Well... today, finally, we might just get the attic ladder installed.
That's if our builder can drag his sorry butt outta bed! He and Bex stayed out fairly late last night... though I don't blame them.
It was the first time they had gone out on a 'date' night in forever.
Stew and I know how that feels. We still don't go out, just the two of us, hardly ever.
But, we are perfectly happy to stay at home.
While Steve is doing the attic ladder, I hope Stew will get the post in the ground for our pig weather vane to go on.
Once that is done, he can move the new big pot into it's place in the garden. And assemble the other thing we bought yesterday.
Once it's done, I will be able to show you what 'IT' is. *smiles*
JACQUI: I know you just LOVE to see what I have bought lately... so, hang in there. You will see soon. lol
I am going down to Mitre 10 to get some wood to make a couple of gates for inside the house, to keep the dogs out of the lounge and bedrooms. So, I will be busy too.
Bex can just look after the kids and behave! lol
I'm going to make scones with jam and cream for lunch... YUM!
So, that's the plan for today.

ABOVE: Granddad getting Archer off to bed last night.
ABOVE: The fairy lights taken with no flash on the camera. It shows them up better. I really love how it looks.
ABOVE: Steve bought this onesie for Bex, but he wears it!
ABOVE: I think it suits him.
First up, Bex's brother Chris came over to visit, he and his fiance Anna.
Lots of yakking and laughing.
ABOVE: so thankful for such a large driveway!
ABOVE: The other thing we purchased yesterday. A cute little wrought iron seat. I will have to make a squab for it.
ABOVE: like it Jacqui?
ABOVE: Finally getting the big pot out of the car...
ABOVE: Stew had put a big paver down in the garden to sit it on...
ABOVE: in place.... it looks amazing! Now that corner garden does not look empty.
ABOVE: Chris helping Steve with cutting the hole for the attic ladder.
We have all stopped for lunch... which is hot scones, jam and cream.
And after lunch, more jobs were done, finished, and we are so thankful, yet again, to Steve and Bex for all their help.
I cooked beef pie for dinner, which everyone loved. Steve, Bex and the boys have now left for home.
We have settled down for a quiet evening. It's been a busy weekend!