Monday, September 30, 2024



How about a few happy snaps from yesterday to start our day?

First up...

ABOVE: Lily's newest accomplishment.

NOT only that!  She is up on all fours, rocking and trying SO VERY HARD to crawl.  Last night she ALMOST did it!  So, that won't be long, then God help everyone, she's gunna be into everything of course.  😏😊

ABOVE:  Granddad was letting her chew on a snake lolly. She loved it.
She also loved meatloaf, potato and ice cream.  πŸ˜‚ Lily loves almost all food.

ABOVE:  Marley photo bombing again.

ABOVE: Not only is she about to crawl, she's also trying to stand up.  Our teeny, tiny babe is growing too fast. 

ABOVE: See the girls in the background?
Steve was in the kitchen, which means they might get a tid bit.  Well, there is no might about it, they always get spoilt by Steve.

ABOVE:  Me and our darling Archer.  He's such a honey.
He doesn't really enjoy having his photo taken, but will for me.

ABOVE: Dessert last night was 'You choose which one ya want'.  We don't go overboard for a sunday night dinner obviously.  πŸ˜‹πŸ˜Š

ABOVE:  Having a cuddle with Gary after dinner.

ABOVE:  Lacy, Keera and Gary.  The other two guinea pigs got to stay in their mansion.  

Now, back to today.
I'm going out to buy a new phone case, one that I can keep my most often used cards in.  And I  shall be posting the first Round House Runner to YOU Sandra.

Then I will come home and continue working on the next RHR (s).  


Thieves and robbers.  

I sent that green runner to my friend KJ down in Wellington, and she never got it.  It WAS delivered according to NZ Post.  So some nasty arse bastard has taken it from her letterbox.  There is nothing we can do.

So I shall be making her a new one and getting it couriered to her, and it will require HER signature, to be handed over to her, on her doorstep.  Grrrrr.  There's some real pricks out there I tell ya.

I've heard of scum bags following Postal vans, waiting to steal the parcels once they are delivered!   I don't think it has ever happened to one of my parcels before.
Lesson learnt.
Sandra, I hope you get yours in a few days!  It is being couriered.

It is now lunchtime.  I've done all me jobs.  Time to have some lunch.  OH and Lacy and Keera are coming over to visit... nice, I love company.

Well, the girls came, stayed for a while, then left.
And I got into the sewing room and did 5 hours of stitching.
RHR # 2 is not finished yet.
Then at around 5.15pm Lacy and Keera arrived again, this time on their bikes.  Both looked a bit hot.
They left just before Stew arrived home from work.
We are now thinking what to have for dinner.

I had left over meatloaf for lunch and it's repeated on me all afternoon.  NOT NICE, heartburn to the max.

I've taken some Losec, so hopefully that kicks in soon.

I ended up having some crackers/cheese and hummus for my dinner.  Stew had meatloaf sandwiches!  Lazy dinner.
Now... watching the telly till bedtime.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I have a very very small cross body that holds my phone, drivers license, two health cards, two credit cards, an emergency house key, and two $20’s. It is my only “purse”. Highly recommend.


  2. A whole lotta fun pictures! Cute kids. Cute pig. And I still want to make a ,eatloaf. I don't know why I don't make it more often. I do love it.

  3. Oh my gosh that's terrible news

  4. That's the worst! All that work. Hopefully who ever stole it actually enjoys it. Lily and Nate are close in what they are doing. He army crawls through the room and sits up now and just did the clapping last week lol. I told Scott once he figures out how to pull himself up to standing he'll be walking.

  5. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Have the recipient call her local post office . They may have a way to track where it was dropped off. Here they have the gps of where they left something, and they can tell if it was the right address or not. Most people don’t know about this , so have her call her local post office. I just had this happen a couple of weeks ago. The post office confirmed they dropped it at the wrong address, they actually went there and somehow got the package back! I was shocked! Technology these days!

    1. We already did all that. They could confirm it was dropped off at the correct address.

  6. Omg….thats terrible about the parcel.

    Love all the pics, little Lily is growing up so quick.

  7. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Naaaw gorgeous family photos great memories being made GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

  8. Kiwionholidays6:33 PM

    Fabulous day and pics with the family
    Love the one with you and Archer and one with Dante in too this time caught unaware cos the boys don’t like pics like the girls do but hey they’re all treasures to have
    Wee Lily is growing up so fast can see Bex in her a lot too,
    Those two sitting on duty waiting for tit bits 🐢🐢
    You couldn’t make that stuff up
    They’re beautiful hey .?
    Enjoy daylight saving ,,,
    Aussie doesn’t start till next weekend

    Fab game on Saturday as well πŸ‰πŸ₯✔️πŸ’―
    Just saying lol

    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  9. I don't get mail or couriers for this very reason. There are thieves working the area all the time. Did you know that you can courier to any Woolworths store (Countdown) and people can pick up from there? No point putting locks on the letterbox either, the thieves just take that as a challenge and break it open!

  10. Kiwionholidays9:25 PM

    PS forgot to say lovin the pics of Lacy n Keera too with the wee fur babies ✔️πŸ’―

  11. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I have a friend who mails her quilt tops to her various long arm quilters. And then after they have been quilted, they are mailed back to her. Full size quilts! Regularly! I cannot imagine. (My quilter lives a half hour from me, I drive to her. I also have a binder who lives about 15 minutes from me, I drive to her too.)

    We had a neighbor’s package delivered to our porch by mistake last year. I can’t remember now if it was UPS or Amazon. Either way they both take pictures of the package on the porch. So we knew it was my porch. And someone was likely following them because it was taken immediately. It was just before the holidays last year.

  12. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Do you have Gaviscon in NZ. It stops acid reflux or indigestion instantly. It is worth a try if available there. Gigi

  13. Lily makes some gorgeous little expressions. It will be fun when she starts walking all right. For us anyway!


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