Friday, September 06, 2024



I'm totally over staying home!

Today I am going out shopping.

I don't give a rats arse what I'm buying, I just want to get out and about.

And spend some money! I have a small list of boring shit I do need to get.

But I just wanna get something fun, maybe an item of clothing, or something for the house.... let's just wait and see what I can find.


Well!  That was a complete waste of my morning.

ABOVE:  First up I went to The Base.  I wandered around there for about an hour, found NOTHING I wanted to buy.

ABOVE:  I spied these and was tempted for a NANO SECOND, then was like, Yeah Nah.  I would never wear them.

So then I got in me car and went over to Chartwell Square.

ABOVE:  Which was, as per usual, like a Ghost Town.  So sad when you see so many shops empty.  

ABOVE: It was on me list.  Shit for me hair.

ABOVE:  I got 5 paper back books for $20 from Whitcoulls.  Why not? 

ABOVE:  Then I did a rather boring little grocery shop.  Had to buy biscuits.  Our overnight visitor was bitterly disappointed we didn't have any snacks in the pantry last night!  She had to munch on crackers, poor tart.

And there ends my amazing 😂😅😉 shopping expedition.  I really wanted to find some nice summer clothes, but alas, there ain't that much out in the shops yet.  I shall have to bide my time. 

It is now 11.30 am, and I'm gunna have something for me lunch, nice and early for a change.

Well... it's 3.30 pm, and I've had a rather quiet day!  No sewing to be done.  Probably should have done something productive, but couldn't be arsed.  I've been reading!

Been arranging with Lacy to pick up a large guinea pig hutch, all going well, tomorrow.  That way the GP's will be safe from prowling cats.

It's FRIDAY.  TRULICITY DAY.  And I actually forgot until late this afternoon.
So I didn't stress over it all day, which was awesome.

ABOVE:  Have I shown you this stuff before?  I put a dab of it on me belly where the needle is gunna go in... leave it for about half a hour, then Stew does my injection for me.
Tonight I didn't feel A THING again!
Not even a tiny prick.
We even wondered if it had worked!
But it had, cos the medication was no longer in the injection tube.
It's so bloody easy, such a relief.

I can't wait to get on the scales tomorrow morning, I just know I will have a loss.

Now, it's chill out time in front of the TV and computer.  I multi-watch lol.  Oh and sometimes I even talk to Stew.  
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. OOH! Can't wait to see what the shopping expedition turns up!

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    What are crumble biscuits? FELICITY

    1. They are new out. I tried one. Not bad, not fantastic. Only 8 in the pack.

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Omg I would so wear those crocs lol we're did you spy them?? 💚 bex

  4. Anonymous5:59 PM

    After seeing the biscuits I had to have one 😄 thank goodness there was only one left in the packet or I may not have stopped at one

  5. Good luck with your scales. Nice to hear you sounding positive.

  6. Anonymous11:16 PM

    I thought those crocs were for Lily

  7. Anonymous12:16 AM

    My daughter used the EMLA cream on her earlobes before she got her ears pierced and she didn’t feel a thing. Great stuff. Susan


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