Friday, July 28, 2023


I'm hopeful that the fabric I ordered from Christchurch arrives today so I can finish these two runners:

ABOVE:  I'm probably being a bit optimistic that it will arrive today.  But I am going to stay home just in case it does arrive.

ABOVE:  In the meantime, I will carry on making this Kiwiana Braid Runner.  I've actually got two of them 'on the go'.

ABOVE:  Archer and his dinner last night.  Sure looked yummmy.

Today Dante is coming to spend the morning with me, he's full of a cold, snotty and so on.

Post Covid, no kid is welcome at school with a cold.  Such a pain.

Wish we could have stayed home from school cos we had a cold, back in the day.

I don't  think I ever had a day off school due to a freakin' cold!

I just hope he isn't feeling too grotty.  

Right, that's me for now, I'll be back later.

8.25 am:  I'm lying in bed at 8 am... not even thinking of getting up yet... too cold!
Bex arrives with the boys to drop Dante off.
And Archer walks into my bedroom with this:

ABOVE:  It's the Kaffe Fassett fabric from Christchurch!
Left on the front doorstep.  WOW.
That is fantastic postal service.  
I've had parcels take over a week to arrive from Auckland, which is 1 hour up the road, yet this one came from Christchurch, which is in the South Island, some 952 kms away!  (a 14 hour drive)  I'm impressed.

OMG it's utterly FREEZING in my sewing room.  My hands have literally frozen, I can hardly type.  Shit that heat pump better work fast.

I am going to continue with the Kiwiana Braid Runners for the next few days, as I already have a good supply of the other ranges of Braid Runners.

Once Bex has picked Dante up, I will be heading out for a lake walk with Lacy... if she's up for it.
If not, I might just go on my own, much as I dislike walking on my own.  I will wait and see what option it is, once she replies to my message.  She's probably still in bed right now.

I have had a mishap in the sewing room.  I tripped over the iron's cord and it flew onto the floor.
Of course, it landed hot side down didn't it?

ABOVE:  The carpet is some sort of synthetic material, OF COURSE.  So the bloody iron MELTED into the carpet INSTANTLY.
And there goes my perfectly good, not very old iron.  Consigned to the bin.
That shit is NOT coming off anytime soon.
I'm not exactly thrilled about this.  😡😠😞

Once Dante goes home my first stop will be Briscoes for a new iron.

I am hoping they are on sale.  edit:  I'm gunna just wait until they are on sale.  We have a second, smaller iron I can use in the meantime.

Then I will pick Lacy up and go for a walk.  That should at least smooth my feathers a bit, cos I'm feeling rather flustered.

ABOVE:  Before anyone suggests I 'peel' the synthetic stuff off, or scrap it off, or soak it off or any other way to get it off.... just look at that!
There is NO COMING BACK from that!
It has even gone into the holes.

3.30 pm:  Home from my lake walk with Lacy.
Bitterly cold again today.

ABOVE: And that silly tart STILL wore shorts.  I could see goosebumps on her legs, but she insisted her legs didn't feel cold.  Only TINGLY... like numb Lacy, they got no feeling Lacy.  FREEZING numb legs Lacy!  Derrr.

ABOVE:  I on the other hand, chose to wear a sweatshirt... and I only felt warm right towards the end of our walk.
We do that walk in around 41-44 minutes, depending on how many times we stop to take photos.  And I always try to do a brisk pace.
It's such a neat walk.

ABOVE: I snapped this nice scene from the car, while held up at the lights.  There was masses of traffic on my way home... people getting their kids from school and leaving work early.  
I'm looking forward to the weekend, with Stew home.

*Gosh*, I just thought of something in relation to my iron mishap today.  Must talk to Stew about it.

PAULA:  Yep!  It didn't even register to me that the carpet was damaged as well! So yeah, probably will make a claim and get new flooring for in there.  

So I went back into the sewing room to take a good look at the carpet.
It was all hard and crispy, so I rubbed it and it kinda disintegrated!
Clearly munted. 
And my sewing room stinks of melted carpet.

10.30 pm:  Well... after talking to Stew, we will be making an insurance claim for the flooring in the sewing room.  On Monday.  No immediate rush.
I'm now settled watching the telly till bedtime, which will be after I finish watching 'Love It Or List It'.   Just love shows like that.

Catch Ya Tomorrow


  1. Wow. those runners look great just the way they are. - I do love the polka dot fabric though. You really could finish one up just like that!

    I still have not recovered from COVID. It's been 16 days now. Getting rather tired of this . Hubby and Mother in Law still are coughing and tired as well. We all got it on a family vacation ! Quite the souvenir!

  2. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Unfortunately, we still have folks popping up with positive COVID tests around here; my boss' friend (a manager at a non profit) tested positive for covid last week and I know someone else that has family member that just tested positive. And I suspect there will be more when school starts.

  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    My best friend had it here/locally in Indiana the end of June. She caught it from seeing a friend who had just been traveling (planes, airports, hotels, sightseeing).

    At the same time my DIL’s father had it visiting them on the west cost. He had just flown out to see them, he had symptoms immediately, we assume airport or plane. They were both pretty sick. They both have had it before. They both had to get special meds from doctors.

    We traveled extensively for two weeks in late April/early May (to see our son and DIL on west coast and to see my husband’s brother in west) we were in 8 airports and 5 planes total getting there and back and did not get sick.

    We are fully vaccinated, I think friend and DIL’s dad are too.


  4. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I am not sure if you have walking kind of dogs, but that is what works for me. I am not alone. I take them twice a day.

  5. Yeah u not gonna want any of that crap on iron on your beautiful fabics

  6. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Ohhh bugger 😕 Mum used to put salt on paper and run the iron over it to get stuff off it but trust your own judgment. Briscoes are bound to have a sale on hope you find a good deal GM 💙💙

  7. The iron is trash. Move on.
    After we got our brand new carpet installed, hubby was making a fire in the woodstove. Log fell out and burned a hole in the new carpet.

  8. Oh no Chris. The iron and carpet such bad timing. Just the sort of thing I would do.

  9. Anonymous2:48 PM

    That is a bummer!!! I hope you were able to get a new iron today. Ky Girl

  10. What about an ironing press? Such a bugger about the iron

    1. An iron press wouldn't work with all the little, fiddly bits I have to iron. Nice idea though.

  11. Woman lol if my legs looked cold, they might of been but they to me just don't feel cold, I don't no how else to explain it lol, enough about my legs lol bring on summer so I stop getting strange looks lol 😅
    #Lacy 💜💙

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      My SIL always wore shorts, winter and summer, and he was out working in all weathers - said he never felt the cold. He must be getting older now because he wears trousers most of the time. Everyone laughed at me when they were getting married as I asked if he ever wore trousers and they pretended not to understand what I meant - BTW he did wear trousers to the wedding!! Audrey

  12. Oops about the iron incident ... time to ring your insurance company ... new carpet?

  13. Anonymous11:45 PM

    I would be tempted to lay wood over the carpeting in my ironing area, to cover the burn/trap the smell, JUST so I did not have to empty the room and closets for the carpet removal/install. What a job that will be.

  14. I didn't know you could file a claim for such things. Interesting. Maybe we should get our log burn hole looked at!


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