Wednesday, September 18, 2024



After a two week break from going over to Cambridge for a walk, I'm finally going over there this morning.   It's for a Social Walk, not an Urban Challenge walk. 

But, any walk is a good one right?

I've missed seeing my FBG friends.

All I have to do before I leave is make sure the house is 'Inspection Ready', in case the agent wants to bring someone through while I'm out.

I literally have to do that every morning when I get out of bed.  Whip around and get everything ship shape.  Tis a pain in the arse.

But necessary.  *sigh*  AND not forgetting, this is a choice we made.

I didn't show you the runner I finished yesterday, cos I wanted to think about what to say about it.

Here it is:

ABOVE:  So many people said... do one without black.  Do one more MUTED/TONED DOWN.  So I did.

And I absolutely HATE IT.

ABOVE: SEE the difference?

SEE why they need to have the black accents?

I feel like throwing the green one in the damn bin, I hate it that much.

But, I will take it to market, and see what happens.

IF it is still in my stash in 4 months I will be giving it away.  

And just for the record, I still LOVE the bright, colourful one the most.

It makes me happy.


12.47 pm, and I'm finally home from walking/shopping.

First up, thank YOU KJ for saving the Green Runner from the bin!  lol 

Next, today's walk.  It was a 30/30 Social Walk, which meant you walk for 30 minutes in one direction, then turn around and walk back to your starting point.

So, if you are a fast walker or a slow walker, you are catered for.

I was feeling like walking slow-ish today, but in the end I did my fastest walk in a very long time!

ABOVE: my walk stats.  First time I've done under 10 minutes a km in ages.

ABOVE: These three girls set out FAST, and to my amazement, I almost kept up with them.  But I walked on my own most of the way.

Morning tea afterwards, and I just had my Diet Coke, and no Pink Iced Bun.   It wasn't even hard forgoing the bun!

Once back in Hamilton, I stopped in at Spotlight and bought more of my basic black fabric.  Gosh I go through HEAPS of it!

ABOVE: I also bought a couple of metres of the pretties, for strip runners.

THEN I went to the supermarket and spent several hundred dollars on 1/2 a small trolley full of food.  

Now I'm home, all is put away and I'm exhausted!  That walk was ... FAST.  And a long one too.

Time to get some lunch and put me feet up for a while.

ABOVE:  Official (doctored) group photo.  Such fun.

9.47 pm:  Well a quiet afternoon/evening here.  Just the usual with the two of us, catching up on each other's day, watching the telly bla bla bla.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I like the green one with no black. Black would not fit my decor at all. Each to their own, right? Ky Girl

  2. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I think you can have contrast without it being black.

    I agree, new one, no contrast, because it is mostly green.

    But I accept that you do not like it, I am not a fan either.


  3. I like the coloured black the best but the green is nice!!

  4. That is green, very green.
    To me - muted means neutrals. I don't think you have ever touched your scissors to any beige, tan, brown, gray, ivory, cream, neutral colors. Clearly they are not your thing. I really like both the first two. The first one being the most fun, and cheerful!

  5. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I love love the green one and I'm buying it. I'm going to Change my bedroom to geen. It will cover my drawers. Yummy kj

  6. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I like the first one but would be better with blue or green or yellow accent not black

  7. I love the black and yes I agree the green no but someone loved it!
    They are all striking

  8. I like the idea of the 30/30 as can walk car or fast.

  9. Rhonda8:43 PM

    Wow Chris, your walk stats are amazing - you certainly have improved your fitness levels - go you


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