Friday, September 27, 2024



When I decided to do the 'Round Houses' runner yesterday, I don't know what I was thinking!


I got to this point:

ABOVE:  I got to this point and then thought... OH MY GOD. There is SO MUCH detail to add now!

So much stitching, adding little bits all over the place.  *sigh*

Something tells me I will only be doing ONE of these.  EVER.

I will be working on this all day.  I seriously doubt it will get finished today.  But I will try to do as much as possible.

Our Estate Agent rang me yesterday afternoon, just to update me on the person who has the 'Registered Interest' on our home.  She said he is very keen to purchase, as soon as his funds are cleared into our country.  So while I'm still not getting excited, I'm very hopeful.  It could take WEEKS for that to happen. 

So that is me for now.  I'll pop back later with a progress photo or two.  Till then, catch ya later.


ABOVE:  DOGSTARS:  it is that big.  Yes, I made it big so it wouldn't be so finnicky to stitch.

VICKIE:  Too late, I have fused them to the backing fabric already.

ABOVE:  FIVE HOURS of hard work... and I'm probably half way through this runner.

Lots of cutting out little bits of fabric and sticking it down, before stitching around it. 

BUT, I am really loving how it's looking.

I dreamed about it last night, and how I'd compose the entire runner... not just the main 'body' of work - being the round of houses.

I think I've cracked it.  

I can't wait to show you all.  

As it's now 1.10 pm, I'm stopping for a while.  My back is telling me to take a break.  And my belly is rumbling too...  😊😋

ABOVE:  And there  it is.  I'm super happy with it.

And now I can stop and spend some time with Lacy and Keera, who are visiting.

ABOVE: There it is again, with the girls holding it so you can get an idea of it's size.

ABOVE:  I'm sure the girls only come for food!  Talk about dive into me fridge and pantry head first.   I made Keera a ham 'n' cheese wrap, which she is loving.

WELL, that was QUICK!   That runner is already SOLD!  Thanks Sandra, and you are very lucky cos there were two others asking after it as well.
Clearly I will need to make more.
And I think I will be making one for myself too, cos I really do love it.

I'm knackered!  That runner was a lot of work.  My eyes hurt.  My back hurts.  Definitely time to stop for the day.

Stew and I are going to our favourite Indian Restaurant for dinner this evening.   I'm gunna have wine.  And Butter Lamb.   I can't wait!

ABOVE: They are very busy in the restaurant this evening, so I'm already on to my second bottle of bubbly. Niiiiiiiiice. 🤣😊😅

8.38 pm:  Dinner was amazing, we can always expect a good meal at that place.
After dinner, we came home and blobbed out till bedtime.
Which for me is very soon, cos I'm really tired.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. I knew that would be a giant task. That runner. That's why it should be the ONLY elaborate bit. How big is it? It seems like it would be easier the BIGGER it is.

    1. It's really cool. And it looks SOOOO like your style.

  2. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Is it possible to remove some of the houses? Maybe 1/3 of the houses? That would make easier (and less crowded).


    1. Anonymous10:21 PM

      I think I counted 19 houses in the circle. Maybe try 15, and see if that makes it any easier, on the next one.

      A green one might be popular. Green seems to do well for you.

      I hope you increased your price enough. I realize you can’t charge as much as you should, based on actual time, but this one is a lot of work.


  3. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Hi Chris I am glad for you that you have a very interested possible buyer. In saying this though, I can’t understand why you would want to leave your beautiful home that you have really made your own, you have the most beautiful garden, all the time over the summer with family in the swimming pool, your sewing room is amazing, I would not want to
    Leave it , but I am not good with change. I hope all your plans for the future happen and you and Stew will be very happy. Maggie Melbourne Au

  4. Anonymous9:23 AM

    WOW you've achieved a lot in one day. What about buttons for windows kj

  5. Ohhh wonderful news on the potential buyer…fingers crossed for you.

  6. I love it how much is it 😊❤️🥰

  7. Anonymous7:29 PM

    That runner is fantastic! It really took a lot of effort but the finished effect is fabulous. Very well done!! (Ro ~ n.w. Italy)

  8. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I hope you put your price up for the house one. So much more work and time in that one Chris.kj

  9. Anonymous8:05 PM

    House runner is lovely.
    Colors are perfect.

  10. Anonymous9:03 PM

    The runner is are so clever......Peta

  11. Blobbing out with a good Indian and some Lindauers always makes a day better. I can dream lol Souvlaki and plonk here .
    Love the runner. Bet they sell like hotcakes. Pity making them isn't as fast as making hotcakes.
    Love your girls. You can always rely on Mum for a good feed


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