Thursday, July 13, 2023


 No sleeping in today.

I've got Dante and Archer till lunchtime.

Hopefully they feel like playing UNO or doing something with their grandma!

Otherwise I'm gunna be a bit bored.

I need to go out at some point today to get a float for the market on Saturday.  Maybe the boys and I can have an early lunch at the mall?

That's a good idea I reckon.  Get them out and about, off their bums and screens.

Tonight I plan on Stew and I going out to dinner at our favourite Indian Restaurant.  So no cooking dinner for me.  I like that idea too.

ABOVE:  I'm slowly narrowing down what bath I would like to install in the Shower/Bath Room.

I can't get over how MANY baths there are on the market!

Only trouble is you can't view in person that many.  I am not going to buy a bath unless I can view it in person.  Mitre 10 and Bunnings have very few in store, and what they do have are the really inexpensive ones on a whole.

I'm not looking for a mega expensive one ... you can spend $10,000 + on a bath!  I never knew that.

I'm looking in a more modest price range.

I want a free standing bath, with as much depth as possible.  I wanna be able to SOAK in a hot bath!  I miss being able to so much.

I've been over to Steve and Bex's for a bath, but their bath is not very deep, so not exactly relaxing.

So the search continues.  Those three (above) are options.  Though I don't know if I could get a black bath!

ANON:  Thanks for the advice re: bath length.  We are quite restricted in what length we can get due to the size of the room.  We can only go as long as about 1675 mm, so that means I would fit in that size perfectly as I'm not very tall.  I really want to lie in the bath before buying, so I know how I fit.

It won't matter about Stew's size, as I doubt he will ever get in it!  He's not a bath person at all.

Also, having a bath means grandkids can use it too.  I remember putting Keera in a big plastic tub in our shower recess for a 'bath' a while ago.  It worked, but not when it came to emptying it out! We had water everywhere.

11.20 am:  Seems all you need is a grown up in the general vacinity, and you are all good.  Babysitting DONE.

They are perfectly happy on their Chrome Books. 

But I am dragging them out for lunch shortly, whether they like it or not.

ABOVE:  Because I was 'redundant' except to be in the same house as them, I went into the sewing room.  Why not?

#16 Braid Runner is on the table.  

First time in a few MONTHS, I actually hung the washing outside today!!!

It looked promising to get dry out there.

Less than 30 minutes later... grabbing it off the line and throwing it in the bloody dryer!  Rained didn't it?

And now?  Freaking sunshine and roses again.  Grrrrrr.

And back home again.  It was rather busy out on the roads today.  And inside McDonalds it was ramping up, we got there before 12, so not as busy as when we left.

I'm going to sew this afternoon.  Then STOP till at least MONDAY.  

I think I'm addicted to sewing!

4.30 pm:   FORGIVE ME, for I have sinned.

I made another Braid Runner.

ABOVE:  Another version of a Kiwiana Braid Runner.  I'm rather lucky I have so much fabric in me stash, I really don't need to go buy fabric for a long time.

UNLESS I have a specific need and don't have it.

But that doesn't happen too often.

I just love, love, love this pattern.

There are so many variations of fabrics you can put together to get different looks.   I've got: 




Kiwiana /Black


Black 'n' White 

and now Kiwiana Naturals/Black.

That's a lot of choices for people.

I hope I don't make another one tomorrow, but you just don't know do ya.   I say NO MORE, then I bloody well go and make MORE.  😖😓😃

6 pm:  I had a visit from Amanda tonight.  We had a really good chat over a cuppa.  She switched the runner she took a week or so ago for another one she preferred.  It was the one young Liam helped me with.  So she felt it was more 'special' for her.  Nice.

9 pm:  I picked Stew up from the pub this evening, then we went out to dinner at our local  Indian Restaurant.  Lovely meal as per usual.

Home now, and enjoying a quiet evening.

Time to sign off.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Just imagine the scum marks on a black bath.

  2. Anonymous8:02 AM

    The depth and the angle of the lean can both be tried without water, just sitting in them.

    Neighbors or friends with tubs you can try? Even if they are out of town, can go visit.

    Hotels have tubs.

    Homes for sale with open houses have tubs.

    Is there such a thing as 10-15 new homes in an area open at the same time as a “parade of homes”/tour?

    Is there such a thing as “home and garden show” where lots of venders set up displays?

    There also might be supply companies that plumbers use, that are not open to the public, but your plumber can get you an appointment.

    I realize countries are very different, but here, I would not go to a store to look at tubs. I would go thru my plumber to a private supplier.

    Remember - think about aging and being able to get in and out safely.


  3. morning Chris, we got a free standing bath during our reno 6 yeas ago. I thought it would be good to get a BIG one... it's really. long, could probably fit a person at each end. Anyway, it's toooo long and not relaxing as I can't anchor my feet at the end. I just bob around in the middle as my feet don't touch the end, so I'm not supported and can't relax. Try to get in the tub instore!!! they do allow that. You need to make sure you can reach both ends to be comfy.

  4. Sad as it may seem, at nearly 67 years of age, I can hardly get in or out of our bath now! I don't have the arm strength to pull myself up so will need a grab handle installed. It came as a shock as it happens pretty quickly. It's crazy that something that I took for granted all of my life is now difficult! Now I know why they don't install baths in retirement homes :) It's still nice to have one though and Charlie always has a bath when he stays.

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      I mentioned before, most of the stand alone tubs I see in home reno shows are a fall waiting to happen.

      There is no where to put a bar and no where to hang on.

      Add water - so slippery.


    2. Barbara6:14 PM

      A friend had the same problem. She ended up having to take
      it out and reconfigure her whole bathroom to install a shower.

  5. I took my bath out when I renovated the bathroom put wet area shower in how I miss that, I cant get in and out bath now have one here in rental just something else to clean

  6. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I think I'm addicted to sewing! think!!??

    Hey - the braid runner you are working on looks very interesting. Can't wait to see it. Ky Girl

  7. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Oooh! I like that runner!! xx Colleen

  8. I feel a trip to Auckland coming re bath looking my boss got a beautiful bath olive green brown pattern bath on outer white inside just divine they had a very tight fit and have a freestanding pipe outside of the bath standing and hooks over it very cool

  9. White silver greys ? braid runner

  10. I have just been down the bathtub route and driven myself MENTAL. I was determined to get a deep, freestanding bath - and no, I could not find one deep enough. But THIS ONE is perfect; we have it, and it is so deep! It's the Decina Modena Inset Bath 1650mm White.
    We got it built in, it's absolutely perfect.

  11. Kiwionholidays8:13 PM

    Time poor but gotta say the 4.30 post with the Kiwiana runner is one of my all time faves

    It’s awesome
    Catchup soon
    🥂 Cheers


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