Monday, September 16, 2024



I thought I'd share our listing/photos on here, the more reach the better right?

ABOVE:  I have to say, I'm very happy with our photos.  The photographer did a good job.

If you wish to look at our listing, the link is:

Now what are my plans for today?

I'm gunna re-dye my hair.  That takes a good couple of hours.

ABOVE:  Bex trimmed the short 'n' curlies from around the base of my hair last night.  Sure looks like a lot of hair went in the bin!  But, it needed to be done.  They never get any longer than that and just look messy.

After I've dyed my hair, I'm going to run a brush around the edges of the pool and turn the filter on.  It's back to daily maintenance, so it looks good for Open Homes etc. 


10.08 am, and I just went out and bought some toner for me hair.   I don't want to go yellow, so I chose SILVER!   I might end up looking grey.

And I don't even care.   I'm in a bit of a mood today.

The pool is brushed and filtering.

Me hair is wrapped in cling wrap, it has to stay like that for 40 minutes, then rinse and repeat with the toner.

It's a process, but at least it ain't costing me $310 at a hair salon.

I'm in the sewing room, looking at the latest runner on the go.  Not even interested in working on that right now.

In our next house I fully expect to be back working in a garage.  And I don't mind.  It's the price I pay for us deciding to downsize. 

I have been very spoilt in this home, I know that.  But, there's more to life than having a big sewing room.  Like no mortgage, and taking some time to travel etc.

Dyed the hair - tick.

Toned the hair - tick.

Looked at the hair.



Pour PURPLE Shampoo on the hair.

Leave for an hour.....

ABOVE:  There's a tinge on purple in the very front, and a very slight yellow tinge towards the back. It will do.

That is such a long process, even doing it at home.  I'm now exhausted!  Gunna go watch a movie and chill out for a while.

3.48 pm:  Much later.  Done bugger all today.  Just fluffing around in the house, tidying up a couple of areas.  It's a dreary day, overcast, threatening to rain, but not yet.

Cold.   I don't function well when cold, so I might just turn on the heating and warm this place up a bit.

Well I cheered up with the heat pump on!  Gosh it was so cold today.

It was our usual sort of evening, watching the telly, chatting etc.  Had a lovely phone call from Stew's sister, Khady, who's down in Wanganui.

She is also selling her home and moving, but still staying in Wanganui.  So, fingers crossed for her too.

Right, I'm going to bed, it's warmer there.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. OMG! Seeing those pictures just reminds me of all the work you did. Remember the driveway fiasco with that crappy black goop? And now it's museum worthy concrete! The bathtub, the new BLUE stove, new lights ... The pool. That sewing studio! I just love this place!

  2. You've made a lovely home there. I hope others appreciate the wonderful atmosphere and the terrific improvements. It's nothing like the house you moved into. Much much better!

  3. Anonymous7:09 AM

    You have such a lovely home. Hope it sells fast for you! Laurie

  4. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Good luck with selling the house. It looks fantastic. You have done so many improvements since you moved in. Hope it sells quickly 🤞 And can’t wait to hear about your next moves 😀

  5. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The photos are lovely. The rooms show really well. Love the drone shots from outside.

  6. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Your home looks great, so much room for a family...lots of areas for entertainment and also being able to have space are so lucky with your is amazing...have a good day....Peta

  7. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Your house shows beautifully. You can tell how much you and Stew take care of it. I've been mortgage free for 15 years now. We paid off our 30 yr mortgage in 14 years. Best decision we ever made. Good luck!!

  8. Rhonda12:27 PM

    You’ve done a lovely job of getting your house ready to sell to set you and Stew up in retirement I expect, when the time comes. It’s so important to be debt free in retirement. Retirement with a mortgage would be very very hard. Hope this house sells quickly so you can get settled in your next adventure. I think you will miss this home but as you say it’s necessary to sell for a life style change. Good luck 🤞

  9. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Gosh, it’s a (another) beautiful home you’ve created! It must ‘show’ beautifully to potential buyers. I’m getting ready to think about selling mine, after 19 years and 4 kids. It’s been a great place to raise a family, but now I’m ready for smaller spaces and more acreage. Decluttering has kind of started, but I’m a bit scared of opening some of those cupboard doors…

  10. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Maggie Melb Au. I love the hair colour, very elegant.

  11. I love the hair colour. And the house photos look amazing.

  12. The new colour looks amazing and makes you look younger very sleek.
    I have had the pleasure of seeing and being in your last 3 homes all equally beautiful! 😁

  13. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Here in Canada we remove all personal pictures and cha chas so the prospective owner can envision the house for themselves.

  14. House looks lovely! Good luck selling it.

  15. Anonymous8:00 AM

    If I could I would buy a house of yours anyway. Always very clean and tidy. Beautiful. My friend has her garage insulated and lined and has a single Murphy bed for visitors. She put drapes over the garage door. It's her sewing room, lovely. Depends I guess how many bedrooms are in the new house when you fin̈d it. I'm sure it won't take long to sell. Kj


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