Tuesday, September 24, 2024



GOOD MORNING... today my plan is to finish the next colourful wave runner and do some ironing.

Not a very riveting line up for the day I know.

There is nothing else I can do around the house in readiness for either Open Homes or moving.

All the de-cluttering is done and I've packed up everything we don't use all the time.  

So it's just a waiting game now until we sell.  Once that happens, I will be busy again, packing up everything I can do myself.

I keep hoping we sell soon, then I also think it would be terrible timing, coming up to our busiest market times.  Derrr.  But, it will be what it will be.

I just struggle with the waiting, the not knowing when it will all happen etc. Anyone who has gone through selling their home will know exactly how it feels.  STRESSFUL.

VICKIE:  Sorry I didn't reply to your comment from a few days ago.

In answer:  Yes I did take down all the racks/rods in my 'dressing room' and turn it back into a bedroom.  It did not require much wall repairs at all.

And after my big de-clutter etc, I did not need to do anything else... except the Estate Agent said I should take down all the net curtains.  Which I did, and it certainly brought more light into the house.

But I don't like no net, you lose any privacy you had.

So, apart from that, the Agent said our home was PERFECT! 

This is the 7th home we have sold, so I'm pretty good at staging now.  I really enjoy that aspect of the process.

Right, that's me for now.   I'll catch ya later.


ABOVE:  And there's another one done and dusted.

It is slightly longer than the last one.  

Now that's done, I am going inside to have some lunch (it's 12 noon almost).

LAURA M:  all details about where we are moving, when we are purchasing etc are remaining private.  We do not wish all and sundry to know our private business.  Stalking is a real thing, and has happened before.

I am currently watching MONSTERS, about the Menendez brothers.  I don't know that I'm enjoying it.  There is so much 'padding', and so much speculation on what really happened.  You seem to only get 'the boys' side... so far.  Maybe it will pan out ok, I dunno. 

I just ate half a packet of Turkish Delight chocolates.  Cos I'm stressed out.  I've got shit rumbling around in me head, and it's bothering me.

And I've got a massive headache now.  Grrrrr.

I just finished watching MONSTERS... seems they got what they deserved.  Twisted liars.

And now?  Meh.  Still nursing the headache.   Still feeling the feels.

8.42 pm:  When Stew arrived home from work I made him a wrap for his dinner, and heated it up in the toasted sandwich maker.  It was what I had for my lunch, and was very nice.

Since then we have just been watching TV and keeping nice and warm.

Though, it isn't nearly as cold as it was just a few weeks ago.

I just said to Stew that I need to get my bedside fan out again.

I had to put it away for Open Homes.  Now I'm getting hot flushes on the hour overnight, most annoying because they wake me up.

I think I am going to have bloody hot flushes till the day I die!  I'll probably go out saying 'FUCK I'M HOT!"  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‰


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    All the bedrooms look great, good decision. Interesting about your window sheers.

    I am currently tackling the garage - my goal - bare floor. I have been donating to the Habitat for Humanity resale store. They take yard and garage and building type materials that the regular resale shops do not take.


  2. Your house does look great!

  3. Moving is one of the most stressful things you can go through. But you have plenty of experience so you'll know just what to do if any bumps in the sale happen. I hope the house sells quickly.

  4. Laura M.10:52 AM

    Do you and your hubby have a new home picked out, or are you going to wait until the sale of this house?

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      I was wondering the same thing - without wanting to know any details. Plan first, or get out from under and then consider options?

      Our last move we built the new house and moved, before we even put the old house on the market.


    2. We have BOTH contingencies on the go! We have tentative plans, but also don't mind if we sell and then rent for a while until the right place presents itself.

    3. Laura M.4:33 PM

      Oh dear Chris, I didn't mean to imply that I was wondering when, where, and all kinds of personal info. I was just wondering if you had a house picked out. Not where it is. I can certainly understand the need for discretion.

    4. It's all good Laura, it just needed saying, because we really do not want certain people from knowing where we will be living. We do have our eye on a house, but all can change very quickly. And we also have an alternative plan as well, as I said above in comments.

    5. Anonymous11:02 PM

      When you settle into your next house, if you buy, make sure the realtor takes down the full online listing of the new house.

      Remove the listing and all the photos, inside and outside, so the whole listing and all the photos are gone.

      This will help prevent online photo searches (with the address listed).

      Then search the new address and see if there are any old listings that need removed also.

      A lot of people do not think to do this.


  5. Kiwionholidays5:33 PM

    Hey fabulous times ahead for you all
    No matter which way it goes rent first buy later or move from one to the other, it’s an exciting time for you all but Totally understand the stress involved
    Been there done that , lots of times but remember lots of deep breaths a keep stopping and smelling the roses 🌹 if and when you can
    Loving the wavy runners too
    Take care
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  6. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I hate no net in my windows too. Not my thing

  7. I used to have net curtains many years ago - like you, I liked the privacy. Now I have venetian blinds which serve the same purpose.

  8. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Love the wave runner, I'd hang it on the wall😍

  9. Hope you feel better soon.


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