Monday, September 09, 2024



Well, another week rolls around.

And I think I need to schedule a couple of FBG walks.  I'm just not doing walks on me own, no motivation really.

As for today, I've got a friend popping in for a while this morning, then after she's left I expect Lacy.

Lacy is going to a bit of housework for me.  

I saw a photo of a runner on Facebook, it's very similar to a Braid Runner, but also different.  I might give it a go later on today.

Cos, really, I can't do NOTHING can I?

ABOVE:  A friend tagged me on this photo.  It's me, definitely. lol

And now... I'm off to get up and start me day.


11 am and my day is going very well.   My visitor has come and gone, she's blog 'shy' so ain't on here.

I popped out first thing this morning and bought this:

ABOVE:  A lovely new wax melt for the house.  And it smells gorgeous!

I do have a few others, but one just wasn't warming up enough to melt the wax, so time to ditch it.

NOW... fair warning.

I HAVE NEWS ... and I will be telling you WHAT IT IS this coming SUNDAY.

Don't try guessing cos I doubt you will get it right.  NO NEW BABY!

Just hang in there and be sure to check me out on SUNDAY.

Now, back to normal transmission.

Lacy is due here soon... and I have a few jobs lined up for her.  Which is good, cos my lower back is killing me today.  I slept 'wrong', as in on my stomach, which always leaves me with a dreadful backache in the morning.

Aging sucks.  Big time.  YES, that was a moan.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‡

ABOVE:  So this one arrived, did a nice job for me, and is now leaving, with her lunch in a bag.  I made us a wrap.  She's all hot and bothered, hence the eyes closed!  

Now... I'm going to enjoy a bit of a quiet time now,  before heading into the sewing room to ponder this new runner I'm thinking of making.

ABOVE: my beautiful tree, springing forth with it's new growth.  I just adore this tree!  There's no accounting for it, I just do.

I've been working on the new runner.  No mean feat without a pattern, although to look at it you wouldn't think ya need a pattern!
But it's taken me way longer than expected to get it right.
Now I just have to work out how to join the pieces together, in the right order!
That's a job for tomorrow, cos I'm now done.
My brain can only stand so much thinking....

I'm in me sewing room, ya know... sewing.
Next thing every goddam smoke alarm in the house starts screaming!!!!


The house is literally full of smoke.  


Then I remember.

ABOVE: Ummmm,  how do you like your sausages Darling, well done,  OR WELL DONE?
I think maybe you ain't having sausages tonight.

Like an idiot, I'd put them on to cook in a pot of water, then gone down to start the new runner.  
THINKING I'd remember to go back and turn them off after 5 minutes.
HA ha ha.... yeah right.

House got a good airing though!  And I know all the smoke alarms work too.  Looking for the positives.

Not sure what his nibs is having for his dinner now.  

We ended up having some takeaways for dinner.
Then we did our usual, quiet evening in front of the telly/computers etc.

Time to sign off for the day, catch ya tomorrow.


  1. It's been a while since your last rearranging episode.

  2. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I love moving furniture. Tried to lift my sewing machine yesterday but had a "migraine" and fell. Lucky the sewing machine stayed where it was.

  3. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I hear you on the back aches and pains. I did something to my left hip the other day while vacuuming, thankfully the pain was short lived. Can't wait to hear you news next Sunday. Have a good week!! Ky Girl

  4. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Flip me flops.....Sunday is a long time away. Can we at least have a clue? Have a happy day. Paula

  5. Anonymous12:16 PM

    A wedding perhaps?

  6. OH! I never sleep or lay on my belly. No particular reason - I just don't.
    Can't wait for this NEWS! How intriguing.

    1. I no right, seems we are all waiting for this exiting news 😊
      Shall we all start guessing, I'll go first, I'm Bloody Amazing and that's it, your all welcome πŸ˜…

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM


    3. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Shuddup Lacy ya clown πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

    4. Hey GM xx I can't Shuddup ya pisshead xx love ya 😘 πŸ’—

    5. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Gotta have some vices in life mate 🍺 πŸ’™πŸ’™

    6. That ya do 🍺 🍻 cheers

  7. Anonymous5:38 PM

    My guess, Brylee getting engaged?

  8. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Upcoming trip?

  9. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I set a timer every single time I put something on the stove, in the oven, or turn on a sprinkler. I use a Siri, so she reminds me why/what. This is also handy for my husband, instead of hearing a buzzer, there is a voice with instructions.

    I also use the calendar on my phone for all appointments with two reminders set for every appointment. One reminder alerts the day before and one two hours before.

    This eliminates so much frustration. Apparently this is now a vital part of my life.


  10. I did same thing this week and ended up throwing the burnt pan in the bin.


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