It has only taken me 66 years to realise I prefer WINTER to summer!In summer you just have to sweat it out, there is literally no getting away from the heat, 24 hours a day. Unless you are in the pool. And well hell, ya can't SLEEP in the bloody pool can ya?
Even having my fan on me all night long does not help at the moment.
Gimme winter, where I can rug up, snuggle under the blankets and be warm, but not STINKING HOT.
AND I can go walking, cos it's COOL. I can't walk at all in summer, which sucks.
And with that little revelation behind me, how about we venture into today's agenda.
First up, the options for the Dragonfly Panel's border are:
ABOVE: One of these two different greens?
ABOVE: A vibrant RED, or a spotty blue?
ABOVE: What about a multi-coloured mid blue/green?
ABOVE: The nest option, a blue/green/purple Paua?
ABOVE: The last option, no border at all, just a black edge, or even a solid purple, or green???
I have pretty much already ruled out the spotty blue. And I was quite sure it was going to be the top left green, but now I'm not so sure.
And there I was thinking I didn't have many fabric colours to choose from!
Now, while you ponder my choices, Stew and I are going to get ready to head off to enjoy a bonus day off work. Well, he gets a day off work. I'm just a kept woman at the end of the day. 😂😅😏
10.20 am, and we are on the road.
ABOVE: The Karangahake Gorge.... where are we going?
We are at Waihi Beach. Having a really lovely time. There will be a photo dump once we get home.
Before then... we have more places to go.
ABOVE: We went to ... Waihi Beach. First stop after the gorge was a walk along the main street, looking in a few shops. I'm happy to say that when that seagull dropped a shit, it missed me by millimetres! Wasn't my lucky day.😂😅😆
ABOVE: I fell in love with this coffee table!!! But Stew said 'NO'. Fair enough, we have enough coffee tables. *sniff*
ABOVE: Bowentown.... it almost rained, but held off. Then it cleared up altogether.
ABOVE: Overlooking Matakana Island. Quite a rough patch of water there between the 'mainland' and Matakana.
ABOVE: Kiwi kids, climbing a pohutakawa tree.
ABOVE: I can't decide if this photo was an accident, or I took it like that on purpose! lol
ABOVE: I think I'm finally used to him wearing THAT hat now.It's grown on me.
ABOVE: Looking north on Waihi Beach.
ABOVE: A tyre swing at the far northern end of the beach.
ABOVE: I like how the fallen branches look on the beach.
ABOVE: I was eyeing up these rocks at the end of the beach... and Stew said "NO, we are moving remember? You don't need any more rocks!"Well, those ones WERE far too big anyway darling.
ABOVE: I got a little, itty, bitty one instead. He couldn't complain, he didn't have to carry it. 😄😂
ABOVE: Looking south towards Tauranga. Waihi Beach is beautiful, and best of all, no where near as crowded at The Mount or even Raglan.
ABOVE: Another one, just because I could.
ABOVE: Clean up after leaving the beach. I detest sand on my feet in the car.
ABOVE: The kebab cart... where we got a very yummy lunch.
ABOVE: Our kebabs were so fulling, I doubt we will need any dinner.
ABOVE: We stopped at Karangahake Gorge on our way home, thinking of taking a walk along it's river bank. It was CRAZY BUSY, with no car parks anywhere. You had to drive around and around until someone left, and hope like hell you got the car park. We did eventually get a park.
ABOVE: The river is very low, but still quite pretty. We decided it was simply too hot to go for a walk, and left. Next time we will do a walk there, on our way to the beach, instead of on our way home.
Now that we are home, it's time to just relax. I Think Stew is going to have a swim. I'm too lazy to even do that! edit: I did end up in the pool... it was so good to cool down.
THE PANEL: No clear favourite on the border options. So I shall ponder it some more before making a decision. Thanks for your input.
7 pm: Well Stew is at the pub, and I chose to stay home. I'm just to hot and frazzled.
I bought a fabric that 'matched' the panel yesterday, but didn't think it would look good as a border. I thought it would be too BUSY.
So I didn't even lay it out as an option.
All day, I've been reading your comments, your opinions, all the while thinking ... "WHAT WOULD THAT FABRIC LOOK LIKE?"
So I laid it out, like I did with the other fabric options just now.
I will show you what it looks like tomorrow, and you can give me your input AGAIN. lol
I'm going to sign off for the day now... it's been such a nice day. I hope everyone has had a good day as well.
I'll be back, tomorrow.