Sunday, November 26, 2023


 Today is gunna go something like this.

Stew will do his weekend grocery shop... Diet Coke, fresh veges etc.

Then we are going out to the Trade Depot to take another look at baths.

I am absolutely TERRIBLE when it comes to making a choice, when there's so many to choose from!

I've chopped and changed my mind umpteen times already.  Today I really want to nail it down, and order a freakin' bath!

After that, we hope to have a visit with Lacy and Keera for a while, before coming home to do a few odd jobs around the house and yard.

Nothing too onerous, cos we are both still tired.

I've been working on the pool for the past few weeks, getting it ready for summer.  It's slowly getting there!  

It's nearly December, and I can't believe it's not really warm enough yet for swimming.

Yesterday it was positively freezing, such a cold wind.  Hopefully that was a last hurrah to winter.

ABOVE: Last night's 'dinner'... so delicious!  Chicken, two cheeses and cranberry sauce.  I don't often have bread now days, so it was a lovely treat.

Time to make a move, get the day started.

Catch ya later.

11.43 am:  I did it!

I bought a freakin' bath:

ABOVE:  Perfect!  Now we have to wait till February for it to come into Hamilton.

Good things are worth waiting for.

Grocery shopping is done, so now we are off to Lacy's for lunch.

ABOVE:  What is it with kids and fences?  lol

ABOVE:  It's a stunning day today, with virtually NO WIND.   Unlike yesterday, when it was blowing like hell.

ABOVE:  Lacy got another guinea pig, so now she has a black one, and a brown one.  The brown one is hard to see in the shadows.

We enjoyed a lovely lunch at Lacy's, and are now home.  Contemplating doing our odd jobs around the place.

FYI:  I chose that particular bath because it's :


Slightly shorter than the 'standard' 1700cm, so will fit in our gap.

Looks lovely.

Has the greatest depth while incorporating all the other aspects.

And I love it.

Stew has vacuumed the house, and the pool.  Now he's on to doing the gardens and lawn.

Meanwhile, I went into the sewing room and did some cutting out for tomorrow's sewing effort.

It's something 'the same', but different.

I'll show you what I mean, tomorrow.

My back only held out for 1.5 hours, then I had to stop.  My lower back is shot, bending over the cutting table is something I simply can't do for long.  

So now I'm being a lazy tart, feet up, scrolling through Instagram/Facebook & YouTube.

I just made another Caramel Cornflake slice!

This time I made a version of a cheesecake base, as I really didn't like the Chocolate Brownie base from the first one I did.

Let's see how that works.  It's gotta set now.

And no, we won't be eating it all.... most will go to family members.

It's only 6 pm, but I'm signing off for the day, we won't be doing much between now and bedtime.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. What kind of bread is that? Looks like a flour tortilla. Love them all grilled and toasty like that!

  2. Your sandwich looks good! We are like you still waiting for the season change. Just getting a little cold here and there so far.

  3. Anonymous8:12 AM

    It is Misty and 27°F = -3°C. When I awoke this a.m. it was 21 F. I am not leaving my home today.

    Y'all have a good day!! Ky Girl

  4. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Congrats on the tub! Isn't it nice to finally find something you like? Can't wait to see the install pics. Ky Girl

  5. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I would love baths in a tub like that! That’s perfect. Enjoy your day! Caroline

  6. Nothing worse than a bath that is too long and you keep slipping under the water.
    Keera seems very happy with the guinea pigs! She must love staying with Lacy in her beautiful new home.

  7. Keera looks so happy with her mom and the beautiful new home.

  8. Anonymous7:38 PM

    What height is your cutting table Chris? The best height is your kitchen bench. I bought a one in an office refurbished years sgo. No pain since. Kj

    1. Hmmm... I used to have extensions on my trestle legs to make it higher. Wonder where they went? I will try cutting out on my kitchen bench and see if it makes a difference. Thanks for the idea.

    2. Anonymous11:53 PM

      My cutting table is counter height too. It is actually a built in counter (with cupboards under it) so it is very sturdy and I can lean against it, that helps.

      I also have a table height large work surface that I use for laying things out.

      My sewing machine tables are both raised so I do not hunch. My regular machine table is raised 2”. My serger table is raised 4”.

      I do not cut out masses of fabric at the same time. I cut a few things and then sew and then press. So I am breaking up standing with sitting.


  9. Anonymous10:25 PM

    I'm sure it will make a difference and maybe set your phone for 10 min breaks Chris. I took my Sants to our quilt meeting yesterday for show and tell. Lucky it came home with me. Everyone loved it. Kj


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