Wednesday, September 25, 2024



All is looking good for another FBG Challenge walk this morning.

So, I'm off to Cambridge at around 8.30 am.

After today, I'll only have two more walks left to finish the Challenge.  Yaaaa.

I bought myself a lovely sweatshirt from H & M a few weeks ago.

ABOVE:  Sadly, it just doesn't fit me properly any more.  It's too big ... so Stew has it now.  He's scored a couple of lovely sweatshirts from me this winter.  *sigh*

I've lost about 3 kilos in the past month, so the Trulicity is kinda working.  I just hope it's making my Hba1c go down too.

It's a constant battle for me, as the Trulicity is not blocking the hunger pangs like it did in the beginning.  I know next time I see the Doctor I will need to ask him to up the prescription, so the hunger blocking affect lasts longer.  Right now it only works for about 2-3 days after the injection.

Right, it's time I got up and got the house all ship shape, before I head over to Cambridge.


12.25 pm:  And it's an utterly gorgeous day!  A cool wind, but otherwise gorgeous.

The walk today was around a very swish area of Cambridge.   All the homes were SUBSTANTIAL in size, with very large sections as well.

ABOVE:  I don't know what was 'wrong' with this lawn, but it was letting the neighbourhood down!  lol

ABOVE:  Morning tea at Ophelia Cafe, where they make the drinks very pretty.  My hot chocolate had a rabbit on the froth, while 'Bs' coffee had FBG and a pig!  Very funny.

Now that I'm home I'm having some lunch, then not sure what I will get up to.

I think Lacy is coming over?  We will see.

ABOVE:  Walk stats.  A nice distance today, at a steady pace. 

I think I've convinced myself to get going and just make heaps more runners!
When we sell and move, it will take me a while to set up a sewing 'room' again, so I won't be able to make more during that period.
And what if we sell heaps over the next few months?
My stock will go down, can't have that!
So this afternoon I am going to get out the fabrics I need, and get going on a Braid Runner 'run' again.

We have NO green ones left, so that is top of the list.

Well a slow afternoon.   No show with Lacy.  Don't know what happened there.
I got into the sewing room, then lost motivation.
I will do better tomorrow.
It's winding down time, Stew will be home in the next half an hour or so, so I might just blob out until he gets home.

Righty ho, a lovely relaxing evening here.  I'm now watching Coronation Street.... it's getting very interesting.  Another 'evil bloke' is about to get his comeuppance. 
And that's a wrap on the day.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I love that sweatshirt. I've never been in that shop. Thought it was only for skinny chick's. Hope you have a good walk and weather is comfortable. Kj

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      It is for skinny chicks that’s why Chris shops there 🤣

  2. I'm in a sewing slump trying to decide what to work on. I feel like I should be making stuff for my craft booth but I don't really want to make any of the same stuff I've made. Sometimes I think about just selling it super cheap and being done with it OR going full blown next year and trying to do more shows. Hmmm decisions lol.

    1. Yes Julie, I sometimes feel like that too. I think I will stick with it for a few more years though, as what else am I gunna do with my time???

  3. Lucky Stew. And congratulations You!! You're losing Size. 👍😊 And good for you still walking. I've given up although it's cooler now and I have no excuse.
    I really hope you sell fast so you can get back into your sewing. You need it!!
    Hope you work out that appetite suppressant too. You need that too

  4. those hot drinks are really impressive.

  5. 3 KG is great loss!


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