Wednesday, September 11, 2024



Someone suggested I make a more 'muted' runner compared to the one I made yesterday.  Hmmm... less colour?  No black?  

NAH.   I am not making another one unless I actually sell that one.  And I don't really do muted.

I made two softer toned runners a while ago in a 'Twisted Pole' pattern, and they have not sold.  So, I'm not tempted to make anything else that is toned down right now.

I don't really plan on making any more runners for a while in fact.  I have plenty to take us over the next few months I reckon.

So... what am I gunna get up to today?  Not a lot.

Usual housework, then I have Archer coming for a couple of hours.  He's off school as he didn't go on School Camp, something he simply did not want to do.

Bex has Baby Playgroup, hence me getting to babysit Archer.

Maybe I'll take him out for lunch?


11 am.  Ya know that feeling, when you keep thinking of something and it won't leave ya mind?

Well... there was this bag of cornflakes in the pantry, and baking chocolate in the cupboard.

AND... I finally caved in and am cooking Cornflake Brownies again.

The house smells so delish!

I have been craving something sweet for DAYS, and I just have to do it!   Once in a while it won't hurt me I'm sure.

Said every diabetic out there.  *snort*

ABOVE:  Look what popped out of the garden for the first time?

When Stew chopped the pittosporum, lemon and lime trees back, it gave this gorgeous Azalea room to grow and flower!

First time I've ever seen it.  I didn't even know it was there.  It is gorgeous.

ABOVE:  I took the cover off the pool early this year.  And was thrilled to see my wintering programme had kept it almost perfect!  Such a relief, no huge clean up job this summer.  And no GREEN WATER!
I can't wait until it's warm enough to go swimming again.

Still too cold right now, but in a month or so, who knows.

I just took the Brownie base out of the oven... now to let it cool down before I make, and add the Cornflake Caramel topping.  

Seriously, my mouth is watering just thinking about it!  So bad, so bad.

ABOVE:  Well Master Archer polished off almost ALL that sushi!  And a whole bottle of Coke.  No condemnation, Coke isn't a regular thing.  He's now drinking water, now we are home again.

I started another goddam runner didn't I?

I might show you tomorrow.

I might have gone against everything I said this morning.  😠😖😕

And then the bloody iron stopped working!  And nothing I did would make it go.  So sewing had to stop, cos ironing seams is a sheer necessity.

GRRRRrrrrrrr.   I'm gunna now have to go out and buy a new iron.  Tomorrow.

Stew just arrived home. 

And as per usual, we enjoyed a quiet evening in front of the telly.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Chris a very close friend of mine has 5 grandchildren (ages 8 months - 5) in Melbourne and I often take them to the local pool. They love it!! (My daughter doesn’t have children, I’m mostly retired and have lots of time on my hands). Just a suggestion, you may not like it. Marie, Melbourne

  2. Kiwionholidays2:54 PM

    Been reading the last week or so but haven’t had time to comment,
    Loved the wee hutch for the Guinea pigs ?was it for Lacy at the weekend I think it was
    Hey the runners are looking stunning
    Well done You ✔️
    Been shouted a trip to see 1st The Bledisloe cup game by family so hopefully our guys can do the work 🏉on the day

    Love the fact you’ve got a one on one day with Archer and really that’s just as good a fun than going on a camp where he feels uncomfortable,
    They’re a neat wee family as are your others you share on here

    How neat you got waited on by The young ones doing you and Stew dinner 🥘
    Shows how appreciative they are to you ones like the others are as well

    Lovely sunny day here so retro shopping 🛍️ this morning which was a nice change
    Cheers 🥂

  3. Love lunch dates with the grandies ☺️

  4. Anonymous7:20 PM

    When we had children who didn’t want to go on our residential week, we provided alternative activities for them. It’s lovely that you and Archer had time together and you gave him a special treat. Your pool looks so inviting-not long now. We’re now in Autumn here in Scotland and it’s a season I love as I’m not good with heat. Catriona

  5. Sorry about the iron. Hope you can get a good deal on a new one.


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