Saturday, August 31, 2024



I got on the scales this morning.


I have gained 6 kilos!  Yep, since going off Trulicity a couple of months ago, I've been eating whatever and whenever I felt like it.

Like.  Totally lost the plot.  Totally OVER IT.

NOW.... I am feeling 110% motivated to lose the 6, plus the 10 I originally wanted to lose a few months ago.  I am aiming for the end of the year to be at my own 'PERSONAL GOAL'.  I know it's a lot to aim for, 4 kilos a month, but hell... I will do my best.

Goddam yo-yo dieting be gone please.

I need to sit down with Stew and talk about TEMPTATIONS.  We both cave in at the slightest temptation, or suggestion from each other to indulge, go out to dinner/lunch etc.  I need it to stop happening so often.

Starting today.  NO Stew, we will not be having lunch out.  We will have something light and healthy for lunch and dinner.  

And I reckon a walk is in order too.  Hmmmm... where to go?

I'll think on that while I lie here reading the news.


Well today is going well, so far.

Stew has gone to the supermarket, and I came into the sewing room...

ABOVE:  My view today, very overcast and gloomy.  It is probably going to rain at some point.  Ikkk.

ABOVE:  I just got this runner finished.  Only 5 to go of the 24 I made in the last 'run'.

I don't know if I'll do another one today or not... my batteries are pretty low.  Not as lethargic as yesterday, but still tired.

Hopefully we can get out for a walk a bit later on.

Funny story:   last weekend I went to the supermarket with Stew.  As we walked past the fresh pies, Stew said "Damn, I don't suppose I can get my usual Bacon and Egg Pie today!"   

I'm like, "You get a pie and eat it before you get home on Saturday mornings???"

Yes he does.  Sneaky sneaky little bugger.

So, I wonder if he had one today?  I bet he did.  lol

And the answer to that question was, NO.  He did not get a pie. He decided that as I was being 'good', he would too.  

We are having a chicken salad for our lunch.  Nice and healthy.  

ABOVE: Slight change to lunch plans, we had a chicken salad sandwich instead of 'just a salad'.  We'll have the salad this evening.

Stew made our lunch, he did a damn fine job of it too.  

It's now raining, so a walk is not on the cards right now.  Instead, we are watching the telly.

After lunch I lay on the couch and fell asleep!  Stew watched a movie, and now he's watching friggin rugby.

Rain on and off, so no walk.   I do have an FBG walk tomorrow morning, which I'm looking forward to.  I can tick off the latest 5 posted Urban Challenge walks once it's done.

Then there's only 4 more to do.  I'm so happy I've managed to do the Urban Challenge this year.  

So far so good with the pain killers btw.  I've been taking them every 4 hours, and it's keeping me comfortable.  I will keep taking them for another week, then taper off and see what happens.  

And I will be ringing the Doctors on Monday to see if there is any news re: my X-Rays.   No news is good news I think.

Well, the Trulicity has well and truly kicked in fast this time!  I sat down to dinner, and couldn't even eat a quarter of it!  Just felt full after a few mouthfuls.  So, let's see how we go over the next month or so.  I'm picking I'll lose the first 4 kilos (for September)... for sure.

Signing off now, we are going to have a nice, relaxing evening.  


  1. Ok ok ok... six kilos is "only" (checks google) about 13 pounds. So you gained the equivalent of a two-week-old baby. Bad, but not HORRIFIC. It will take you two or three months of hard work, and maybe less if you are the sort that drops weight easily. I am NOT. It has taken me two years to drop 60 pounds. But the thing with the medication hopefully will be, that you won't "feel" like eating bunches of stuff all the time. I cannot believe all the kids are out... I came over here in shock. WHO ARE YOU. No kids in the house?? Wow. I "only" have two left in the house and am sorta wandering around lost sometimes. Ok take care of yourself, be kind to yourself. We'll talk later.

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    6 Kilos = 13 pounds. Ouch. Good luck with the Trulicity. I think had your country not run out you might would have stayed on it and not have this happen. But, having had said have been indulging yourself and that just can't happen. I am not judging you, just reiterating what you've said many times. Portion control and what you are actually eating is very important. Good luck and you can do this. XO Ky Girl

  3. This is one of the issues with drugs like this, when you go off them you gain weight quickly. You lose muscle as well as fat (more than on an ordinary diet) so perhpas try resistance exercises as well? Google it, it's a thing. I'm so glad though that you are back on Trulicity and hope that you can now have an uninterrupted supply of it.

  4. Anonymous11:02 AM

    One of my many diets i was on my ex husband use to have a stash of lollies in the garage I went out one day to ask him summit he was stuffing a chocolate fish in his mouth...I did appreciate the temptation wasnt bought into the house. FELICITY

  5. Rhonda12:04 PM

    Glad you were able to start Trulicity again. Yes it helps control your appetite but more importantly it’s controlling your diabetes! Win win 🥇 Hopefully taking it will wipe out the yo-yo dieting forever. In my experience, getting to my personal goal was only the start of the real hard work of maintaining it. Going back to eating crap, not watching portions etc would only have me gaining what I lost! I made the decision that wasn’t going to happen! Unless I addressed my mental approach to food nothing would have changed. You have done so well Chris, especially keeping up your regular walking exercise even though in your head you knew you weren’t making the best food choices. You’ve got this 👍👍👍👍👍

  6. Rather than cutting out your favorite restaurants completey - try splitting a meal. That way you eat a reasonable amount and can still "indulge" once in a while!

    1. Yep, very good idea Christine. I can't go without a good Indian Butter Lamb once in a while!

  7. It is great that you once again will be completing the urban challenge. I am struggling with my weight and am considering talking to the doctor for a prescription for one of those trulicity drugs. Maybe at some point you could post a review. How it makes you feel. Does it effect your walking? I have read about it but haven't met anyone who is on it.


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