Monday, September 23, 2024



Here we go... today is walk #1, and there's three more after that, then I will have finished the FBG Urban Challenge this year.  I am totally counting down now.
So, I am off to Cambridge at 8.30, for the 9.30 walk.
Before then, I shall get the washing on, and make sure the house is totally inspection ready.
So, just the 'normal' routine for NOW.

After the walk, and the obligatory coffee shop visit, I will be coming home to do some sewing.
I started another Multi-coloured wave runner on Friday, so I'll work on that this afternoon.


1 pm.
Home from Cambridge/shopping.
The walk today was lovely, until it wasn't.
One of our ladies tripped on the footpath and fell flat on her face.
Some damage was done, so I rang for an ambulance.  

She was assessed and it was agreed she would be taken by one of our ladies to the local doctors for some stitches.  She will probably have to be seen by a dentist as well unfortunately.
It certainly put a bit of a dampener on the walk.

After the walk/hot drink, I came back into Hamilton and did a quick grocery grab.  Just a couple of things we needed.

Home.  Lunch today was a wrap with steak and salad on it.  Very nice.

ABOVE:  Walk stats, much slower today.  When we are doing a Challenge walk, we all keep together.  

I will post the 'official' walk photo once it's been unloaded to the page by our walk leader.

ABOVE: The walk photo, minus the two who were left with the Ambulance medics.  Our injured lady is doing OK by all accounts. No broken bones thank goodness.

5.49 pm:  And I've been sewing all afternoon, making good progress on the next runner.
Not done much else... a couple of loads of washing, a bit of fluffing around in the house.  Just a normal sort of afternoon.
Stew is due home shortly, then we will settle into our evening routine.


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Have a great day Chris.

  2. Enjoy your walk and beverage afterwards!

  3. OMG! I am so sorry about your co-walker! What a fright!

  4. Oh no what a thing ti happen so please she wasn’t too injured
    Lovely new week

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Photo looks good. It's frightening having a fall like that. The bruising make take a few days to come out. Kj

  6. Falling on your face is nasty. I'm glad she didn't break any bones. A friend of ours did just that a few years ago. No bones broken but the damage to her her face and nose were terrible. Hope your walker recovers quickly.

  7. Hope your walking buddy recovers quickly.


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