Wednesday, July 05, 2023


 I'm a slack arse wife.

Stew has ONE business shirt left in his wardrobe.

So today my one and only job is to wash all 14 shirts in the laundry basket and even iron a few!

I don't know how that happened to be honest.  I usually do his shirts on a Monday, but somehow I missed last Monday.

While the shirts are washing and drying, I will make a start on the next Braid Runner.

Oh and talking of Braid Runners (are ya sick of them yet?)...

I've now had several people suggest I make a Black/Grey/White one.

ABOVE:  This is the closest I am getting to one... taken off the internet!  I am NEVER making one myself.  It's ugly and boring. Just not something I am ever going to make.  OK?

And that is me for now.  

12.48 am:  well I've been out all morning.  In fact I'm still out. Having lunch at Steve n Bex. Bex is still at work. Steve is home for the week looking after the kids.  We are looking online at Bath possibilities. Fun. 

2 pm: and I'm finally home again.  And I don't feel like sewing.  So I shall just wait for the shirts to dry, then iron a few while watching mindless tv.  Netflix or similar.  
Having a nice hot drink right now, cos it's much cooler in my house than Steve's I must say.

It's official.  I'd rather clean fucking toilets than iron shirts!  OMG I hate it so much.  Why is ironing fabric so easy, yet shirts do my back in so quickly?
I did four shirts and that was it for me!
There's another 12 to do.  They can WAIT.

Till 2054 as far as I'm concerned!  lol

I'm probably likely to leave them for Stew in fact.  He usually irons them now days, cos he knows how much I  hate that job.

So apart from the shirts, I've done bugger all this afternoon.  Fluffed around doing little jobs here and there.  

No dinner plans.  I had sushi and a donut for my lunch at Steve 'n' Bex's.  I'll probably get something light for Stew's dinner.
Ha!  We ended up having Burger Fuel burgers.
Not good... must do better tomorrow.

Off for the day... catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I agree, that is ugly!! ;-) Good luck on the shirts...I love doing laundry and I love ironing. Isn't it funny how we all are so different? Ky Girl

  2. Now see I like that black combo of that runner.
    Another riveting day at work! Lol

    1. I hope work is better than it was.

  3. Even I don't like that black runner, it's way too black and heavy looking. My thoughts were more happy greys, whites and less heavy black. Never mind, I know you won't make one :) Business shirts, what a pain. I've not had to worry about them for years now (Stu wears plain black T shirts when he works).

  4. I like the black runner too...when I scrolled the page down and seen it I went wow Chris that is beautiful

  5. I think you could make a beautiful item out of any fabric.... black, white, hot pink..... that is in front of you. It doesn't mean that YOU will like it - but someone will. You do you! Whatever you like is working for you. Ironing. I don't even own one. I guess we are more wash and wear and get covered in clay dust sorts..... We had a few minutes of rain today. Does that mean you had a few minutes of sun?

  6. Good plan. You have such a way with colour, shame to waste it on black tones.

  7. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Just today an older friend of mine was telling me she was ironing about ten years ago, one of her grandkids came in, and had never seen an iron, did not know ironing was a thing.

    She was not ironing clothes. She was making a quilt.


  8. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Perhaps at the next market, if you spot people looking at your runners but not buying, you could ask them what sort of colours they were looking for. Even if you hated making them, it would mean you wouldn't be making them to sell and no-one buying - that would be so frustrating. I am sure dress manufacturers don't like everything they produce - they are manufacturing for a market. Audrey

  9. Haha... i love it myself!!

  10. Anonymous7:28 PM

    If you really want to do shirts/have them hanging nicely in his closet, wash them on Mondays, then iron two a day, before you sew, all week.

    Like the vacuuming, much smaller amounts, more often, so your back does not hurt.

    Do you have physical therapy available to you? Someone medical to evaluate your pain and prescribe/teach exercises/stretches to relieve the pain, correct positioning, strengthen (maybe your core) in a way that does not cause more pain.


  11. Shirts are the hardest thing out to iron nicely. With all the wet weather my washing has been getting behind as well - I almost ran out of knickers and that just wouldn't be a good idea these days LOL

    1. Ahhh knikers.... I bought a heap of new ones recently, and there is NO WAY I could run out now! I recommend having 15 pairs, ya never run out. lol

  12. Sorry Chris, I thought the black runner was stunning!

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      I think the outside black border/binding was too wide. With a very skinny border, I think it would have been great. I liked the color gradation.

  13. Ironing is the worst!

  14. Not a fan of the black, however, some people may buy one in that colour. You better hang on to that man, he is one in a million if he irons his shirts.

  15. Not a fan of the black, however, some people may buy one in that colour. You better hang on to that man, he is one in a million if he irons his shirts.


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