Thursday, September 26, 2024



I don't know if it is worth mentioning, but we have a 'Registered Interest' on our home.

A buyer has viewed the house twice, and wants it.  But has to sort out finance from overseas first, before making a formal offer.

So, while it may come to nothing, it's SOMETHING positive.

Meanwhile, we continue to have Open Homes, and private viewings, and see what else may happen in the meantime.

Back to today... I have another FBG walk on this morning.  Third one for the week.

Then I take a break until next TUESDAY, when I will be doing the FINAL Urban Challenge walk for 2024.  After that, I will only be doing the occasional Social Walk. 

ABOVE:  Scrolling through Facebook last night, and I saw this.  I immediately thought it would look neat at either end of a runner!

So... scrap making more Braid Runners for now, I'm gunna make one using this idea. 


11.50 am, just home from Cambridge.

Where I had a very enjoyable walk with the girls/guys.  Followed by a hot chocolate at Suburban Cafe, one of the groups favourite haunts.

Now?  I'm going to have some lunch, then head off into the sewing room to make a start on that new runner.

ABOVE: The walk stats, lots of in's and out's today.

But B, our leader pretty much kept us on track.

ABOVE: So I've pulled out some blues.  Next step.... cut out houses.

Actually, take that back.  I am gunna have to buy some white backing fabric from Spotlight first.  I have no pieces that are big enough.    So I'll do that in a mo'.

5.12 pm:  I went to the shop, got the necessary and came home.

Started working on that new 'Round Houses' runner.

Stew arrived home, so I took him to the pub.

Then I came home and am going to lie on the couch until he wants a lift home again.

I'm feeling decidedly jaded.

ABOVE: Before I forget... today's walk photo.  

Now... time to take a Panadol and put me feet up.  Had a headache for several days now.  I know why.  Don't worry about me, I am doing something about it.

8.02 pm:  Just picked up the man from the pub.  Dropped our mate R back to his home as well.

I've got a Steak 'n' Cheese pie in the oven for Stew's dinner.  I bought it from a place in Cambridge this morning, it came HIGHLY recommended by quite a few of the FBG girls.  Let's see what he thinks of it.  Derrr, I forgot to ask him what he thought of the pie!  He's now in bed.

9.54 pm:  Watching Coronation Street, in my happy place.  Feet up, hot pods and blankie on me lap... time to sign off for the day.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:12 AM

    The spiral house design is lovely. It will be fun to see how you interpret it.

    Today feels like the first day of fall here, the leaves are just starting to drop. We live in a wooded area, so lots of them.


  2. Ooh that house design is awesome. A runner of just that would be cool too...

  3. Great news. Hopefully they get their finance sorted and buy.

  4. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Fingers crossed that offer will follow through. That pattern is a quilt and is often on fb. I can't remember the name atm. Love it. Kj

  5. It TOTALLY looks like something you made! It could go in the center of a runner with simple ends. Because that is the centerpiece. Or maybe even a square or round shaped thing.

  6. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Fingers crossed for positive results for the prospective buyers. Love love love the house design make a kool table centre. Hope you move isn't too far from Steve and family. FELICITY

  7. Take it easy! You've got a lot on right now. Crossing my fingers too that the sale will happen. Can't imagine the pressure you're under having to keep everything looking the best.


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