Wednesday, November 29, 2023


 It's looking like my walk today will be around the lake.  It's cloudy, so perfect weather.

Leaving nice and early to beat the heat and traffic.

Once home again, I am probably going to haul all the Christmas decorations out and make a start on putting up our tree.

Maybe Lacy can help me with that?  It would be nice to have a hand with it.  We'll see how her shoulder is feeling I suppose. 

If I get that done, I can then get on with making another runner or two.

I would like to get two more Black 'n' White ones done before Saturday's Twilight Market at Tamahere.


Right, time to move... catch ya later.

Well I almost decided to walk at the mall, as the sun was out when I got up.  But after picking Lacy up I decided to drive to the lake, if only to see how the road works were going.
And it clouded over and started drizzling... so off we went, walking around the lake.

ABOVE: It was perfect timing, as the sun came out again just as we were finishing our walk.
We then headed over to Chartwell Square to do some banking.

ABOVE:  I commented to Lacy that I could now park in the 'Senior Parks' if I wanted to.  She was like, eh????

ABOVE:  See?  Senior Parks.  She had no idea there were Senior Parks!
Not that I would ever use them, while I may be of 'senior' age now, I don't think I really qualify.

So now we are home, and are going to upbox the Christmas Decorations.

AUDREY:  I have only ever seen Senior Parks at Chartwell Square.  

ABOVE: Sometimes when I start a runner, I think .. MEH.  Not loving it.
This one?
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!   And it's not even finished yet.
I have made it using Browns, Greys and lights, with black accents.  It's going to be amazing.

Sorry Amanda, you left your run on Caramel Slice too late.  Ya sister ate it all!  Well OK, Dad and I had a few pieces too.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‹

6.55 pm:  After a big push, I got today's Braid Runner finished.
I will show it to you tomorrow.  I'm super happy with it.  

Now ... time to wind down and look forward to Coronation Street in a couple of hours.  lol
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Still too early for a Xmas tree for me. I wonder how long I can hold out. Surprisingly Xmas decorations have appeared in some of the shops. Early for here.
    Hope Lacy can help you. So much more fun when you have company to help

    1. Yip we have done our walk ☺️ and are on way to so xmax deco's now

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Are the "senior parks" just at Countdown? I have a card for disability parking (which you apply and pay for) as I am unable to walk far but I have never heard of senior parks in Rotorua. Would be interested to know more - could you be asked for your gold card for instance. Audrey

    1. Yeah see Ma, I'm not the only one who didn't know they existed xx thanks Audrey

  3. I've never seen s senior park either! We have all sorts of other ones but those. I did laugh though recently on our travels (can't remember where) there was a 'kiss and go' park for dropping kids off at school. Cute I thought.

  4. Parents with prams have special parking spots. Geriatrics should, too!

  5. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I want some of the slice too!!! Peta

  6. I see Audrey from Coro celebrated her 80th birthday other day thought she would have been older cause the camera does lie.

  7. Love the colours in the water photo and the runner is looking gorgeous. We have wheelchair and Mums with babies and also pregnant Mums parking spots here. Christmas decorations were in some stores as they were taking down the Halloween decor on the 1st of Nov. What! too dam early for me.


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