Wednesday, November 22, 2023


 First up for the day, an early walk.

Got company again today.

Lacy needs to keep her arm in a sling when she's walking... but at least she can walk again.

I've missed her craziness.

I'm gunna have to take some Panadol before I go walking, as my lower back is so sore!  Sewing for long periods of time always does that to me.  Well that, and bending over the cutting table.  And weeding.  And cleaning the pool.

Totally overdid it yesterday, for sure.

And that's it for now... catch ya later.

ABOVE: Walk was lovely today, but OMG it's starting to get too hot!  It was fine for the first 2/3rds of the walk, but the last stretch?  HOT.
I can see us having to leave even earlier to beat the heat soon.
And I loathe getting up that early.  *sigh*  😞😒😩

Home now, and about to get stuck into the sewing.  

The weather forecast for Saturday keeps changing.  WAS going to be HEAVY RAIN, now it's saying Cloudy.  It will be what it will be eh?

Right.... back to me sewing.

11.07 am:  And I've done 4 cosy's so far.

ABOVE:  I made a totally different one!  I love the more natural colours of this one ... might make another one.   
The other three were in reds.  Cos I actually had no red ones at all.

ABOVE: Today's effort.  13 Bowl Cosy's.  I could make more, but I'm done.
I will now cut out a few to sew up tomorrow.
Then stop work for the day.

8.30 pm:  I'm very happy with my day.  Got heaps done.  And now we are just happily watching the telly till bedtime.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Yuck, I hated the sling when I had to wear one. Fortunately it was only a few days. I like the idea of cacooning her arm in her shirt. Seems cozy and safe.

    1. I have been strongly advised by doctors that I need to wear this dam thing for a minimum of 2 weeks as well as phyo....but I tell it might be annoying but shit it's actually helping take some of the strain off....and yeah tucking her into my jersey keeps it extra comfy and still.

    2. I had to wear a sling for three days between breaking my wrist and surgery. After surgery I had a nice little splint and NO SLING! My shoulder was fine though, totally different. Keep resting it and tucking it in like that so you aren't tempted to "misbehave".

    3. Heheheeheh oh #Dogstars xx you know me to well xx 😘

  2. Leeann1:24 PM

    Love that cosy. Those fabrics would be nice in the twisted runner design too.

  3. I like the natural too. And the dark to hide drips.

  4. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Poor Lacey. It must be so painful having that niggly pain 24/7. I hope the physio helps.

  5. Hope that shoulder finally gets better Lacey. Look after it so you can hurry your Mum around the lake everyday lol . Love all the bowl cosies. May they sell well. Spit spit spit


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