Sunday, September 08, 2024



Yesterday afternoon Keera could hear an alarm going off, and bugged Lacy into going down the road to investigate.

They didn't have far to go.

The local collage had a fire in their foyer.

ABOVE: Luckily, it was put out quickly.  

ABOVE:  Keera was happy to be allowed to pose with a fireman.
An exciting end to a lovely day for the girls.

ABOVE:  I must admit... this made me laugh more than I've laughed in YEARS.  It just cracked me up.  

Now, back to today.  Once we have done the usual morning jobs, we are going to Hamilton Gardens for a wander.  We are wondering if it's possible to walk from there to the new Waikato River Bridge?  If it is, that's what we will do.
Otherwise, we will have a nice walk around the gardens, and lunch at the cafe.

The new Te Ara Pekapeka Bridge links Hamilton East with a new subdivision on the southern side of Hamilton.

ABOVE:  The new bridge has only been open a week or so.


ABOVE:  We chose such a gorgeous day for our little walk over the new bridge.
This is heading over the new walkway, over the bridge.

ABOVE:  It is a beautiful pedestrian bridge.

ABOVE:  looking upriver from the pedestrian bridge.

ABOVE:  Once we crossed over the bridge itself, we then took a path under the bridge.

ABOVE: The bridge has MASSES of corten steel in it's construction.  I love corten steel.

ABOVE:  The main bridge support, it's so neat.
Down under the bridge there is quite a lot of seating, making it a lovely place to stop and take in the scenery.
I am super impressed with the work that has gone into making this a beautiful place.

ABOVE:  I found this aspect of the bridge stunning.

ABOVE: The view downriver.

ABOVE:  So much detail has gone into this bridge, which you simply would not see or appreciate without walking over and under it.

ABOVE: We finally drove over the bridge as well.
And somehow ended up at Rukahia! lol

A true 'Sunday Drive'.

ABOVE:  Our walk stats.  They reflect the fact that we had a relaxed amble.  Which was just lovely.

Lunch was enjoyed at Chartwell Square, before we came home and put our feet up.

hi ho!  Stew and I have had a really quiet afternoon, just watching movies etc.
Dinner was sausages and baked potatoes.
Now... time to sign off for the day.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Oh geez thank you for the laugh. I can't get it off my mind now. Kj

  2. Anonymous8:57 AM

    That drink you had at the Indian yesterday Chris is called a mango lassi. Marie, Melbourne

  3. The bridge and area look beautiful!

  4. That really is a beautiful bridge.

  5. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Looks like u have had a lovely day. School fire be bit scary. FELICITY

  6. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Just walked in the door from seeing a movie called Thelma. If you have access to it, it’s very enjoyable, funny and great acting. Marie, Melbourne

    1. Ive seen the shorts it looks fun

    2. Anonymous10:58 PM

      Pop Culture Happy Hour did a podcast on that movie -



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