Saturday, November 11, 2023


ABOVE:  And there she sits.  All alone and forlorn.  I haven't had the heart to open her yet.
But maybe today I will?

We are planning on a quiet day at home.  Maybe a walk at some stage, but really, no firm plans.
We have a market on Sunday, so don't want to overdo it today.

ABOVE:  I put this together last night.  To have on a table at our markets.

We don't have EFTPOS, as we don't feel we do enough markets to warrant the expense.  So Internet Banking is another good option for people.

I have had that cute little photo frame forever, so I'm happy to finally have a use for it.

ABOVE:  My cousin Debbie took this photo at Papamoa Beach yesterday.  It was just so lovely I had to share.

And... that's it for now.

Catch ya later.

10.52 am:   What a good morning.  Stew and I did our grocery shopping (finally!).

ABOVE:  We went to Pak n Save, and Yaaaa!  The chocolates I buy for Christmas were on sale, best price I've ever seen them.  So I got the remainder of what I needed.  Just a few there, and more in the Christmas cupboard at home.

Once home, Steve, Bex and kids arrived with a plank of wood for my ironing board.

ABOVE: And just like that, I have a bigger ironing board.  I shall be covering the board with an old woollen blanket, and cotton fabric on top.
Thanks so much for the idea Vickie.

Now... we are off to have a browse around some shops, then have lunch.

There is a new shopping area in Hamilton East, called MADE.  Inside is a very good selection of boutique eateries, and a few other interesting shops.  

ABOVE: It only opened a week or so ago, and was clearly very popular today.  There were streams of people there.  We had a look around and then left.

ABOVE: We saw a young lady selling her Kenyan made products at MADE.  She usually does the markets like us, but has taken a spot inside MADE.  I hope she does well there.
We had lunch at The Hamilton Gardens.  There's heaps of work going on there, renovations, new paths etc.  It was a bit of a mess really.
But we still enjoyed our lunch, followed by a little wander around the little lake there.

ABOVE:  A Tui having it's lunch just in front of us.

ABOVE:  I seem to have a 'thing' for lakes and ducks/ducklings!

It has been such a lovely day already, and it's still only 2.10 pm.

Now we are home, Stew is watching... rugby.
And I am going to just relax.
I really need to as tomorrow we have another market, and we will be busy.  Well... I hope we will be busy!

At least there is absolutely no worries about the weather.  It's stunning out there.

ABOVE:  Last job of the day is done.  Car is packed ready for tomorrow's market.
Our Day Bags are ready.  Clothes laid out.  
All sorted.
Now... here's hoping we sleep well.
More often than not, we toss and turn all night long, worried about sleeping in!  Even though we have the alarm on.  It's annoying, but it is what it is.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Is it safe to give your bank account number to individuals you may not know? Audrey

    1. They can credit money into your account but that is all. They can't withdraw money without your password or pin.

  2. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Here, larger fabric stores, can buy the thicker/gray ironing board cover fabric off the bolt.

    Glad it worked.


  3. Anonymous2:57 PM

    You have such lovely areas to walk

  4. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Fingers crossed for a good market tomorrow🤞

  5. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Beautiful pictures, the water Lillies look like a Monet lovely...Peta

  6. Good luck at your market!!


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