Thursday, July 20, 2023


 I worked on my large Braid Runner yesterday.  It took me all day to get it to the point where I could lay it on the table to check it out for fit etc.

While it was still on the table, Lacy called in to visit.

And she immediately spotted something I'd not  noticed.

ABOVE:  BIG boo boo number 1.  I'd put 8 strips of fabric on one end, and only 6 on the other!

So there was a lot of swearing, as I had to unpick quite a bit, add the 2 other strips on, make the Inner and Outer Borders longer, then stitch them on again.  I'm happy to say that is now done.

The next thing to sort out was the green centre fabric.   The just JARRED on me.  Like, what the hell was I thinking???

Lacy was all for... "KEEP IT, IT MAKES IT POP!"

I also asked YOU guys what you thought about the green?  Keep it, or change it?

ABOVE:  While I was fixing up the first boo boo, there's Lacy, fielding my comments!  She wanted to DELETE all those that said "Get rid of the green"!  lol

I made her publish them.

ABOVE:  While it was still on my table, I lay some blue/lilac/pink fabric OVER the green fabric.

And yep.

That fixes it, thank goodness!

SORRY LACY, the green is going.

Because I simply can't unpick right back to the start, I will be appliqueing the replacement fabric over the top of the green.

Luckily this is my own runner, so a botched bit here and there is OK.  It is still going to look FANTASTIC.

Yesterday my heart sank when I realised I'd made such a fundamental boo boo by putting that green fabric in there!  

Now, once I've covered the green,  it's going to make my heart sing again.

So, that will be my afternoon's work... fix it, then quilt it.

I doubt I will get around to the other three I made the other day until tomorrow, or even the weekend.

No rush on them, they are for markets, and our next market isn't until August the 19th.

I'm off to start my day, catch ya later.

Lacy and I are walking around the lake this morning, so that will be a great start to the day.

ABOVE: Could my life get any better?
I don't think so.
I think walking around Hamilton Lake is just magical.  
At 3.7 kms, it's an ideal distance for me, and it's so pretty!
No wind today, sun out, BEAUTIFUL.

ABOVE:  Wow!  That's a very bright reflection off someone's windows.
Looks rather amazing though.
Ya never know what you are going to see.
And so many LOVELY, LOVELY people walking around the lake every day.  Never have to feel alone here.

ABOVE:  I just couldn't get over how gorgeous the lake looked today.  Always something to see and admire.

ABOVE:  I'm so happy, not a care in the world.

ABOVE:  I'm so thankful for such a lovely daugher, who is only too happy to go walking with me.
Next year, I am looking forward to walking with Lacy, and maybe Bex and our new Grandbaby!
Won't that be awesome!

ABOVE:  It's so neat to see all the ducks, geese and other water fowl pairing up in readiness for the breeding season.
Before we know it the lake will be swarming with baby birds.

After our walk, I did a quick grocery shop and am now happily at home, having some lunch before heading into the sewing room.

Pleasantly tired, but cold.  So I will curl up with me hot pod and once I'm warm again I will venture into my sewing room.  So quiet, I might even have a nap. 😊

7.02 pm:  And my very own Braid Runner is finished.
It was a mission I tell ya.
What with the boo boos, and it being extra long... it was a big job.
I'm so very happy with how it looks on our table.
I will show you tomorrow.

Now.  I am waiting for a text from Stew, he's at the pub.  I will be picking him up.
Then who knows?
I am tempted to drag him to an eatery for dinner.

We will see.

For now though, it's :



  1. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Great walking partner!

    1. I no right 💯✌️☺️ hope you have a lovely day Vickie x
      #Lacy 💙💜

  2. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Yay the greens gone lol it looks beautiful now😍

  3. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I'm with Lacy should keep the green but not my call. You've got your next market on me birthday well let's hope you don't forget 🤭🤭 GM 💙💙

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    It looks much better!! How did you fix the booboo of 8 strips on one side and 6 on the other? Did you pick the 6 out and start all over? Also, I've been meaning to ask...what do the backs look like? Ky Girl

  5. Anonymous11:23 AM

    The updated runner looks great!!! Peta

  6. Anonymous5:18 PM

    What a contented post! Thank you. Wendyx

  7. Im glad u took out the green

  8. How far is that lake? Maybe take MORE walks around it. It brings you bliss!


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