Saturday, September 07, 2024




Nice day ahead I hope.

First up, once I'm actually out of bed, I will be stepping on the scales to see if I've done well this week.

After that, we shall be picking up Lacy and Keera and going to pick up a Guinea Pig hutch.

All going well, cos I feel like the seller sounds a bit dodgy.

We will see what happens.

ABOVE:  It's a bit scary how alike they look, and act.

ABOVE: These two last night, having hysterics over a voice message Lacy left me.  Happy girls.

So.... now let's wait for me results on the dreaded scales!




RESULT IS:   Loss of 2.55 kilos/5.6 pounds.

I am damn happy with that.  Now to keep it up.

11.18 am. And our hunt is ongoing.

We had a 2nd hand hutch lined up for pickup this morning,  but the seller simply did not turn up! So we are now driving around pet shops to find a new hutch. 

As we speak, we are off to Cambridge to look at one. πŸ™ƒ

ABOVE: Did I say 'look'?

Madam had her eye on this one, and no other would do.  So between us, we purchased said PALACE for the guinea pigs.

Lacy tried pulling it over to the trailer... difficult.

Then her brains kicked in and yeah, much easier.

There was a lady in the carpark watching her, shaking her head at the shenanigans... then when Lacy started pushing it... she just smiled and said "Much better idea".

ABOVE: Tied down, all secure and off we went back to Hamilton.

ABOVE:  I am sure Lacy and Keera will enjoy setting that up for Chocolate, Smokey and Gary.

After we left the girls, we went to our favourite Indian Restaurant for our 'main meal' of the day.

I usually don't have a drink with my meal (at lunchtime), as they don't have diet coke.  

Today the proprietor decided to gift me a special drink... it was a Mango/Pineapple/Yoghurt with Spices concoction.

ABOVE:  I am no fan of Mango, so wasn't too optimistic of it being nice.   BUT, OMG it was delicious!  Like a dessert in a glass.

VERY CLEVER marketing, cos he now knows that's what I am going to order every time we go in!  lol

Well, at a lunchtime meal.  At dinnertime I will still probably get a glass of wine.

We both had our 'usual' meals, me  mild Butter Lamb and Stew had a hot Butter Chicken.

Now we are home and just relaxing.  There is no desire to do much right now.  

Well, the only thing I've done this afternoon is have a nap, then tidy up my sewing room!

Totally lazy tart!  I'm gunna have a lazy evening too... so shall sign off for the day.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Congratulations! Dogstars

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Well done

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Woohoo!! Congratulations on the weight loss. Good on ya!! Ky Girl

  4. Haha yeah 🀣 pull or push the options are endless πŸ˜… seems push was the more logic option 🀣
    Thank you so dam much Mum and Dad, the Fur Kids are happy and settled (when we are not spying or annoying them 🀣).
    Keera has been watching them through that cute little window πŸͺŸ on their Guinea Mansion.

  5. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Wow beautiful hutch. The girls do look very alike and I'm so glad they have so much time together. Great news with Trulicity. Going to ask my Dr if I can use it. I'm not getting enough e excise. Too much dizzy. Kj

  6. Wow that’s a Guinea pig palace for sure very fancy.
    Mango lassi love love them my favourite!

  7. Well done on your
    Big loss!

  8. The drink looks tasty.
    We went to a PRINCE tribute concert tonight.
    It was terrible. I can't believe how bad it was.
    In 1984 my best friend and I spent the night outside of Ridgedale Mall to get Prince tickets for the PURPLE RAIN concert. We were 15 years old. And we were so shocked that our Moms let us do it. We had 13th row seats! Those were the days!

  9. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Guinea pig cage looks kool. Ive had a frustrating week so over piddling around getting nothing done. Just put big pot of pumpkin soup on for tea. FELICITY

  10. I loved how you called it a palace! It sure is. I've never heard of butter lamb... is it tender? I'm a butter chicken person but would give lamb a go.

    1. It is super soft and succulent, WAY better than chicken!

  11. Congratulations that's an amazing loss. Keep moving in the direction you want.

  12. What a !oss! Is there something in trulicity ups the metabolism? I bet all the walking really kicks it in gear. I saw my endocrinology Dr last week. I thought maybe she could prescribe something to help with weight loss. No to trulicity since I am not diabetic. She did tweak my hypothyroidism medication. I go back in 2 months for a check up. Lacy & Keera sure look alike. Great that they are able to spend time together.


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