

ABOVE:  We wanted to suss out where to park (without getting in other's way) for unloading and re-loading our gazebo etc.
We thought we might be able to park behind our gazebo, but there won't be enough room.  Never mind, we are not used to doing that at this market anyway.

The best features of this new site are:

- excellent visibility
- people have to pass us twice to enter and leave the market
- no one else is behind us
- no one else is on our left hand side
- there is a small 'extra' space to our left for another small table or stand =  BONUS SPACE

After being out at Tamahere, we came back into Hamilton and looked at ... baths.

I'm getting myself a bit confused now.  I would prefer a 'drop in bath' but they are not deep enough.  
With a drop in bath we could have customised the structure the bath sat in.  Like it could have wider sides for a drink/candle, grab rails etc.  But as I said, they are not deep enough for what I want.

So it's back to trying to find the 'right' free standing bath.  We can always get Steve to put a shelf just above the bath for drink/candle etc I suppose.

When we got home I made us a wrap for our lunch.  And now... relaxing until I feel like sewing.

ABOVE:  Lacy called in this morning. She's as sick as a dog.  She went to the Dr this morning and has been diagnosed with a chest infection/congestion.  So is on a raft of medications/anti biotics etc.  NO she does not have Covid.  We tested her.  
She went back home to get back into bed.  Best place for her right now.

ABOVE:  The girls in their winter jackets.  Poor Marley has been shivering heaps.

Well... it's now 5.17 pm and I've not done any sewing at all today.  I doubt I will now. 
Stew and I have been utterly lazy this afternoon, just relaxing in the lounge watching TV!
Must be tired and needed a good rest.

As it's been a very quiet day, I'm off.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. OMG. This Covid shit has knocked me on my ass. I have not had so much as a sniffle since 2019. Now, I have been to the doc 2 days in a row, and might need to go to the hospital next. I am VERY healthy so this is odd. My Mother in law was on vacation with us and she got it too. She is 82 with health issues. Thankfully her case is much milder than mine. I could swallow, talk, eat, drink, or take meds today. Doc gave me a shot of tramadol. So now I am trying to eat and drink and take meds while I am lucid enough.

    What did you drink when you had COVID? Diet coke isn't working for me at the moment.

    1. Gosh you must have it really BAD!!! Please look after yourself.. go to hospital if you need to. I could still drink diet Coke thankfully.

    2. Now my husband has it. So three out of 5 of us vacationers have it so far. I am by far the worst. Which is good because everyone else has health issues and I don't. I am trying to work up the courage to take my evening Paxlovid dose. They are huge horse pills and I can't swallow anything (including diet coke)
      I have gone to the doc yesterday and today and probably will again tomorrow. The Torodol shot gave me about 4 hours of relief today so I was able to take the 1st dose easily. Doc said I could get another shot tomorrow. I am so miserable.

    3. Do everything you can to get those Paxlovid pills down your throat! I had them for the 2nd time I got Covid and it literally stopped the symptoms in their tracks, and I only tested positive for a few days. AND I was nowhere near as sick too.

  2. Anonymous4:19 PM

    A woman I work with has got Influenza A and Croup she's very unwell last year she had pneumonia!! Crikey be careful Lacy GM 💙💙

    1. Hi GM, iv been dealing with this cough cold congestion for almost the last week and a half, I thought I could shake it, sweat it out ect but yeah in the last few days it really got me, so took myself of to the doctors, and got some meds, but yeah after my first dose of meds ect I'm already feeling a lot better, so glad I'm coming right again xx thank you xx
      #Lacy 💙💜

  3. Anonymous10:43 PM

    You might have said and I missed it, which braid runners sold at the last market?

  4. That looks like a great spot!


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