Tuesday, October 22, 2024



First of all... Thank You to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday.  It was much appreciated, and brought a smile to my face.  💙💗💚

Today I am starting a new sewing project.  It's going to be a bit of a 'Challenge', as it's a little bit fiddly.

ABOVE: That is part of a company LOGO that I have to put on either end of a table runner.

It's an order, for Christmas, so I have plenty of time to get it done.

I will be going to Spotlight first thing this morning to get the orange fabric.  Not that I expect to be cutting it out today.

But it's a start.

The other thing I will be doing today?


OMG that is pretty much what I did yesterday.  I was in such a funk.

Not even sure why.  Just a whole combination of things getting on top of me.  I am trying to adjust my attitude.  MUST. BE. MORE. POSITIVE.

Find the happiness in life, and be so thankful for what I do have.  A very loving family and the most AMAZING, LOVING husband any girl could ask for.

Right, enough misery guts.

I'm off to start me day.

Catch ya later.


Monday, October 21, 2024



I fully expect this week to be very quiet.

I don't need to sew anything... except one runner for a Christmas Order.

It's going to take a bit of prep work before I can start actually sewing it.

Apart from that, I don't need to make anything else for now.

My only jobs will be to keep the house spic 'n' span, do the housework and try not to stress out about things.

We have two big markets coming up this coming weekend.  And the weather forecast is for rain/showers.  Bugger, damn and blast.

I'm hoping it's not going to be too bad.  I've been looking forward to both these markets for months.

Right, I've gotta get moving, there's washing to get out of the machine and hang out - or throw in the dryer.  Which I tend to do more and more now.  I just get sick to death of hanging it out, only to have to rush out and get it in cos it's raining.

I can't believe how wet the past few months have been.  Seriously want to KILL the weather gods!


'Someone' let the cat out of the bag.

It's me birthday.  66 today.  I've been kinda NOT looking forward to it, head in sand type of thing.

My Dad died aged 66.  And I thought he was fairly old then.

OLD?  I don't feel old at all.  

I feel sad that my Dad didn't get to live longer, he could have had another 20+ years in front of him.

I hope I do.

This morning I've decided to go to The Base to do some banking, and just have a wander I suppose.  Call it exercise.

11.38 am, and I was out and about WAY, WAY longer than anticipated this morning.

First stop was my bank (KIWIBANK) where I just wanted to change some larger banknotes for smaller ones.

They have  a 'cash in and out' teller.  So I stood in the line to be served.  There was one man being served when I arrived, and one lady ahead of me.

So.  I stood there for 35 minutes while the man deposited his considerable amount of cash, with each denomination counted, weighed, recorded and so on.  It took forever.

Then the lady in front of me got to be served.  And fuck me!

She too was depositing copious amounts of cash... so I then knew the process was going to take at least 35 minutes.

So I looked around at the other 3 Kiwibank staff in the bank.  None of them were dealing with anyone right then, so I asked if one of them could serve me?

NOPE.  I had to stay in the line if I wanted to get smaller notes than what was available from the money machine.

So I stormed out of there, went over to the BNZ, opened an account.   Went back to Kiwibank, took out all my money, and put it all in the new BNZ account.

Then I had to go to the WINZ office in 5 Crossroads to get my pension re-directed to my new account.

Far out.  Not what I had planned for my morning at all.

But, I did finally get my larger notes changed for smaller notes ... at the BNZ.

I've been with KIWIBANK for 25 years.  And have had that loooooooooooooooooong wait at the counter once too often.  

It is particularly galling when there's staff there, doing nothing, and they won't serve you. 

Hopefully that never happens again.

Now on to something nicer.

ABOVE:  I arrived home to flowers at the front door!

ABOVE:  I knew who had sent them immediately.

Thank You Lacy.  I shall enjoy both the flowers, and the chocolate.

It is now close enough to lunchtime, so I'll get myself something to eat.

We are not doing anything for dinner.  

ABOVE:  Steve, Bex and kids called in after dinner with this lot!

OMG anyone would think I was a piss head!  That bottle of Bacardi will last me two years for sure.

The cake?  Yeah that will be gone by tomorrow.

ABOVE:  It was nice to see family, after me saying I wasn't wanting to do anything special today.  

I've been feeling really 'flat' of late.  I'm sure it's just the uncertainty of the house selling process, all the markets coming up and so on.

Just a bit like... gimme a break!

But, I'll come right.  I always do.

Time to sign off for the day and look forward to starting a new project tomorrow.

Sunday, October 20, 2024



And here we go again.

Another Open Home today.

So the day will start with the usual tidy up, making sure the house is Tickety Boo and ready for showing.

Hoping for a decent turnout of viewers today, but ya just never know how it's gunna go.

I get my hopes up every time... sometimes to have them dashed.

But these things can't be rushed, and at some point the right person/family will come through and buy our home.

We have no other plans for the day right now.

So. Let's just go with the flow.


1.20 pm. Not much to yabber on about so far. Just done all the jobs, had lunch and now killing time till the Open Home. 

Sadly can't say today's Open home was a resounding success, but one very interested group through.  Now we just wait (again) to see if anything comes of it.

Tis a waiting game we have played quite a few times before.  It's not fun.  

I now have a super duper headache and just want to sleep.

7.25 pm:  So it's been a quiet day on a whole, nothing much else has been going on.  I've started work on an order for a runner.  More on that later on in the week I suppose.

For now, it's feet up, watch tv till bedtime.  Just a lazy evening.

Catch ya tomorrow.

Saturday, October 19, 2024



It's bright 'n' early Saturday morning, and we are off to the Tamahere Market.

For once, the weather is looking good.  It's not going to be sunshine and warm, but not RAINING either.  Thank God.

The day might go well, who knows.

So, until later, once we are set up etc.... catch ya later.



ABOVE: Stew bought me two pairs of earrings for my upcoming birthday. Nice.

OMGosh we are having an EXCELLENT DAY!!!

ABOVE: Visitors... how lovely. 

2.20 and we are home.  Pack up went like clockwork, we are such a good team.

ABOVE:  I took this little video first thing this morning, before it got very busy.
I put it on my Facebook Stories as well... neat that I remembered how to do it too.  😂😊😉

We are now looking forward to another visit from Lacy and Keera.  Stew has gone to the supermarket for his weekly Diet Coke 'run'.

After the girls have been and gone, we are going for a walk.  I really need a walk, I've been far too idle since I finished the FBG Urban Challenge.
It sucks not having anyone to walk with in Hamilton.  Lacy's anxiety issues have stopped her walking with me for months now.  Sadly.

Maybe once we move I can find someone in my new area to walk with?  Time will tell.

Otherwise, I'm just gunna swim every day. 

7.20 pm:  Stew and I have a nice walk around 6 pm, then popped in and visited Steve, Bex and kids.
Home.  Dinner.  Feet up, Telly on.  Trying not to fall asleep!
We certainly won't be up late tonight.  We are both knackered now.
Catch ya tomorrow.

Friday, October 18, 2024



It's looking good for a fine day at market tomorrow!  It will be our first fine market in a while, thank god.

I have two Harvey's House runners to finish off today, both of the 'Top n Tail' variety.

Thank you for all the suggestions re:  What to put in the middle of them, if anything.

Stew and I are both of the opinion they don't need anything in the middle.  That is where you would sit a vase, or a pot plant etc. 

ABOVE: A random photo I took last night.  Any idea what it is (apart from a fish!)...  ?

Oh, before I get into the sewing room, I'm going to The Base to find some new three quarter tights for summer.  NOT exercise ones that ya sweat like hell in.  More cotton blend ones.  And perhaps a couple of new t-shirts as well.

I've got t-shirts I'm still wearing that are over 20 years old!  Time to refresh the 'casual' wardrobe. 

That will be fun.  I hope.  I don't really enjoy clothing shopping, those goddam mirrors in the changing rooms are right bitches.  😂😉😖


11.10 am:  Just home from me shopping trip.

First up, Spotlight (AGAIN) for some elastic.

Then Mitre 10 for eyelets for wall hangings.

Then Farmers for some t-shirts.

And ummm, there was a sale on.  Buy one, get the second for half price.

So I did some shopping for summer.

I got two pairs of plain black shorts (stretchy fabric, but not cycle shorts), and a lovely white Bolero to wear over summer dresses, and these tops:

ABOVE: WHY ON EARTH do manufacturers make tops for 'bigger girls' with HORIZONTAL STRIPES?? Derrr.  I particularly love the two on the left.

Must be a bloke.

Anyway, I was happy with my new tops, they will see me through for the next few years I'm sure.  😊

And now I'm going to have an early lunch, then get into the sewing room to get those two runners finished.

OH AND THAT FISH?  It's Dante's pencil case. lol

ABOVE:  Numbers 7 & 8 are done.  

I spent the afternoon tidying up the sewing room, giving the pool a sweep over, adding chlorine and running the pump.  It's looking good.

Then I got all our market stuff ready to load into the car later.  Checked I had everything ... big TICK there.

Now?  Meh.  Tired.  Might do nothing else now till Stew gets home.

Stew arrived home, and we packed the car in readiness for market tomorrow.

Then it was just scrolling the 'net, watching the TV and playing Solitaire on the computer till bedtime.

Which is early tonight, as it's an early start in the morning.

Catch ya tomorrow.

Thursday, October 17, 2024



Yesterday I got Lacy to show me how to do a 'Story' on Facebook again.  And I posted a little video of Marley.

You might have already seen it on Facebook, but if not, here it is:

I don't think anyone likes the sound of their own voice on a video!  I sure don't like mine.  But I'm told some people really enjoy listening to me and my KIWI ACCENT.  lol
What accent?  It's all you buggers overseas that talk weirdly.

I am going to try and do a few more videos of my daily doings and put them on here.  Certainly not daily, but maybe weekly if I can.

Now, while I know I really don't need any more runners to add to my stash, what else am I gunna do with my time?

I don't need to pack anything else right now in preparation for our eventual move, so that's not an option.
The house is perfectly presented and 100% de-cluttered, so that's another thing I don't need to do.
So... sorry to bore you lot, but I'm just gunna sew and sew to keep myself busy.

This evening is 'pub night' for Stew, and of course, I go along for an hour or so as well.  So that's something to look forward to.

but maybe not.  😂😅😊

11.40 am:  And my morning has been just the usual.
Get the house all tidy.   
I flung open all the windows as it's a gorgeous day.
No washing needed doing today.
Into the sewing room.
Lacy visited to show me some clothes she just bought from an Op Shop.  Not bad.

A couple of days ago someone suggested I put a SUN in the middle of the Top 'n Tail House Runners?

I'm like, nah, not  a sun.  Maybe some clouds?
So I cut out some cloud fabric...

ABOVE:  Sat it on the runner... stepped back and was like... OH HELL NO!
That looked bloody IKKKkkkk.
So, they stay the way they are.  Just houses at each end.

I'm about ready to take a break.  

8.20 pm:  lol, nice long break eh?   I did more sewing, then took Stew to the pub.
Visited the kids.
Then met Stew and everyone else at the pub.
It's such a neat place, everyone is so friendly.
AND they now have Diet Coke for me.  

We are now home, and about to just enjoy a few hours before bedtime.
Catch ya tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024



Last night Steve (and family) came around after dinner.

Steve wanted Stew to try a new dark Rum he had found.

ABOVE:  The guys drinking rum and coke.  It was a very strong rum at 57% alcohol!

I had a sip of Stew's... not my cuppa tea at all.  Way, way too strong.  And I'm not a dark rum drinker.

ABOVE:  Our little darling playing happily.  Quite hard to get photos of the boys nowdays, they arrive then sit in the lounge, plugged into their laptops and devices!

I swear they would be stuffed if the power went out for any length of time!

ABOVE:   *sigh*  It won't be long before she realises that those buttons make the leg recliners lift up!  

ABOVE:  She did get over the doorway 'lip', but came back into the family room quick smart.  Baby steps for Miss Lily.

Now, back to today.  I have sweet fanny all on my agenda!  The girls have a grooming appointment at midday, so while they are there I might go to the mall and have a browse around, get some exercise bla bla bla.


2 pm:  I didn't realise I'd not done an update at all today!


Oh well, clearly I was busy.   I got some prep work done for a couple more runners.

Lacy visited.  One of her guinea pigs passed away last night (Gary), so she was a bit upset.

Then I took the girls to the groomers, and spent 90 minutes wandering around Chartwell Square.

Picked up the girls and came home.

Feet up now, taking a break.  Feeling damn tired as I didn't sleep well last night.  My left shoulder/arm is still playing up.  Less said.

ABOVE: our girls, looking gorgeous.  They will both sleep all afternoon now, it's stressful getting groomed.

6.46 pm:  Well I've been in the sewing room all afternoon, getting a couple of runners ready for stitching tomorrow.
Stew is now home, and dinner this evening will be something very light, as I had a McDonalds burger for lunch.
MOST DISAPPOINTED in it too.  They are just rubbish.

I've had a mild headache, sore shoulder and arm all day, but have resisted taking any medication.  I was starting to have pain killers EVERY DAY to keep pain at bay.
But, I'm happy to say it's been a week since I had anything.  But tonight I might just have something, my head is pounding now.
Not fun.

Well, it's been a good day on a whole.  I got shit done, and Coronation Street is on soon.  What more could I ask for?  Well, a sold house would be good, but we just have to wait for the right person/family to walk through the door eh?

Catch ya tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024



Thank You so much for all the replies to my question yesterday!  It was such fun reading all the comments.  Made my day in fact.  I was literally smiling all day.

I had started feeling like my blog was a waste of time, and there were not that many people reading it anymore.  Seems I was wrong!

I checked out my blog STATS last night...

ABOVE:  over 8.8 million views in 18 years, and 6,584 posts.  That works out to be about 1,300 views per post.  Not bad!

So now it's back to 'normal'.... 

ABOVE:  I've got this container full of little bits of Steam a Seam and Vliesofix... which I hate to throw out.
While working on runners yesterday, I ran out of large pieces of either double sided fixative, so ...

ABOVE:  Waste not, want not!
It was too late in the day to pop down to Spotlight for more, so why not start using all those little pieces?
But in saying that, I will be going to Spotlight today for more.  It's not really that much fun putting all those little pieces together. 😊

ABOVE:  My plan for today is to work on this Runner.  I can't call it a 'Round House Runner' cos it's not got the 'round houses' on it.
New name needed people... gimme some ideas.

It's not a Wonky House Runner either.  Maybe just a 'House Runner'?  Meh.  



ABOVE:  This is the runner I'm working on.  I decided to name it 'Top 'n' Tail' Houses.
I was like, why the hell would I want three different names for House Runners?

ABOVE:  So now I'm looking for a name for all three types of house runners!
Bundle them all together... and call them??????

I have already been to Spotlight, bought the very last of their Vliesofix. They better get more in!

Now, I'm going to work on that runner.

ABOVE:  A Top 'n' Tail one.

ABOVE:  # 6 done and dusted.

Lacy called in for lunch, she brought Pizza.

I have decided, seeing as the suggestions were SPARSE, that I'm gunna go with...

HARVEY'S HOUSES.  Pure and simple.   That will encompass  Wonky, Round and Top 'n' Tail Houses.  
And now, I'm taking a break.

ABOVE:  I was scrolling through Facebook just now, and read that.
NEVER has a statement hit home so much.  And that is why we don't have some people in our lives.
That is why we backed off ... silence is the best answer for some people.

And I posted that in case you needed to read it too.  Never put up with abuse, be it physical, mental, or emotional.  Walk away.  Close the door. Don't look back.  

4.45 pm, and Stew is home early.  He took his car in for a WOF, and there was no point going back to work for just an hour or so.
I've had a quiet afternoon, I'm not sure I will do another runner before our market on Saturday.  My stock is FULL right now. Which is great.  No pressure or stress.

9.12 pm:  The kids came to visit this evening, which was neat.  Lily is really getting some speed up with her crawling now!  She was right into exploring more than just the Family Room ... so we have to have eyes in the back of our heads.  lol
I will post a few photos tomorrow, but for now, I'm looking forward to Coronation Street soon.
Catch ya tomorrow.

Monday, October 14, 2024



NOT the best photo of us (blurry), it was taken around 2005, just before I started blogging.

I have been a blogger for EIGHTEEN YEARS today!

I am proud that I have managed to blog every day for EIGHTEEN YEARS...  except a few days when family did it for me, as I was in hospital.

I think I mentioned shopping yesterday eh?

Well I will now show you what we got:

ABOVE:  This lovely bowl from Tony Sly Pottery.

NO, I didn't need another bowl, but come on!  It's gorgeous.  I had to.

ABOVE:  We were GIVEN these colourful socks!  Yep.  The shop owner just gave them to us.

Well, OK, we DID spend a lot of money in her shop.

ABOVE: We both got a new sweatshirt.  They are soooo warm and comfy.  Yes, we are coming into summer, but they will be good for the next few winters.

We also bought some stuff for Xmas presents for grandkids.  

And that is all .... not much, but it was fun.

Any shopping is fun.

Now back to today.


Get the washing on.

Water the plants.

Tidy the house.

Finish Round House Runner #5.  That should happen today.


10.32 am:  I forgot a couple of questions I wanted to ask you!


How did you find me?  

Why are you reading my blog?

Next.   I had to visit Spotlight for some plain blue fabric for binding the runner I'm working on.

ABOVE:  I saw the vibrant blue fabric and just had to get a little bit.

ABOVE:  Spied this thread too.  Am I the only person who salivates over fabric and thread?  Please say no! 😂😅😖

ABOVE:  Round House Runner #5, and it is, by far, my favourite of the 5 I've made in this style.
I made the 'round' smaller, and popped the taller houses out more.  Then on the end, well how gorgeous are those three houses?!

It is now 10 to 12 midday, and I'm stopping for lunch.
My next runner is already on my mind.

I started blogging after reading a weight loss story on Weight Watchers, and she had a blog.  

Joanna Beckford ... you have a lot to answer for!  I met many bloggers via the Weight Watchers Community group, but literally ALL of them have stopped blogging now.  

I'm just a dinosaur stuck in the past.  I do 'Facebook' a little bit, but will stick with my blogging for the foreseeable future.

I do not know how long I will keep going, I suppose while I still enjoy it I think.

All you ANONYMOUS people who have left comments... I am not that clever ... I have no idea who some of you are!   But thank you for leaving your comment.
Today has been rather fun I must say.  I've loved reading your comments.

But now... it's time to sign off, something I forgot to do yesterday!  Whoops.  Sorry Felicity for worrying you.

Catch ya tomorrow.

Heading into YEAR # 19.  Phew.

And yes, we are heading into SUMMER.  Expect me to start bitching about being too hot.
Will make a change from being too cold!