Tuesday, September 17, 2024




Feeling more motivated today, yesterday was just a bust.  Best not to think too hard about it.

I'm going to take myself out for a walk, even if it's raining.  

Then once I'm home again, I shall work on the latest runner on the go.

ABOVE:  I am so happy to see leaves appearing on the maple tree again.   It looks so forlorn when it's naked, and it leaves such a big, empty spot on the boundary.

Bring it on, SPRING is here.


It would appear that I am no longer that crazy person who will walk in the pouring rain!

We just had a massive squall come through, the rain was coming down sideways!

ABOVE:  So instead of going out there and getting freezing cold and wet, I am now sewing.

With the heat pump on, cos ... COLD.

ABOVE:  THANKFULLY, this horrible weather is supposed to piss off ... and our market on Saturday looks to be on a fine day.  About time!   I am totally over markets in the rain.

ANON: I do plan on getting on the treadmill, in fact it was already on my mind when I saw how horrid it was outside.

ABOVE:  We have a lovely big billboard again.  The last one was only up for two weeks before we changed Estate Firms.  This one is just as nice as the last one. 

I'm making good progress on this latest runner.

It should be finished by the end of the day.

Well I finished that runner.  I will be showing it to you tomorrow.

Right now I've got another headache from hell, and am going to take a pill and lie down.

Right, the day is done.  So is the headache thankfully.

Damn cold still!!!

Hopefully tomorrow is a bit warmer.


  1. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I love autumn colours too Chris. This time 8 years ago I went to Missouri and the colours were amazing. Have a good day my friend.

  2. I LOVE a good storm. We don't get enough of them. But... maybe the scarcity is what makes them unique.

  3. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Why don’t you walk on your treadmill, watch a show/movie at same time

  4. Or watch a fast movie and run!
    Lol bitterly cold here today.

  5. Beautiful spring day here….loving that Spring is finally here.

  6. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Freezing = bath tub

    Next house, maybe prioritize central heating and air conditioning, I realize it may not be standard, but based on your needs, I would put it top of the list



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