Sunday, May 07, 2023


Yesterday I finished all the fish on my current Fish Runner:

ABOVE:  I really enjoy making them come alive with the stitching!

Not too sure about the yellow Puffer Fish?

But he's there now, so has to stay.

Tomorrow I will have to stitch around all the bubbles.  They are NOT fun.

But necessary. 😓😖😟

Who mentioned doing the Case tops in Moss Stitch?

Lynda and Natalie I do believe.


It's a shitty stitch to do, but it looks really good:

ABOVE:  Knitting the tops takes double the time it takes to crochet them... but at least now I can do them myself.  And Bex can get back to making things for her stall. 

We are off to Woodlands Market shortly.  We are not allowed on site till 7.30 am, so it's not a really early start. 

The weather is looking promising.  It's supposed to be cloudy, with a chance of showers this afternoon.

So we might be lucky and keep dry. 

Keep ya fingers crossed for us.

I'm taking me knitting needles and cotton, so I can knit a Case top while I'm there.  There's always down time, so I will have time to knit a bit.

ABOVE: All ready.  And we have a delectable food stall right beside us. Tempting.

The organiser just came around and told us this will be the last Woodlands Market until October.
The feild is too wet for all the cars and foot traffic.
Today there's several vehicles that will have to be towed off the feild as they are stuck in mud!

So after today we will only have the Tamahere Market until October.
I don't mind that at all.

12.46 pm. Almost pack up time.
Thank god.
This market has been DEAD from the word go.
We have not made our minimum target at all.
I had time to knit two tops for the glasses cases.
So at least I was productive. 
Poor Stew has been bored out of his brain.

We just want to get home and relax now.
Not long to go...

3.15 pm:  finally home, unpacked and feet up.
So glad we didn't get stuck in the mud.
I hate to think what the field looked like once everyone was out of there.

ABOVE: This wasn't even a bad part of the drive in track.  The car parked beside ours was waiting to be towed out when we left, along with several other cars.
There was also a small bus/trailer unit that got stuck... goodness knows how they got it out.

So that was our last Woodlands market for a few months.  Hopefully once the weather picks up for summer (if we get one!) that venue will be better.

We are going out to dinner this evening.  We both feel like a yummy Indian meal.  Call it a consolation dinner.

*burp*... dinner was wonderful.  I'll show you what we had... tomorrow.  Cos let's get real, I'ma gunna need something to put on tomorrow!

A quiet evening stretches ahead of us now.  Just watching the telly, blanket on, feet up.  
I will be in bed fairly early as I had a restless sleep last night.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:48 AM

    The yellow puffer fish is my favourite. Good luck today, Magpie Melbourne

  2. Oh - you have a show today??? Good luck, good weather, and good company!

  3. If you know someone that is good at crochet - maybe they can teach you!!!!

    1. Well Bex could of course... but I can already crochet. Just didn't know how she did the tops. Now though, I'll just knit them.

    2. I was kidding! HAHA

  4. Oh the fish are all so cute ... the yellow one is gorgeous. I hope the market goes well

  5. I've made a few snap bags, I bought a cheap tape measure from the Reject Shop and used that for the ‘snap’ closure. Here’s a link for the one I make, if you’re interested, it would probably be quicker than having to knit, or crochet and then sew the tops on. X

    1. That's exactly how I thought you'd put a snap in. I'm sure you could do this Chris?

    2. Why yes I could, IF I was using two separate pieces of tape measure. But I'm not. I'm using PROPER snap closers which are nothing like two bits of tape measure. The two sides of the snap closers are JOINED in the middle, and cannot be disconnected. I will show you once we get more snap closures. I am a bit perturbed that no one seems to believe me when I say I cannot do it in a professional and tidy way using fabric on the top.

    3. I believe you Chris. I tried a number of years ago and did it ‘my way’

    4. Anonymous3:55 AM

      I absolutely can picture it is one continuous piece and therefore not easy to sew into place.

      It will be interesting to see if a YouTube instruction video surfaces for the continuous piece situation. I believe you, I can not picture getting it into position easily either.

      I agree, I would not use the tape measure/2 piece option if I was selling them.


  6. Sorry the market was a dud. Love all the fish.

  7. what a disaster ! Cars stuck. Yuck.

  8. Well I do care about the constant critique of your crafting, I knew what Chris meant right from the get go I’m thrilled to pieces with the end result, and I can’t even knit sew paint
    Or crotchet!

  9. Love the moss stitch ❤

  10. What a bummer of a show!


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