Wednesday, November 01, 2023


I plan on getting down to the VTNZ as early as possible this morning.  Trying to avoid the queues... cos sometimes it's out the gate and down the road!

Then I'm going to my Doctor.  He wants to see me to discuss the rise in the HbA1c level.  Like 6 measly points MATTERS?  I know why it went up a tiny bit.  He doesn't.  So I shall discuss it with him.  That, and me annoying right foot, where I had that big blister.  It's still sore and annoying me.  It hurts even when I'm not putting any weight on it some days.  Yesterday it was sore all day long. 

After that I shall probably come home and have some lunch before the girls and I go walkies.

10.46 am: well I didn't get to the VTNZ testing station as early as I'd hoped. But I shouldn't have worried.

ABOVE: There's only two cars ahead of me. I'm told its about a 30 minute wait.
I can happily sit and do nothing for that long.

ONE HOUR LATER...and I have a new WOF. No work necessary.  I'm rather pleased about that.

ABOVE: And now I'm in another queue. To see the doctor. There's a queue outside. We are lined up against the building... waiting for the doors to open. There's 9 people in front of me this time.

ABOVE:  I got to the Doctor's at 12.15 pm.  A full 45 minutes before the doors opened for the afternoon rush.
I thought I was lucky to get a car park right outside the clinic.


My car was used as somewhere to sit and lean against!  I was tempted to ask them to move their arses off my car, but thought better of it.

The only reason I go to this clinic is because the doctor has been our doctor (on and off) for 30+ years, and I really like him.
Like... grrrrr.

Anyway, I did see a nice doctor, and he changed my diabetes prescription to the bare minimum now.
So that's great.

As for my foot, he couldn't see any reason for the pain, and said I should see a podiatrist.
MEH.  I shall wait and see if it gets better over the next few months before I do that.

ABOVE:  I told the girls I wasn't feeling that good today.  And that I didn't want to power around the lake.  It was HOT.
And I started feeling really ill... pounding head, light headed and just ikkkk.
So I gave my car keys to them and asked them to keep going, and pick me up from where I stopped.
So sadly, a shorter walk for me today.  

ABOVE: This Mumma duck only had one duckling.

ABOVE: These ducklings are much larger.
They should all survive now they are past the infant stage.

ABOVE: The girls on the left by the two cars... off to get me car and pick me up.
It took me quite a while to feel better.
I think walks at midday are totally OUT of the question now.   
It was so hot and humid.  I just can't do it.

It's now 3.05 pm, and I'm home.  I've got me feet up.  I've had a very late lunch.  And I'm not moving for a while.  It's been a long day already.

8.53 pm:  I'm feeling decidedly jaded.
Even after doing bugger all this afternoon and evening, I think I'm just a bit worn out!
Stew reckons I need a couple of days just taking it easy... so I will take his advice and tomorrow I won't do much.
We.  Will.  See.
But for now, I'm going to bed soon.  I've had a headache since lunchtime and am totally over it.


  1. You still have the photo of the blister, right? It didn't look like a normal blister to me. But, now I can't remember why I thought that. Plus - it took ages to come to the surface. Maybe it means something. Maybe it's insignificant.... IDK.

  2. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Good luck with the blister. Being diabetic foot care is essential. I hope it's not something nasty xx Colleen

  3. We stayed overnight in Morrinsville and went for a walk this morning... it was so hot and humid. I too can't walk in the extreme heat. I agree with Colleen though, foot care is so important when you have diabetes so perhaps a visit to a podiatrist might help. You can't be too careful, better to be safe than sorry.

  4. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Yip very humid here too loads of Sea Fog again this morning. I'm close enough now to walk to work which I will do because I need to lose a couple of kgs before a wedding at the end of the month but if I don't I don't doesn't matter GM 💙💙

  5. Starting to get hot here too. Our walks are now at 7am.

  6. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Are you going back to your pool exercise group in addition to working on your own in your backyard pool? Now might be a good time.

    Agree - best/smart to see podiatrist.

    We had snow flurries yesterday, did not stick. I had in a lot of layers walking dogs.



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