Saturday, September 14, 2024



Good morning.

We have decided to go on a day trip to Taupo/Wairakei today.

Lunch in Taupo, then a swim at the hot pools at Wairakei.  Sounds like a lovely way to spend a wet day eh?

It won't matter if it's raining, we will be getting wet anyway!

Before we leave Stew will do his weekend shopping.  While he's out, I will get the house spic 'n' span.  It's always nice to come back home to no jobs to do.



Getting stuff ready to go.

And I realise something pretty quick.

I ain't got any togs (swimmers/bathing suit)!

Remember all the de-cluttering I did a couple of months ago?

Where I went through my clothes and took a WHOLE HEAP away to the op shop?

Seems my togs went too.

So once we get to Taupo I will need to pop into Farmers and get me a new pair of togs, or I ain't going swimming!

I don't think going 'Commando' is allowed there.  lol

ABOVE: First stop ... The Bakery in Tirau, where the queue was out the door. Its such a popular bakery. 

ABOVE: My Lamb, Mint and Pea Pie. It was AMAZING!

We are now back on the road. 

ABOVE: Two hours later.... and we are heading home after a really wonderful soak.  You don't 'swim' in these pools, its too hot.
There's  four pools, each is a different  temperature.  
They go from FUCK THATS HOT, to tepid. lol

WHERE IS EVERYONE? Is blogger having a glitch, or are you just not talking to me?   Pfffffft.

6.11 pm:  We are home.  We unpacked our day bag, then turned around and went out for dinner.

ABOVE: Dinner this evening was a shared platter, followed by a shared butter chicken.  Very nice from the Davies Corner Indian Restaurant for a change.

Now that we are home, it's time to simply relax for the remainder of the evening.
Catch ya tomorrow.

Where I spill my guts on our secret.


  1. Rhonda3:58 PM

    The pools look so nice. Lovely photo of you both too

  2. Penny4:00 PM

    What a great way to spend a cold, wet day! Enjoy x

  3. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Lovely pictures. Sounds like a fun afternoon.

    Glad you found a swim suit. Sometimes that isn’t so easy.


  4. Ohhh it’s a grey cold day here so nice you could swim I’ve been unpacking stuff and helping people move did some Friday night and today before rain was good.

  5. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Wow gorgeous photos of you two loved up bunnies! I'm glad you had a lovely looked good too. Hmm tomorrow, I sure hope it good news and you're not moving??

  6. Nothing better than a good soak….love those kinda pools 😘

  7. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Definitely not the place to go commando lol

  8. Kiwionholidays8:38 PM

    What a fabulous day you guys had
    It’s so neat to get away n see the country n do some awesome things as well like the hot pools n good food too
    Cheers 🥂

  9. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Nice to see you sharing. I am a big eater but was taken aback by the size of their meals 😂Marie, Melbourne

  10. Anonymous11:17 PM

    You have fallen off diet yet again.

  11. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Those pools look amazing!! Peta

  12. Anonymous2:09 AM

    I’m traveling, so phone makes me anonymous. The hot pools look fabulous! I would love that! Today my hubby and I are going to a “pickleball workshop”. It’s basically lessons from 4 coaches on different techniques. I’m afraid I’m not good enough and will get kicked out of “pickleball school” haha

  13. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Maggie Melb. Au. can’t wait to find out the secret.


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