Sunday, September 22, 2024



It's definitely a sleep in day.

We don't have to do much today at all, except last minute things for our fifth Open Home this afternoon.

I'm hoping like hell we get a few more viewers today.  It's been far to slow for my liking.

With the nicer weather coming, the market should pick up a bit.  Well, I hope so anyway.

The forecast is looking iffy, so just as well Stew got the weeding and lawns done yesterday afternoon.  The place is looking great!

This coming week I have 3 FBG walks scheduled, then one the following week.  Then the Urban Challenge will be finished for me.  I'm so glad I stuck to my guns and got it done again.  It's been a few years since I did all 40 Urban Challenge walks in a year.  Next year I am going to be a 'Social Member' of the FBG's, and only do a walk here and there.

My exercise plan is going to change quite a bit, with less walking, and more swimming.  And I'm going to get Stew swimming more too.  

But that's for next year. 

Right now, I'm still lounging in bed.  Reading the news, scrolling the 'socials' etc.   There's plenty of time before I need to get up and start the day.

Catch ya later.


Well Stew was sure he wouldn't be able to sleep in.

Yeah right.

He snored his head off until 8.35.

I on the other hand was wide awake at 6.30... and had to keep deadly still so I didn't wake him up.

My bladder wasn't too happy. The things ya do for 'the man'... 🤣😅🤣.

We are now out at Taco Bell for an early lunch, before going home to do the last minute things for the Open Home. 

ABOVE: Well that was nice. Haven't been there in quite a while. 

Home now and we have 2 hours to kill. So I'm lying on the couch chilling.

3 pm.  Another Open Home is over.  A more positive turn out today, and someone who was returning for a second look.  Which is always a positive.

Now... we can relax for the remainder of the day.  And also look forward to a visit from Jacqui again.  That girl gets around.

Dinner this evening is going to be some veges and not much else for me. Lunch was enough to keep me going for a day!

8 pm:  And another weekend ends well.

Feeling knackered, so really looking forward to bed tonight.  

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Our closest Taco Bell is more than an hour away.
    But... There is a Taco Bell under construction in our home town.
    Will that be good or bad? Right now, it's kind of treat because it's not readily available.
    We shall see.....

  2. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Never heard of Taco Bell down here but maybe I haven't been looking. We've had terrible weather down here today but now it's starting to clear. Fingers crossed. Kj

  3. Guess what I found at the store today?
    Coca~Cola flavored Oreo Cookies!
    Of course - I had to buy them! If you see them grab a package. Totally worth a try. Very different and yummy.


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