Wednesday, September 04, 2024



Hi ho, half way through the week.

And my only plan for today is to get the final two runners finished.

AND go out and buy a water dispenser to clip inside a dog cage.

Coco has remembered how to climb over the pet fence, and keeping her contained has become a problem.

Yesterday she escaped out the garage door and it took me over half an hour to find her, and get her back into the car so I could get her home again.

It totally did my head in.

So now when I need her to be contained, she's going into a CAGE.  She cannot get out of that!

But she does need access to water when confined, hence the need to go get something that will attach to the inside of the cage.

Thank god Marley is NOT an escapologist.

And that's about all I have for now.  I don't have a walk planned for today.  UNLESS I feel inclined later on.  We will see.


9.20 am, sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting for a locksmith to arrive.  I cannot for the life of me find the key to my sewing room door.  And I have finally caved and called in a locksmith to make new ones.

I can get in via the door from the garage, but not from the outside door.  Most annoying.

Once he's been and fixed me door, I can go out and get a water dispenser for Coco.

It is another lovely day, just a bit cool.  I shall probably not be going OUT for a walk.  I can't believe it is already too hot for me to walk in the sun! It's only September for goodness sake!

How do you feel about punctuality?  For me, it's goddam IMPORTANT!  If I have an appointment, I am ALWAYS early.  I feel it's the height of rudeness to be late, unless it is TOTALLY beyond your control.

So, the locksmith said he would be here at 10 am.

It's now 11 am, and he's still not here.  And he's not text me to advise me of an ETA, or why he's late.

Yesterday he wouldn't even give me a time he was arriving!  He arrived at the end of the day!  I had sat around waiting for him ALL DAY.

So now I'm ropable.  I'm going to text him and find out when I can expect him, cos I don't do WAITING well.

ABOVE:  While I've been waiting, I finished this runner.  Only one to go!  

Then I shall set to and get all the runners out and re-iron them, sort them out into their correct bags etc.  Get the ducks in a row again.

ABOVE: This one was scratching at the garage door to be let in this morning, and she made a bee line for a sunny spot.

Marley on the other hand, prefers to stay in bed, curled up in a ball.  Cute bugger.

Fuming now.  I text the locksmith, and he has not replied at all.

So, I let him know (vis text) that I was going to be out over lunchtime, then went out.

Now I'm home, it's 1.30 pm and still no response from him!  Soooo goddam rude.  Unless he's lying in a hospital bed or similar, I could forgive him if that's the case.

Dumm dee doo....

11.32 pm:  LOL, I could almost think he just read that (above)!  He just rang me and he's coming over in half an hour.  No apologies for dicking me around.  Grrrr.  But at least my door will be sorted.

1.05 pm: Did he say in HALF AN HOUR?  It was an hour and a half before one of his employees turned up.

So ANOTHER guy turned up, he works for the locksmith.  In a regular car, no signage.

He has brought with him an entirely new door knob, cos the old one can't be 'fixed'.

Only it doesn't fit the damn door, so he's spent 20 minutes installing it, to then have to uninstall it.  

He tells me he can 'make it fit' after he's uninstalled it, then RE-INSTALL it.

Meanwhile ... it's ON THE CLOCK RIGHT?  

Can you imagine how annoyed I'm getting?????

In the end it took that man 40 minutes to put a new door knob on me door!   When he asked me to pay there and then, I said I wanted an invoice so I could check the time taken, as yesterday and today a lot of time was taken up with THEM not getting it right in the first place.  Plus the 'boss man' from yesterday spent half his time on the damn phone, or rummaging in the back of his van trying to find things!

If I could leave a bad review on his website I would, but there's no option to.  Annoying.

I'm over it now.  Sorry for venting.  VENTING.  Not moaning.

There is a difference.

Now, my temper is such that I need to lie down and just chill out.

***I double checked the price for the door knob online before he was finished the job, so I knew how much they were.

He was fair.  I got charged one call out fee plus the cost of the door knob.  So, that part was OK.  It was just the lack of consideration for MY TIME, the lack of communication and time wasted.

I'm now back in the sewing room, trying to finish the FINAL runner in my 24 run.

I might get it done ?

I did get it done, I'll show you tomorrow.  Right now I'm just done with today.

9.25 pm:  Well the evening has been peaceful.  No stress.  No frustration.  Here's hoping tomorrow is a much better day than today.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. I am always early too. And it drives me nuts to wait. If you just text an update - I can deal with it. No call / no show is most annoying.

  2. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Geez I can't stand waiting for tradesman. They don't wait to give you the invoice. I would take off the time you were waiting when I pay it. After all you work too.
    I love the new runner. Looks amazing in those colours. I'm walking inside today, no walker !!!

  3. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Was there a call out fee and did they quote for the job itself. If they quoted beforehand you would know whether they have added the time THEY wasted. Audrey

  4. How aggravating...

  5. Omg I'd be furious 😠

  6. Unprofessional and inconsiderate sums up your locksmith. I would have been fuming too.

  7. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I'd be paying for the parts and 1/2 an hour labour otherwise get stuffed!! Dreary day here raining on and off along with a big temperature drop GM 💙💙

  8. Omg…I hate inconsiderate tradesmen…grrrrr
    I would have been so angry too.

  9. Rhonda7:37 PM

    You are not moaning or whinging at all! You have every right to be annoyed! Glad it got sorted for you! I would have been the exact same! Your time is important!

  10. Anonymous7:41 PM

    I understand your frustration mum cleaning lady couldn't come Monday so anther will come about 4 pm...the at 4,30 another call, to mum which is supposed to be to me cause she has trouble hearing and understanding them on phone, to say they be Tuesday about 3. Nobody so I rung oh we didn't think you would want anyone now. So I said yes and please don't ring this morning nobody came again to put her compression stocking on they didn't come until 2pm on Monday...the girl that did come in end on Monday was very angry because with no compression on her legs for all that time the legs were very swollen again. It was same girl that had done them in wkend so she knew what they had been looking like. I rung about cleaning again today 11.30 ill get back to you soon...sat around most of frigging day making sure had cell phone everywhere I went and I mean everywhere no call no ill need to phone again tomorrow hideous music while on hold for at least an hour...gggrrr and I am moaning lol.
    Tomorrow I've got order of 15 xmas cards to make so wont be wanting to pass around on phone all day.

  11. Anonymous8:05 PM

    The one that always amazes me is the over head garage door guys. I do not know how many guys they have, but someone is always available to come that day. We have used the same company for 35-40 years, which might have something to do with it. But when something is wrong, latest was spring broke, they were here within a couple hours. Gotta figure most of their day to day business is emergencies, car locked in garage, so I do not know how they staff/plan, but they do.

  12. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Chris, I discovered something last week that I’m sure most people younger than me already know. I go to Google Maps on my phone and key in the company name/ restaurant/blah blah. When it comes up, scroll right down and there’s often reviews there. Click on reviews and there you go. I’ve done this often over the last few weeks, I was looking for restaurant reviews. But also found reviews for an engineered floorboard company that I ended up using for my daughter. If you have trouble, ask Steve. Marie, Melbourne

  13. Nothing worse than waiting around for someone all day!


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