Wednesday, May 17, 2023


 Yesterday I made a club sandwich in my Tupperware Jel Ring.

It always works out so good!

Stew and I had some for our dinner last night, left overs for lunch today.

ABOVE:  I went 'all out' with this one!  We have white bread, wholemeal bread and a Vegetable bread, beetroot flavour.  It looked awesome.

ABOVE:  inside the layers were:  Sliced chicken, egg and grated tasty cheese, sliced ham, cream cheese, lettuce and sliced ham again.  I did intend to add grated carrot, but forgot it.  Never mind, it was delicious.

I also made some 'cup cake' club sandwiches too... to use up left over ingredients.  I think we are having them for dinner this evening.

I will show you what they look like, later.

Today my plan is to go for a walk, then make a few glasses cases and coin purses.

When our new order comes in of the snap closures, I can fulfil orders for a couple of larger bags for friends.

I will probably make larger ones with a shoulder strap to add to my repertoire. I reckon they will be popular.

And that's about it for now... so catch ya later.

11 am:  And I'm just home from a very brisk, cool walk.  Which was 4.73 kms long, so a nice distance.

ABOVE:  Another very foggy day.  Nice for walking I must say.  I don't overheat.

ABOVE:  I walked up to Countdown at the Rototuna Village.  It's one I don't visit very often, but I thought it was probably a nice distance to walk.  I grabbed a couple of things I forgot yesterday.

ABOVE: This little shopping area hasn't got many shops, but enough to service anyone who doesn't want to go to a larger mall etc.

ABOVE:  Street art in the middle of a big roundabout, top end of Resolution Drive and Borman Road.  I've always liked this installation.

Now that I'm home I'm cooling down drastically!

In fact I'm cold.

Next on my agenda:  Tidy up the fridges.

ABOVE:  12.20 pm.  That took a bit longer than I anticipated.
Good job done though.  

ABOVE:  All the bottles of 'stuff' I took out of the fridge!  
Our son Steve will be so proud of me.  lol
Running joke around here is how old is the stuff in my fridge and pantry?
Steve often fossicks and finds stuff that expired or was 'Best Before' YEARS AGO.  Yeah.
I hoard food, I buy 5-6 bottles of something, and never get around to using it before it expires.
I'm sure I'm not the only person who does that though.

There is NOTHING in my fridge that's about to expire now.  And I have more room in there.

Much more organised now too.

I'm going to stop now and have some lunch.
Then I need to get in the sewing room and replace boxes I took out (for the fridge).

5.45 pm:  And it's been a quiet afternoon.  I did some tidying up in the sewing room, had a nana nap and yeah, just kept myself warm.
It's certainly gotten bloody cold this past week or so.  
Let the 'I'm cold' bitching commence.

I talked to my sister in Aussy this afternoon, she bitches about how it's too hot all the time!  Seems we are very similar in that respect.  We don't like the extremes in temperature.
She wants to come home to live.  Bet she would change her mind after a couple of winters.

ABOVE:  I have these out for Stew's dinner.  Just used left overs from the club sandwiches.  Bread 'cups', lettuce, ham, egg, cheese, dollop of cream cheese, onion relish and basil pesto on top.
They look delicious.
I'm not having any.

I had club sandwiches for dinner last night and they kept me awake for hours.  My tummy did not like them at all!  Gurgling and rumbling non stop!  Even when I woke this morning my tummy was still rumbling.  Weird.  So sure in hell ain't having any more.

It's going to be a quiet evening here I presume.  Stew isn't home from work yet, and it's pitch black out there.  Sure is winter.  When's the shortest day?  Must be soonish.

I'm going, catch ya tomorrow.



  1. OMG - that sandwich looks magazine ready!

  2. Those look delicious. I just realised i have one of those Tupperware rings in the back of the cupboard... yum.

  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Wow that looks like a work of art and I like how it stays all together when you cut it. I would be interested in a cup cake version. Shoulder strap version of your purses would be good - it seems to be very in to wear over the shoulder small phone/purse bag. Sorry that the card ladies let you down - I know sometimes you see where you stand with people and you realise that it's a one way lot of effort. If that makes sense. It's an eye opener for sure but I am like you as far as willing to put in effort and really surprised when this isn't returned because - they can't be bothered. You only dud me once then I'm done. Well done on the weight loss and new low it's very motivating for the next chapter. Maria (Australia)

  4. Nothing nicer than a tidy fridge!!

  5. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Six weeks till the shortest day. Helen in France.

  6. Kiwionholidays9:04 PM

    Those club sandwiches in Tupperware look amazing ,
    Well done you , they’re a masterpiece..
    It’s cooled down everywhere at yours n aus as well ,

    The other day on South Coast here had a lower temp than Christchurch NZ so weather patterns everywhere are out of Kilter,,

    Snuggling down on these shorter days is great on home nights ,,
    Not long till shortest day in June πŸ‘πŸŽΈπŸ₯§

    Got a few bits today at Woolies,, even though it was cold n wet checked the docket and saw the Raisin toast was $6.50 a loaf that I thought was the half price one ,at $3.25

    so I got a refund,,,cos the half price one was sold out,,,,

    Not at all mean with Money ,,but the Aldi one we get that’s lovely ,,,,is only $2.49 a loaf,,

    Got the butter for baking and other stuff so wasn’t wasted trip ,,

    Hope you’re both snuggled up n having an early night

    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  7. Everything looks tasty to me!

  8. Isn't cleaning out the fridge a drag? But so satisfying when it’s done. I've literally just spent two days cleaning out, and reorganising my pantry. ( threw out packet of pasta, use by 2012….) all I have to do is drag out the Cricut and make new labels for everything . 😊


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