Thursday, September 12, 2024



Yeah good morning.

I've got two things on my agenda this morning.

1.  Accompany Lacy to the Doctor.  She just wants some support, so I'm it.

2. Got to Briscoes to buy another NEW Iron.  

It doesn't seem that long ago that I bought a new iron.  Most frustrating that the current one has up and died on me.

I think I'll buy a cheap one, and if it dies in a year, it won't hurt the bank balance replacing it.

ABOVE:  That's the runner I said I wasn't going to make.  More toned down, but still with the black accents.

Sorry if ya don't like the black.  I do.

I will continue working on it once I have a new iron.  I can't work without an iron.

While I really DON'T need any more runners for my stock, I simply cannot do NOTHING!   I need to be working on something.

This house is super easy to keep tidy, with no kids to make a mess now.  And there's no new walks over in Cambridge yet, and I hate walking on my own.  

So I'm at a loose end.... unless I'm sewing.

ABOVE:  I just had to share... Marley looking like the most spoilt tart ever.  So cute.


Small change. Ain't taking the tart to the Drs today. Shes not up to it. 'Nuff said. 

So I can take my time getting up now.

VICKIE:  I did indeed look at cordless irons a year ago, but decided the docking station they sat on was too big and would get in my way.

ABOVE:  I was at Briscoes bright and early this morning, and bought a middle of the line iron and a couple of other things.

Then on to the supermarket, where I bought the TWO things on me list... and NOTHING else!


ABOVE: Remember this pot, that I burnt the sausages in?

Well.. I was gunna chuck it in the bin, thinking it was a goner.

But someone said soak it in water and baking soda.

So I did that for three days, changing out the water each day for fresh, HOT water and more baking soda.

And look at it now:

ABOVE: I am gobsmacked!   Utterly amazed it worked.

ABOVE:  I did give it a scrub with this, which brought it up beautifully.  I'm rather chuffed with that pot now.

It's now 10.07 and it's freezing in my house, so I'm off to me sewing room, where I'll put the heat pump on and be nice and cosy.

ABOVE:  2.25 pm:  And this one is coming along nicely.  I should have done more on it by now, but I keep getting interrupted by 'secret squirrel' stuff.


Back to today, I shall keep working on this one until Stew gets home.  Then I'll take Stew to the pub, visit the kids, then join Stew for an hour before we both come home.

8.22 pm:  And we are home from the pub.  It was a lovely evening spent with the kids for an hour or so, then with all the regulars at the local pub.

The management were kind enough to bring in Diet Coke for me, so I can have something to drink while there now.  That's the beauty of having a 'local pub', where they get to know you.

It's DAMN COLD today/tonight.  I've got me hot pods on me lap already, plus a blanket.  

Time to wind down and look forward to watching Coronation Street before bedtime.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. The colors on the new runner are so YOU. Looks great.
    They certainly don't make things the way they used to. Such a waste of money and resources. One iron in the landfill and a new one from the store. Not just yours but every iron that goes to shit too soon!
    Marley looks cute as a button. It looks like she has a ball for a foot.
    Lacy - I am sending positive vibes your way today!

  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    What about taking one of the dogs at a time on a shorter walk and trying to get them out of the habit of tangling up their leads and your legs, then you wouldn't be on your own and it is still exercise. Audrey.

  3. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I looked, July/August 2023, you explored cordless iron. I am not sure if you bought a new corded iron at that time.

  4. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I have found a dishwasher tablet works for soaking burnt saucepans too

  5. I am shocked that the pot came out so nice! Impressed!

  6. Laura M.5:44 PM

    I was wondering if maybe you could take a walk down to Bex and Steve's house sometimes if you felt like walking and no walk is scheduled??? You could walk there and maybe put little miss Precious in a stroller and push her for a few blocks, take her home, and then walk back to your place. That would be a fun kind of walk. On the other hand, I really have no idea how far they live from you??? Maybe it would be a bit of a way too much kind of walk. Oh well, just an idea that I thought I'd share.

  7. I would love to see blue greens maybe paua patterns colouring a
    Bright blue instead of black as it would look like water flowing well to me it would… 😁

  8. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Baking soda is brilliant. Glad it worked for you. Marjorie


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