Tuesday, November 07, 2023


 I should be going to the Dinsdale Patchwork Group today.

But I'm just not in the right mood.

I want to work on the Baby Wall Hanging, and I can't do that in the class.

So I'm going to stay home and do it here.

I have been feeling really out of sorts for a couple of days now.

Mostly cos my weight loss has stalled again.

And I feel like a bloody failure.

Once my 73 Day Challenge ended, Stew and I went mad.  And had damn takeaways and so on FAR TOO MUCH.

Even though I thought I had a plan moving forward after the Challenge... HA HA!  Jokes on me.

Stew and I have absolutely NO will power... the brakes just came off!

So... I am gunna have to go back to severely limiting how often I eat 'out'.

For a start, we are only going to eat at Taco Bell ONCE A MONTH. (we have been 3 times in the past fortnight!)

And ONCE A FORTNIGHT at our Indian Restaurant.

And for me at least, that will have to be it.

If I'm following a personal 'challenge' again, I know I can stick to healthy eating.

There will be no set time frame this time.  It will have to be forever, because I NEED that restriction on myself.

Of course, there will be times when I will have step outside of the self imposed restriction, like for a special event, outing and so on.  But basically, I'm back on the straight and narrow.

In the past two weeks I've put ON 3 kilos!  Yep, it goes on super fast, and takes three times longer to lose it.  That does my head in, hence feeling shitty.  And damn cross with myself.

Alright, enough bitching.   

I just remembered that a fabric shop that used to be in Whitianga has moved to the Waikato.  And their new shop opens TODAY!  OMG I  have gotta go check them out.  From memory they sell primarily Christmas fabric.  And they do workshops in making Christmas ornaments as well.   Something that I might be interested in.

So, I'm gunna go out there mid-morning, after I've done the housework.  

ABOVE: yep... they are everywhere!   Just a funny to end on for now. 

10.45 am:   And I've been out to Matangi, to the new fabric shop out there. It only took me 10 minutes to get there... which is awesome.
I fully expected the shop to sell predominantly Christmas stuff and fabric.
Robyn has a lovely selection of 'normal' fabrics as well.  And embellishments, wool, cottons, zips etc etc.
So an AWESOME shop.

ABOVE:  The front of the shop is still a work in progress, but the owner (not Robyn) said it would be finished soon.  He was lovely, and I had a good old chat with him too.

I was THE FIRST customer on their first 'official' open day.

ABOVE:  A few views from within the shop.  You could spend a lot of time (and money) here!

I managed to contain myself and only bought a few things.

ABOVE:  A couple of fabrics for my Black 'n' White runners, cos I now know that a little bit of brown really makes a pop in them.
And a cute spotty fat quarter.  
Robyn gave me the little embroidered Christmas Ornament as a 'Thank You' for shopping there.  Nice.

ABOVE:  I spied this gorgeous blue quilt, and it came in a kit...

ABOVE:  It was so reasonably priced I just had to get it.
I can work on it in between market stuff.

Now that I'm home I shall get back to work on Baby's Wall Hanging.

I am going to WW tonight, but will do a 'no weigh', cos well.... I'm feeling shitty and don't want to see the numbers.   I KNOW what they are.  Maybe by next week I will be in a better place?

A REPRIEVE!  I got an email from Weight Watchers.  Our WW Leader is sick, so tonight's meeting is cancelled.
How awesome.  lol
That gives me a week to get myself sorted out and back on track.
I might attend the Friday meeting, just to catch up with the ladies I got to know when attending on Fridays a year or so ago.

The Baby Wall Hanging is coming along in leaps and bounds.  I think it might even be finished later on today.
SORRY I can't show you.
You will get to see it end of January, once Baby is born.

6.26 pm:  I'm seeing double again.  That always happens when I sew for hours.  But I'm happy to say Baby's Wall Hanging is done.

Stew just arrived home from work, so it's time to exit the sewing room and spend the evening with him.

Well another day is done.  It's been a nice evening.  I'm watching Coronation Street now, then heading off to bed.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Oops, sorry to hear of your gain but it certainly sounds like you understand the issue and you are going to rein in all of that TakeAway food. Take away food is nice, as you know, but it has SO many calories. Hang in there...you've recognized the problem and you're going to deal with it. Good luck! Ky Girl

  2. Anonymous8:15 AM

    The Christmas ornament class sounds interesting

  3. You will do it Chris. I am also looking forward to hearing about the fabric shop and Christmas ornament class. I love making Christmas ornaments though rarely do I sew them. Thanks.

  4. You know what to do & it works for you. Time to get back on the horse/wagon & go back to what you were doing. Now that you have had the takeout blowout, it is time to reset & come up with a different "rule" around it. Maybe once a fortnight with Stew to somewhere eg the Indian for a "date night" and once a week on the weekend either Taco bell or the mall food court or somewhere else depending on what you are doing that day eg markets, family time or doing stuff at home. It is so easy to get back into the bad routines again.

  5. Rhonda2:44 PM

    Spot on Tracy. Chris, you can regroup. You are an unbelievably strong lady. It’s not too late to restart the eating plan that suits you. 3 kilos will be gone in no time and you’ll feel in control again. Maybe make Christmas Day a little goal for yourself 🤷‍♀️

  6. I know it is heartbreaking to put weight on..... But you are on top of it. You will get back on track. And you can eat lower calorie items at Taco Bell. It's okay. You are doing great. And after such a steep loss, it is totally normal for a little up and down to happen. I see a colorful (and blu) wall hanging in that shop. Can't quite tell what it is but it looks fun!

  7. Ugh its an arse but you know what went wrong... you had a wee splurge and you are strong willed enough to get back into it afain. You'll be super duper 🩵

  8. Anonymous10:37 AM

    You'll get rid of that extra Chris. But I'm glad you enjoyed some freedom to celebrate your big birthday! Kj


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