Sunday, September 15, 2024



It's something that has been going on for about 3 months now.

Three months ago I started a BIG de-clutter here.

There was an ulterior motive, besides wanting to get rid of surplus stuff around here.

This is why:

ABOVE: We are selling this home and moving on!!!

Yep, Stew made a suggestion three months ago, and instead of waiting a few years (as he thought we would), I jumped head first in and started the process.  I don't do 'waiting' too well!

And within three months I had convinced him now was the time.  And we put our home on the market three weeks ago!

We have our 4th Open Home this afternoon.

So there ya go.  Lots of stuff has been going on here, and will continue to 'go on' until we sell.

We have decided not to divulge any other information about why we are moving, or where, for privacy sake.  

When we first listed our house, we did it through Harcourts.  But our agent moved to another Real Estate firm, and we decided to stay with her, and so we moved too.

There will be a new, BIG billboard up outside our home sometime next week.

Every day for the past three weeks, the first thing I have done is get the house 'spic and span', just in case I get a phone call saying there is going to be a private viewing.

We have had a few now.  It is stressful.  It is tiring.  But I'm coping.  

Our daytrip yesterday was so needed.  I wanted to get out of the house, far, far away!  I needed a break from it all.

It's only been less than a month, but I know it could drag on for a few more months yet.

I hate selling houses!  HATE IT.

But, it's something we thought about, discussed, wrote a list of PRO'S and CON'S, and decided it was the right thing for us to do.

All going well, I will be fluffing around and re-arranging furniture in a new home!

Are you surprised, or did you guess our news?


9.35 am.

We have spent the morning getting the house ready for this afternoons Open Home.

We've got it down to a fine art now.

It only takes about an hour!

But then, we've had plenty of experience in this eh?

This move will be to our eighth home since we got together. Not counting the home I was living in, at Whitianga, way back in 1985.

My God, we will have been together FORTY YEARS next September.  

How does time fly by so fast? 

So back to right now,  I've got a nasty headache, so have taken some pills and am lying down for a while. 

We don't need to do anything else now, until the last quarter of an hour, when we make sure there's no dog doo doos on the ground, and turn on all the lights.

Then we bugger off and leave it up to the Estate Agent to do her thing.

7.44 pm: We've had a busy afternoon/evening.

Open Home went OK.  Small turn out, which is the norm for now.

Our friend Jacqui from Tauranga arrived just before our Open Home.  So she took herself off to The Base, and came back for dinner.

Steve, Bex and the kids came for dinner as well.

I cooked sausages, meatballs, hash browns and salad.  That went down well with everyone. 

Steve had steak, eggs and cheese as he's on a different diet to cater for his health issues.

ABOVE:  The three 'girls'.  

ABOVE:  Marley being adorable.

ABOVE:  The girls begging for a tid bit from Steve.  He obliged, of course.  😊

It's now 7.50 pm and everyone has left and it's back to just him 'n' me.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Well that is a very fun secret mission. I would not have guessed you were already listed/showing.

    And yes, it seemed likely a move was in progress. Yard and house decluttering, work.

    (For quite a while I have wondered if Steve’s family and you two would move back to Palmerston North. It seemed like you were all happier there. )


  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I am totally surprised and I wish you well in selling this home and purchasing your new home. You have such a lovely home and I know you will again. Best wishes, Ky Girl

  3. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Oh wow! Good for you! Less clutter makes for a smoother move, for sure.

  4. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Don't apologise it's nobody else's business apart from you and Stew. I kinda had a suspicion 😂 do what's best for YOU GM 💙💙

  5. Anonymous9:18 AM

    When the time is right you just know.We have decided to stay where we are so have had new windows and doors fitted and this week the garden made simpler to maintain. Good luck with your house sale-it’s the part that I really hate which puts me off moving. Catriona

  6. Exciting times ahead 😉

  7. Rhonda11:03 AM

    Yep I guessed it.

  8. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I am very happy for you both. Kj

  9. Wow great news I sort of guessed but I know you move stuff but declutter re gift buy again do just maybe thought summer coming spring cleaning etc.

  10. Anonymous12:17 PM

    All best for open home..hope its a lovely day show case your lovely sun soaked home. I dnt know how many moves I've had in the last 20 years but bloody heaps. HATE it and no matter how many skips of decluttering I do I still have
    boxes by the millions FELICITY

  11. Anonymous12:49 PM

    That’s exciting and stressful. I don’t like selling or doing all the packing to move either. Good luck!

  12. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Well, I’ve come back after a loooong break for illness, and went back 9 months to start catching up! When I read the decluttering was starting, a devil on my shoulder muttered, “ooohhhhh bet they’re moooooving”! It’s good to be catching up!
    MrsF with 4

  13. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I thought with the decluttering that might have been on your mind...Peta

  14. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Wow, that is big news. I hope that you find the perfect home for your next move. Good luck with the sales process, it can get so draining being at the ready so to speak
    Mary in Tassie

  15. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I sent you an email...Peta

  16. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Stressful times but will be well worth it once you are settled and in your new home. I think you have moved 3 times since I have been reading your blog. I would call you experts. Good luck Gail

  17. Wow Chris, you're moving. Hope you sell quickly and get exactly want you want in the new house.
    Boy you've done so much work on this house, so many improvements. Hope you get double the orice

  18. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I was wondering about housing market. It is crazy how much it fluctuates.

    During and right after pandemic, here, houses sold by word of mouth before they even were listed.

    We had houses in our neighborhood that seemed to sell like magic. It was crazy.

    We have been in this house for 23+ years. Previous house 15+ years. But every couple years I pretend we are moving and clean out aggressively.

    Both girls (26 and 30) still have stuff here. And I just said - pretend we are moving in 9 mos and I am not taking any of your stuff with us. . .


  19. Another move? Wow. You have done so much with this home. I bet it sells quickly. Next owners get a move in ready home. Lily is so dang cute. Glad the open house went well.

  20. You are really doing it. How exciting. I am a bit shocked - this house seems perfect. What about that sewing room????? Can you bring it with you - HAHA

  21. So exciting that you're moving. I'm with you in not waiting ... if it's what you want to do and there's no reason not to do it now, then go for it. You have made your home so beautiful and livable (I'm sure the gorgeous tub you put in will be greatly appreciated). Good luck and fingers crossed that it sells soon.


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