Sunday, September 01, 2024



Last night we had more thunder and lightening... much to Brylee's consternation.

But today we are expecting good weather, which is neat cos I have an FBG walk on at 8 am this morning.

Once I've done the walk, I will be coming home to get on with some sewing.

OR... Stew might have thought of something interesting we might do.  Maybe a day trip somewhere?

Let's wait and see eh?


ABOVE:  The view as I headed off to Cambridge this morning.  

FIRST DAY OF SPRING!  Sun is out, no clouds to speak of.

And after a very stormy, wet night, it was a welcome sight.

ABOVE:  Our walk stats today.  A much shorter walk.  Which was neat, as I felt a bit like death warmed up when I got out of bed this morning.

But I WILL NOT BITCH AND MOAN about it, cos I got told I MOAN TOO MUCH by a fellow FBG'er today.

So... no more moaning.

I will pretend I ain't got a sore ANYTHING.

Now that I'm home, I'm already in the sewing room... but I think I'm going to persuade Stew to take me to Bunnings or Mitre 10 for a new plant for one of our bigger pots.

The tree we put in it a couple of years ago died.  Shame, cos it was a gorgeous little tree with blue puffs of flowers.  So, let's see what I can find to replace it.

1.50 pm. We didn't find what I was looking for at Mitre 10, so we came home and had lunch.

Now we are heading over to Wairere Nursery to see what they have.

Still a glorious day, so nice after so much wet weather.

I'm gunna have to shave me legs and get into 3/4 pants pretty soon. 🤣😊

I didn't find anything for my pot.  I really want to get another Princess Maud Azalea, so will hold out till there's more in stock.

We had a lovely visit from Steve, Bex and kids this afternoon.

They ended up staying for a takeaway dinner.

ABOVE: A few happy snaps.  I had to laugh at the last one, Marley did a 'photo bomb' while I was trying to get one of Lily.

The kids have left now, and it's back to just the two of us.  

Probably not got much else to blither on about for the day, so I'll sign off now.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. How rude!!! I hope the FBGer who said you complain too much never has any problems she wants to tell her friends about 😂

  2. Wow that is very RUDE lets hope she never has back pain or sore foot. Bloody cheeky bag

  3. sorry Paula I managed to delete your comment... so I have to copy and paste it.

    Paula has left a new comment on your post "THUNDER, LIGHTENING... THEN SUNSHINE?":

    Happy first of spring! I hope you had success in finding something suitable for your pot. I'm just at the stage of weeding mine ready to do a shop for some summer colour around our house.

  4. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Is Lilys hair a reddy colour? Or is it the lights? It's beautiful. Had the guy install my new laptop this morning but had a terrible case of dizziness. I'm over it? Kj

    1. Yes Karen, Lily's hair is VERY RED.

  5. I'm sorry you are feeling like "death warmed over" . Is it your back,?
    Lily has some seriously RED hair! So beautiful. I wonder how red it will stay as she gets older....

  6. Hello??? Is it morning there yet?

    1. lol, you were only 4 minutes early for the next post!


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