Saturday, September 21, 2024



AND... another market day rolls around.

It feels like forever since we did a market, yet it is only a month.

But man oh man, have I been busy in the past month.  Selling your home means lots of work, keeping the house perfectly tidy etc.

So, today will be like a nice little break from it all, even though we do have to make sure it's spic 'n' span before we leave today.

The forecast is looking good for today, so if we are lucky there will be no rain.

The past three markets have been WET.  Which makes it fairly miserable.   So no one do a rain dance!

And now... it's 6 am, time to leave.  Catch ya later.

And please say 'Hi' today, it was very quiet yesterday!


A couple of days ago DOGSTARS said she didn't think my scissors had ever touched fabrics in the colours:  Beige, tan, brown, grey, ivory, cream, or neutral colours....

ABOVE:  There ya go!  All those colours. 😂😅😆😊

ABOVE: Its looking good out there! Masses of rain overnight ... I was a bit worried. 

ABOVE... on the road. 

ABOVE: 8.30 am... all set up and ready for a good day.

2.14 pm, run down of our day?
Some Sales.
One Order.
Not many stopped to chat today.
So it was a very LOOOOooooooong day.
It did not rain, which was amazing.
I am now extremely tired.

We are going out at dinnertime, so Stew can watch the rugby with his BFF, 'R'.
I will hang out with 'Rs' wife. 

Till then, I'm having a Nana Nap.


  1. WHOOPS! I stand corrected.
    Those look good. I hope they sold! I like #48 and #123 , well ALL of them, but those are my favorites of the "neutrals".
    May you have good weather and plentiful sales today!

  2. Anonymous7:19 AM

    A beautiful morning for your travel. May the market go swimmingly. Ky Girl

  3. Anonymous8:29 AM

    What a beautiful morning photo.

    Hope you have a great day.

    I am curious to see photos of which runners sell at each of the 4 markets.


  4. It’s sunny as here but
    Now clouds rolling in cold though, the creams and browns look great. Fingers crossed for a lovely day and good sales.

  5. I spot blue sky there ... I hope today's market goes well for you (oh and "Hi" 😀)

  6. Janene from Palmy11:02 AM

    Hi!! I know it's been ages since I commented 😔. I hope ylthr market goes well today, I love your colourful runners, especially the wave ones. You're very talented.

  7. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Hope you sell ton of items today!! Laurie

  8. Look how bundled up you are! Hope you had a good day.

  9. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Hi GM 💙💙😂


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