Sunday, November 19, 2023


 I was going to carry on working with that new, colourful table runner today.

But, Yeah nah, I saw another one I wanted to do even more.  

ABOVE:  It's called a 'Twisted Pole' Runner.  I drew up my colourway last night, and today I will make a start on it.

But all accounts, it's very easy to put together. We shall see.

I will work on it until mid morning, then I'll take a break as we have family coming for lunch.

I'm doing my 'usual', and making scones for lunch.  Strawberry jam and cream.  And cocktail sausages for the kids.

We should have a nice, cruisy, family type day I reckon. With some sewing thrown in for fun along the way.  😌😊😉

ABOVE:  Progress!  LOVE LOVE LOVE it.  Not stitched any of the squares together yet.  That will happen later on today, or tomorrow.
edit:  YES I know the bottom two blocks (left and right) are laid down incorrectly!  I will fix it later.

ABOVE: Lacy came over with Onyx, so the little boys could see him. 
Coco wants to breastfeed him.
Marley wants him for lunch.

ABOVE: This dick got hold of my phone.  AGAIN.
Lunch is served, hot scones and cocktail sausages.

ABOVE:  And there's the belly... oh and Bex of course.  Third Trimester ... January can't come soon enough.

5.16 pm:  I've been sewing since the family went home after lunch.  And I finished the runner!
I will show it to you tomorrow... cos it gives me something to show you first up for the day eh?  😃😊

Stew and I are now just going to be relaxing for the remainder of the evening.  Telly. Dinner.  All the usual stuff.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Love those fabrics! Your color choices are always spot on.

  2. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Half square triangles!

    I just made a king size quilt that was all neutral (gray, white, off white, tan) half square triangles, lots of different neutral fabrics. It is currently at the long arm quilters, should be back this week.

    My niece just requested blue/white half square triangle quilt. Hers is full size, so not as many blocks. I have lots of different indigo fabrics, will be perfect, should use up most of it!

    I make my half square triangles just a little larger and then trim them to size. The latest ones were 7” finished. I had to buy a 7.5” square to trim them, worth it. (I thought I had every size square made, but did not have 7.5”).


  3. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Gorgeous colours Chris 😍 happy birthday for yesterday Griffin gosh 22 already!! Bless Coco those mother instincts 😊 bottled my home grown beetroot this morning and boring old meal preparation for me today GM 💙💙

  4. I can already see that there will be endless possibilities with that new pattern.

  5. Thank you for having us (Me and Onyx) lunch was lovely xx
    #Lacy 💙💜

  6. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Looks like a nice family day....Bex looks amazing...she is looks very slim except for the baby bump...Peta

  7. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Bex is glowing.
    Love the colours on new runner. 😍

  8. Oops I was anonymous.

  9. Happy belated birthday Griffin.
    A huge change so very tall.
    Glad the market improved, love the twisted poke runner that’s a cool design I predict will sell very well!


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