Tuesday, September 03, 2024



Good morning, how ya doing?

I'm doing fine today, first time in ages I slept really well.

I've not taken any painkillers for 24 hours now, and am managing to ignore the last few niggles in my back.  Not 100% there yet, but CLOSE, so close.

Such a relief.

Trulicity takes away your hunger.  It also takes away your thirst.

It's a real struggle to drink, when you have no desire to.

Which leads to getting cramps, particularly in my legs and feet.

I'm not moaning about it, just stating a fact.  If you go on Trulicity, be aware of that side effect.

You literally have to force yourself to drink!  

Today my plans are to finish another couple of runners.  And also go out for a walk.  I'll give Lacy a call and see if she wants to join me, ya never know, she might be free.


I made a bit of a boo boo this morning.

I looked out the window and thought, yeah, it looks like a nice day to go for a walk.  Sunshine, no rain.

DUMB.  I wore a sweatshirt didn't I?   Way, way too hot.  So I stopped in at Bex's and grabbed a t-shirt.  I still roasted, but at least I wasn't in a sweatshirt!

ABOVE: I was still boiling hot when I got home.  I had to get outta Bex's t-shirt cos it was a bit 'damp' in places.  lol  Sorry Bex, I'll clean it of course.

ABOVE:  8 am traffic on Resolution Drive wasn't too heavy, it picks up considerably closer to 8.30 with the school run.

ABOVE: my walk stats.  A nice distance and pace.


I'm gunna relax until my head stops pounding and I have cooled down a bit.

Then I'll head into the sewing room.

1.22 pm:  It's clouded over now, wish I'd gone for my walk now instead of this morning!

Oh well, at least it's not too hot in the sewing room now.

I finally finished watching Bridgerton #3, it was awesome as per.

Here's hoping #4 isn't too far away?

Anyone know???

Back to right now, and I'm in the thick of making binding for the last three runners on the table.

My back is holding up so far today, thank goodness for that.

Just about to dive into the freezer and find something for our dinner before I continue sewing.  .....

ABOVE:  Everyone knows how much I love brights, but..... this one is lovely!  I wish you could see it in person, they always look so much better in person.  I'm so proud of my work, I get a little thrill every time I finish one and see how lovely it is.

I have only made a few that I was like... YUK!

I usually gave those ones away to the bin.

I'm done in here now, I'm going to head into the kitchen and make a marinade for the pork chops I got out of the freezer.  I feel like mashed potatoes and veges will be on the side.  Yum, can't wait.

7.21 pm:  And our dinner turned out just delicious.  I'm full as a bull now, so am going to blob out in front of the telly till bedtime.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    😂😂you’re so aware of not whinging, cracks me up. (I have a bad lower back and two bad knees, am extremely lucky that I sleep with no pain, just when I get out of bed or off couch it takes me a minute or so to get going, but whenever husband has the smallest thing wrong, Jesus....shut the fuck up, lived with my issues for so long, I’ve nearly forgotten). Marie, Melbourne

  2. You and Lacy have not walked around the lake in quite a while!

    1. Correct. I no longer want to be driving to a walk 'Start Point' if possible. It can take up too much time and petrol, both of which I'd rather spend on other stuff.

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Enjoy the weather. I was going to try walking down the footpath today but it's continually rain. I asked at quilt club if anyone would be willing to be a companion for 1/2 hour but nobody offered. Just for my confidence. So gonna do it on my own. But not today! Kj

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Oh dinner sounds awesome. I wish I lived close enough lol. Kj

  5. Laura M.4:00 PM

    Hi Chris, That picture of Lily with the cow that Bex made in your last post was
    way too cute!! Every time I see pictures of that baby, I wonder how in the hell Bex gets ANYTHING done all day! I would just want to play with her all day long and tickle those darling little cheeks. How do you keep yourself under control with them living so close to you? I'd probably be making excuses to go over there constantly. I'm a real sucker of a grandma. And speaking of which, just thought I'd tell you: You Were Right!! The 17 year old grandson who believes he knows it all came home a week after running away with the girlfriend. He decided he wasn't ready to just take off on his own yet. You sure called that one right!! I'm glad that you felt sure he'd be back because I sure wasn't!!
    Last week I took him shopping for some new clothes for a job interview and now he is working at his first job! I hope he stays focused on that instead of
    the girlfriend for awhile. Anyway.....thanks for your wise words of experience!
    Bloggers are the best!

  6. Anonymous6:28 PM

    “When Will Bridgerton 4 Come Out?

    “We’re working to try to release seasons more quickly, but writing takes time. Then it takes eight months to shoot, and then they have to be edited and dubbed in all languages,” said showrunner Jess Brownell. “We’re on a schedule of about two years.”

    This means that the new season of Bridgerton might not be ready until 2026.”



  7. Yesterday, when I woke up it was downright CHILLY outside. I thought of you. I was wondering if it is getting warmer on your side of the globe. I might be a bit premature in the weather observations, however. Seems we have this new furry "wake up Now" device. It wakes me up at an ungodly hour by looking cute, putting a gross toy in my face, and wagging it's tail.


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