Tuesday, August 12, 2008

SITTING ON ME BUM DAY..... 18 sleeps to go.

How exciting, today I get to sit on me bum and hand stitch the edging on Griffin's quilt... but then it will be done!

Oh and today the new fridge/freezer and TV get delivered, but I'm just getting them put in the garage... no point setting them up inside eh? WE ARE MOVING SOON..... woooooo hooooo.

Not much else planned for the day... probably do some boring housework, will try and get around some blogs, I have not been doing much reading lately, far too much else taking me time up! Sorry about that! Once I get this bloody quilt done I can relax a bit... I just sooooo want it done before we move... cos once we are moving I will not get time to do any sewing for a while I'm sure!

ANYWAY.... better get the kids off to school and make a start on the day....

Woo Hoo... look what arrived ON TIME! Amazing... can't wait to get to our new home to unpack em! And this pile?...

All THIS is Steve's... and I wish he would bugger off and find somewhere else to live! We are only in this house for another 14 days before moving into a Motel....
ON THE QUILT FRONT: I have done about half the hand stitching..... it's going well...


Above shows the 'back side' of the quilt, just bold blue and red stripes... I edged the whole thing in red cos Griffin's new room has one bold red wall... so it will look neat.

Now I can pack up all the sewing stuff and just relax.... and after dinner... read some blogs.... have ya missed me??? LOL

CKK: got those details, will be in touch after our move. We are bound to be 'around' then, so look forward to seeing you!

End of Day: very happy with my efforts, YES my bum did get numb and sore.... and I will not be starting Brylee's quilt for a few months!

NSV: totally lost the plot AGAIN... someone shoot me and me fat arse! nite nite.


  1. A day to sit on the bum doesn't suck. I've been struggling with getting around to blogs, too and I always feel like I suck when real life gets in the way!!!

  2. Hey, I'm not quite sure how old Griffin is, but have you thought about trying out some sort of "pull-ups" for him at night. They have some here in the states that my sister uses for her son called "Underjams" they kind of look like boxer shorts. He has always had a little bit of trouble staying dry at night (especially if he was really tired), but since his dad went overseas, he has been having tons of trouble. My sis thinks they are a lifesaver. So much better than having to wake up every morning to do laundry. Just a thought.

    Your comment on my blog cracked me up. I've been talking to another guy through a video game for 2 years now. He always comes off with cute quips about fantasizing about me. It is all said in fun, but if we ever do meet up in person, he is going to be severely disappointed. LoL. Even though I continue to tell him how very wrong he is!

    Good luck with the quilt!

  3. I spent an the entire day Saturday sitting on my bum watching TV. Good thing I have a laptop and it came with me to the couch LOL. Everyone needs a day to be a bum once in a while!!

  4. enjoy the bum time!
    Hugs Laura
    ps I am so jealous of the new appliances !

  5. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Can't wait to see the finished quilt!

    Seven sleeps until my son starts school and 9 sleeps until my daughter goes to college.

    Our oldest packed us a major shitty last week. Still reeling from it.

    You've made me go all New Zealand speak. I think it's funny but other people don't get it. Whatever. I'll just show them my fanny. My American fanny. Not the New Zealand fanny... only one person gets to see that.

  6. chris the quilt looks great sewing the binding on a quilt is the best part cause it means its finished lol did you make a label for the back so griffin can remember when you made it ?
    have a good rest up now

  7. of course we missed you. (do you need to ask? :-)

  8. So did your bum get numb? :-) The quilt looks great, but I can only begin to imagine how restless you were sitting all day doing it. Glad to hear the TV and fridge arrived on time.

  9. Anonymous7:14 PM

    The quilt looks awesome, Chris! And I'm jealous too about the new appliances, although I just bought a new fridge so I shouldn't complain...lol Wouldn't mind the plasma screen though!

    I love the fabric you bought for Brylee's quilt. It's going to look great! :)

  10. Your new appliances look lovely. I love squeaky new appliances. Your quilt you made for Griffin looks lovely - you are very clever (and patient!). It's amazing how quickly your move is coming up now, I bet you can't wait. Nice to read that you are recovering well, and that all is 'working'..... Continue to take it easy and enjoy those 'sitting on your bum' days between now and your move.

  11. Oh my god he quilt looks so good, cant wait to c brylees quilt!!

  12. I certainly hope you decide to post pics of that beautiful TV when you unveil it from the box. Wish I could be there for the momentous occasion. It looks like a beauty!

  13. Anonymous9:32 PM

    ooh! i love the quilt. awesome! I have still got stuff at Dad's. Parents are just beautiful for letting us leave our junk!

  14. You've done a fantastic job with the quilt! It's beautiful!

  15. How good is the finished quilt??! Brilliant! I hope that Brylee's gives you less trouble.

    I look forward to hearing from you post move. Guess who just twigged that her passport is supposed to be with the British consulate at the same time she WILL (come hell or high water) travel to NZ? Yeah, mine.

  16. The quilt looks lovely and you have done a great job. I'm sure Griffin will be over the moon with it.

    Not long till moving day and time seems to be going so fast.

  17. The quilt looks unreal. I bet you are so relieved it is finished at last.

  18. OH the quilt is just beautiful Chris!! Way to go!

  19. what is in that box? it looks like a shower? am i right?

  20. :)
    Happy moving soon!

  21. That quilt is gorgeous. Wish I had the focus to complete something like that!

  22. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Griffin's quilt is gorgeous. YOu are very clever.. your first attempt.. I bet Griffin loves it. I will look forward to seeing more quilts on your blog in the future. And maybe I'll get cracking and start a blog again.. with quilts and positive stuff!! Don't forget the show on Friday..
    Take care... boys will be gone soon enough!

  23. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Hey! I almost missed the finished quilt! It looks great! Good for you!

    Okay, so I was scrolling down because in the comments of the above post a dude named spider sixty something said something about your new picture. What new picture? And he said you looked like you were two meters tall before... well, I calculated how tall you were awhile back when I calculated how many pounds you lost and you are a shortie! Only 5'4". I am 5'11" which is probably close to two meters! LOL!

    What does "Lost the Plot" mean?


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