Saturday, July 27, 2024



Stew is still snoring, enjoying his weekend sleep in.  I'm just lying here, thinking how I don't wanna get up, cos it's cold.

I have no intention of sewing today.  I've done quite a bit the past few days.

ABOVE: This is the runner I finished last night, it was the third one I got done yesterday.  I am churning them out!
Well... the tops anyway.  They all need to be quilted and bound yet.  *grrrrr*, not my favourite part, that's for sure.   I love putting the tops together the most.

It looks really foggy outside again, so it's not exactly a nice day out there.
Maybe it will clear up later?
I hope so, cos the fog is awful.

Our plans for today?  Yard work primarily.  Weeding.  Prune a few shrubs.  If it fines up, mow the lawns etc.
I'm actually going to help Stew today.  It will be nice to get outside and spend some time with him.

I'm going to tidy up under the pool deck. It has become a bit of a dumping ground for pool toys, chemicals and so on.
Right now I've got pool chemicals in three different places, it would be nice to try and have them all in the same place.

So, that's the plan for the day.  


11.50 am, and so far today has not gone to plan.It was just too cold to go outside and work, so I did go and make another runner!  Stew did his grocery shop then just relaxed in the family room.

ABOVE: This is the runner I whipped up this morning.  I really love it!
It IS busy.  It is full on.  But WOW.  Just love it.
I put a border on this one, to make it wider... it sure adds to it.

It is now, finally, warming up a bit outside (11 degrees even), so we are going to venture into the gardens.

1.30 pm:  I am cringing!   I have to come inside every 15 minutes to wash my hands!  I cannot STAND dirt on my hands.
Now they are feel dry and disgusting.
But, we are making good progress on the weeds and rubbish lying around.

VICKIE:  I have tried various gardening gloves over the years.  Most end up with holes in them, then the dirt gets in just the same.  And they usually restrict your hands movements, which I dislike.  

See, I'm so very fussy!  I'm a pain in me own arse in fact. 😂😆😅

Usually I totally AVOID gardening, but just felt I wanted to help Stew today.  And it is very nice out there right now.  Sun is shining, no wind, not too cold.  A glorious winter day in fact, now that the fog has gone.

8 pm:  Well it's a pleasant Saturday evening.  I made another runner top... probably won't bother to show you as it's VERY similar to the last one.  I just changed up the line up and the green fabrics.

Time to sign off for the day.  Catch ya tomorrow.

Friday, July 26, 2024



I have listened.

And I did it... just for you Vickie:

ABOVE:  There ya have it... Grey and White, ready for quilting and binding in a week or two.

I did wonder if you meant using white INSTEAD of the black for the accents?   But I didn't think that would look any good at all.

So I stuck with the black.

It looks nice.  I will be interested to see how it goes at market.

ABOVE: This is the next one.  I will be working on it a bit later on this morning.

Right now, WELL... once I'm outta bed, I am off to post a runner to a friend in Australia.

I know there's no rush M, but I want it winging it's way to you asap.  It has sat on my dining table (in a plastic bag), ready to go for a little while now. 😊


ABOVE:  The view out of my sewing room this morning.  IKkkkkkk.

So cold.   So cold.   Soooooo bloody cold.

ABOVE:  Another lovely foggy view.

I've just been to Chartwell Square to post a runner.

Bought a new nightie.   Walked past a few coffee shops and the food court.  Didn't get a thing.

Feeling proud of myself.

Now... I'm gunna sew.  With the heat pump on, keeping me warm.

ABOVE:  Another one done.   Stew saw it part done last night and said 'That's a nice Christmas one".  I felt deflated, cos it wasn't meant to be a 'Christmas' Runner.

*sigh*... I'm still taking it to market now, cos someone might be looking for just those colours. And there is nothing Christmas themed on it.

Moving on .... to the next one. 

A car pulled into our driveway.  I was a bit confused, as I didn't recognise the car, and hell!

I don't get visitors.

ABOVE:  Out stepped our lovely friend Martyn, who was enroute to Auckland, and decided to pop in for a catch up.

It was wonderful spending an hour just yakking, laughing and spending time together.

Sorry you missed him Stew, but he'll be back for sure. 😊😉

ABOVE:  For my next runner I decided to step outside the box, and use this funky, gothic fabric.  I thought it could be a fun one.

ABOVE:  I got it finished just after Martyn left.  What do ya think of it?

It is now 1.42 pm.  Time to stop for some lunch.

The sun has finally come out, lets do the countdown till the fog comes down again!

5 pm:  Time to stop sewing and think about getting Stew's dinner ready.  He's having sausages and veges tonight.  I had the same for my lunch. 

8.37 pm: And that's a wrap on the day.  Enjoying our evening, just watching the telly.  
Catch ya tomorrow.  


Thursday, July 25, 2024




Let's have a better day today shall we?

I'm still not feeling 100% cheerful, but I am trying to snap out of it.

There's a few things upsetting me obviously.

One is my weight.  It's gone up A LOT in the past month, since I stopped using Trulicity.

My brain went like... fuck!  I feel hungry again... LET'S EAT!

So 'we' did.  Anything and everything.

What a twit I am.

I put on all that I'd lost while being on Trulicity in about 2 weeks flat!

Talk about feel like an utter failure.  A prize IDIOT.

I knew exactly what I was doing and didn't care.

WELL, that's a lie.  Cos clearly I do care.

So.  Starting TODAY, I am going to cut back DRASTICALLY on sugars and carbs again.

NOT go 100% Sugar and Carb free, cos that only makes my blood sugar levels drop too low, and I end up feeling sick and dizzy.  But, I will curtail the free fall eating I  have been doing, and try hard to get back on track.

Before NOTHING fits my sorry arse again.  😖😕😞

I just find it so annoying how hard it is to lose even 1 kg, yet can gain 5 kgs in TWO WEEKS!  WTF?

CRABBY is how it makes me feel.  C. R. A. B. B. Y.

AS F*#K.

So, let's start the day on a positive.

I'm going over to Cambridge for an FBG walk.  Being with the girls (and odd guy) will cheer me up I hope.

At drinks afterwards, I WILL NOT BUY A PINK ICED BUN.  I WILL NOT.  I don't think I will even buy a hot chocolate.  I'll just have my diet coke on hand.

Once home I will continue with my latest mission...

ABOVE: That 'mission' is to fill this rack with Braid Runner tops, ready to quilt and bind them all later on.

So, that rack should hold about 2 dozen runners!

I got three and a half made yesterday.

ABOVE:  I wasn't too sure about this one's colours while stitching it up, but now that it's done, I like it.  AND it got to keep it's pointy ends for a change.

ABOVE:  This is the 'half'... I'm thinking of keeping it simple, just black and white.  No embellishment by adding some colour to the house in the middle, or adding another house somewhere.  Do we agree?

Moving right along... I think I should get outta bed and actually start the day.  Catch ya later.


Oh shit!  It's 2 pm and I have forgotten to update.  

So, my walk was lovely.  Nice short walk.  No photos.   And I didn't go to the coffee shop, I AVOIDED those evil pink iced buns.  WIN WIN.

Home.  Did a couple of jobs around the house, then had an early lunch.  Lamb chops and veges.

Now I'm in the sewing room, just finished that black 'n' white runner (the top), and have started on another one.

5.35 pm. I'm now at Steve and Bex's for a couple of hours while Stew is at the pub.

I almost got three runners finished today (the tops only). I made one that I think Vickie will approve of. I'll show it tomorrow. 

9.12 pm:  I spent a nice time with the kids, then Stew and I came home.

I cooked him some chops for his dinner, the same as what I had for my lunch.

We are now settled down for a couple of hours before bed.

Catch ya tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024



Today I will be pottering around the house, doing odd jobs and sewing.

So, just a normal, boring for you to read about, day.

So.  Bugger off and find something more interesting to read.

I probably won't be back until I've made something worth showing you.

Then again, considering the mood I'm in, I might not come back till bedtime!


11.45 am.  And ... no one cares.

Except my girlfriends in Palmerston North, who rang to see what was 'wrong' with me.

I totally appreciated the call.  I'm just in a GRUMPY mood.

It happens.

Trying to snap out of it.

ABOVE:  'Housework' in the sewing room, I got all those black bobbins wound.

I vacuumed the floor, and did a general tidy up.

ABOVE: Then I got the next Braid Runner laid out... and sewed up half of it, before deciding I was hungry.

ABOVE: So I drove down the road and bought a Subway.  Sorry Sandra, I also got two biscuits.  Oatmeal and Raisin, my favourite.

I'm now about to continue sewing.

I did REALLY WELL this afternoon!

I got heaps done.

I'll show  you tomorrow, cos right now, I'm going to get Stew to order our dinner.  PIZZA.

Cos, well... when you sew all afternoon, ya don't give much thought to dinner.  Well, I didn't today that's for sure.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Well, it's going to be a run of the mill sorta day for me.

Off to Cambridge for a walk this morning, then back here to do some fluffing around the house, before heading into the sewing room.

Soooo... what are YOU doing today?  Anything fun, exciting, boring or mundane?  

Fill me in.  

ABOVE:  Last night's sunset sky.. though the sun was off to the left of this photo.   I just liked the way it looked out me sewing room window.

ABOVE:  And HEY!  What is that in the sky?  I think it looks like a plane, but I've never seen a plane in the sky THERE before.  And I don't remember hearing a plane while taking that photo.  It's a bit weird.

I just did some research... and found out...

ABOVE:  It WAS a plane!  Sent to circle over the countryside until it could land at the airport.  I knew it wasn't on a regular flight path.  But, it was an Air New Zealand plane.
That Flight Radar website it pretty good!


11.47 am, and I've been home about an hour.  What a glorious day it turned out to be.

I met up with my FBG friends, and we enjoyed a casual stroll, followed by a hot drink.

ABOVE: Crossing the Blue Bridge, which is on the outskirts of town.  It won't be long before it is surrounded by houses.  They are getting VERY close already.

ABOVE: You meet all sorts on our walks.  Today we met lots of walkers with dogs, and a cute little pony and child, being walked by her carer.

ABOVE:  A nice short walk.  

Now... I'm about to have some lunch, then I might tackle a couple of jobs.

I was on the home stretch with the next runner, when I get an SOS call from Lacy.

ABOVE: She somehow managed to drive her car into the little garden in front of her house.

So I had to go over there and tow her out.

Luckily my little car managed to do the job.

I'm now back home, and about to finish the next runner.

ABOVE: And there we have PE #3.  I could make a few more like that using left over pointy ends, but meh.

Let's see how they go at a market first.  

I am now going to sweep all the bits off me sewing room floor, and vacuum it.

Well, another quiet day here it would appear.

Stew and I had left over casserole, it was just as yummy 2nd time around.

I'm now watching the telly, waiting for Coronation Street to come on.

Monday, July 22, 2024



Another Monday rolls around.  And I don't have an FBG walk today, so it's a stay at home day for me.

And I am going to make a runner today that is NOT a Braid Runner!

ABOVE:  In fact, I'm going to be using some of the 'ends' that I have cut off Braid Runners.  The ends that come off, so the runner is square ended, instead of pointed.

I think joining them together will make an interesting runner.  Well, I hope so.

Before doing that though, I shall be doing all the usual Monday morning jobs around the house.

I've got a pile of washing to fold and put away, and a few other odd jobs.

So ... I better get on with it.


ABOVE:  8.30 am.  Preparing dinner, and I fumble with an open tin of tomatoes.  I end up wearing them, and make a hooah of a mess as well.
Splattered tomato everywhere.  😖😔😒

ABOVE: After a big clean up... we have a lovely Beef, Bacon and Tomato Casserole in the crock pot.

Dinner is sorted.

Now... back to the housework.  Nearly finished all that as well, so will be in the sewing room fairly soon.

ABOVE:  2.07 pm:  And there we have two more runners.  I'm calling them 'Pointy End' Runners, cos they were made using the pointy ends from Braid Runners.  

I'm now going to stop for lunch and a rest.

6.25 pm:  And I have just finished sewing for the day.  I have another runner ready for it's binding, which I will do tomorrow afternoon.

I'm really happy to have found a use for those cut off bits.  Waste not and all that, and they are becoming quite nice runners.  Win/Win.

Stew is now home, and enjoying a bowl full of casserole.  I think he likes it.

And that is me for the day.  Catch ya tomorrow.

Sunday, July 21, 2024




ABOVE:  Run the bath...

ABOVE: Get yourself a drink, book to read, peanuts to eat and ya phone to keep up to date...

ABOVE: Wallow, like the cherub you are...

ABOVE:  Drink copious amounts of Totara Cafe, then decide to shave ya legs.

NOT a very good idea, but hey!

Ya got away with it!  

Even though the soap kept falling in the bath, and ya took FOREVER to find the fucker again.

AND... ya didn't nick yourself once! Bloody miracle.

Get all dizzy... Text the man to fill up the glass again ... so ya ended up having about 6-8 nips of Totara Cafe in quick succession!

Can't read the book!  The words are running together... WTF?

So read the news on ya phone.


ABOVE: Reach for the book again... WHOOPS!

The bloody book ends up in the bath!

Save it.. but it's a bit wet.  Oh well.

Have another mouthful of Totara Cafe.

Finish it.

Stew is engrossed in the goddam rugby, can't ask him for more grog.

Get out before I sink into the depths, never to be seen again.

Afterwards?   Sit in me lounge chair, wondering how I actually feel?

Tired. Definitely.

Chilled out?  Definitely.

PISSED AS A CHOOK?  Definitely.

Happy?  TOTALLY.

Shut eyes.  

Room spins.  

Stomach churns.  


Three hour nap later, all is good in the world again!

LESSON:  Baths are lovely.  But lots of alcohol is not for me.

Today?  Gunna go look at bloody rain jackets.  AGAIN.

This time, dragging Stew along with me.

We are also going to look at options for covering the wet/muddy ground at our Tamahere Stall site.  Maybe fake grass with a thick plastic backing?   We really need some way to keep the water and mud from pooling in the stall.  It was horrible yesterday.


11.57 am. We have had a busy morning. 

Stew did his grocery shopping while I did some mundane housework. 

Then we came to The Base and looked in a few stores for rain jackets.

We finally settled on some. I'll show you later.

ABOVE: We are now at The Foundation for lunch. We have ordered a selection of 'Bar Snacks', it's a nice way to have a variety of things.

Lunch was so so.
After lunch we went 'flooring' shopping... to cover the muddy, wet patches at market.

ABOVE: We bought two large and one smaller rubber mats.  They should solve our ground issues.

ABOVE:  We got a rain jacket each, both the same.  They are slightly heavier than we intended getting, but they were about the only ones we could find that didn't stop at the waist.  We really wanted slightly longer ones.  We are happy with our purchases today.

Now that we are home, we are tweaking the car pack up again, to account for the mats, and to be able to unload in the rain in a more organised manner.  Yesterday worked OK... but it did need some tweaking.

90 minutes later, and we have it sorted.  Hopefully next time it's raining cats 'n' dogs, we can unpack and pack up much easier, and have no massive mud patches putting off people coming into our stall.
The mats cost us several hundred dollars, but in the long run it will be worth it.

Stew and I are now done for the day.  We are gunna sit down and relax for the remainder of the day.

8.20 pm:  We've had a lovely, quiet evening. Just watching TV, browsing the 'net and so on.
Time to sign off for the day.