Thursday, May 11, 2023


 It sounds like the girls and I are off on a little road trip today.

First up might just be Foxton. There's a rather nice fabric shop there.

Then maybe Otaki.  Seems there's a clothing shop there thats closing down and well worth a look.

So... let's see how the day pans out.



Way, way colder here than Hamilton.


I just checked the road conditions  and the Desert Road is closed due to SNOW. That explains why its so damn cold.  

I hope it clears up by tomorrow when I want to go home! At least there is a detour if the road is still closed tomorrow. 

3.38 pm. Finally back from our little  shopping expedition. 

We had lunch at a local cafe... I asked for a Caramel Latte and a Mocca COMBINED. The girl didn't bat an eyelid, she just said "Sure, not a problem ", I was rather happy.

ABOVE: it was a lovely hot drink.

ABOVE: Fabric from Foxton. Love them. Light blue middle left is going to be perfect for fish runners.

ABOVE: After visiting Foxton we came back to Palmy and went to a favourite clothing shop. Ballentine. There isn't one in Hamilton.  I found that lovely, lightweight woolen top there. Totally my colours.

ABOVE: Fabrics... so much to choose from. But I'm very particular now days and know what I like. It really doesn't take me long to grab what I want.

So... I'm typing this update with the bloody tarts (Chris D & Sandra) harping on in the background, telling me to hurry cos they are waiting for my freakin update!

Like... gimme time!!! 🤣😅😊

AND ya know what I've been up to all day cos you were with me!

OMG.    So funny story from tonight. I went to dinner with Mike and Joyce. We went to a lovely Indian Restaurant.  Had our dinner then sat and chatted for an hour or so. Next thing I notice the wait staff are switching off lights? And one comes over to our table and VERY POLITELY asks us if we could leave so they could close up!!! Of course we say yes and get up and proceed to the door. 

Half way out the door we hear the man behind the counter say "can you please pay?"
OMG... I'd walked out without paying for our dinner! HYSTERICAL. I of course went back in, full of laughter and apologies. He was laughing too. It was a genuine oversight.

Its been such a LOVELY DAY.  I'm so glad I acted on my impulse and came down.



  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Super material shop in Foxton. Will you visit the Windmill as well? Have fun. Helen in France.

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Sounds lovely. Enjoy.

  3. Have a great day

  4. If the road is closed you may have to stay longer 😁

  5. Snow - that's a word I don't hear from you very often!

  6. Its freezing in Auckland too... big cold snap. Enjoy your break

  7. Hope the weather improves for you. Glad you are having a lovely holiday with your friends.

  8. That's going to get a lot of wear! Perfect.

  9. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Safe travels - lovely to see you xx - Anne Palmy

  10. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Lol I can imagine the girls heckling you Chris. Glad you didn't go home today. The weather was awful and fingers x for tomorrow. Take your time and stay warm. 🫂 kj

  11. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Drive carefully - Anne Palmy

  12. Oh no! That's so funny! My friends and I get kicked out of Ikea after staying until beyond close eating ice cream. We did have to pay for the ice cream at the counter before we got it though! But we just sat there forever chatting away!

  13. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Next time, ask for a mocha with a caramel shot. Might be a bit cheaper. A mocha is essentially a latte with chocolate anyway. My favourite drink, especially if you can get a white chocolate mocha xxColleen


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