Friday, November 17, 2023


 Yesterday I didn't get into the sewing room at all.

Which is fine.  I had a lovely day with my cousin Debbie instead.

Debbie gave me a couple of belated Birthday gifts...

ABOVE:  A really lovely t-shirt, very appropriate for me I must say.

ABOVE: And this Patchwork Cow coffee mug.  How gorgeous!

First thing this morning I'm off to the lake for a walk.  I think I have company today.

I very nearly cancelled on the walk this morning.
My head was pounding and I felt like shit.
But... because I'd made a committment to go, I went.
And I'm glad I did, because it was a nice walk.
Perfect walking weather.

ABOVE: The 'stats' for today.  Consistent.  Happy with that.

ABOVE:  Walked with Amanda today, Lacy is still nursing a bung shoulder, that is not getting any better.  Hopefully she's taken herself off to the Doctor again today.  

ABOVE:  I finally stopped and asked the men working on the road to explain what the new layout was.  And as I suspected on Wednesday, while it isn't going to be one way, there is now going to be a terminating T-Intersection on Killarney Road, with traffic on Killarney Road having to stop to give way to traffic on Lake Domain Drive.  
That should make it much safer ... though they are going to be putting speed humps and pedestrian crossings RIGHT ON THE FRIGGIN INTERSECTION!!!  
Whoever is responsible for that decision is nuts! 
There are speed hump/pedestrian crossings all over Hamilton now, and they are damn dangerous for pedestrians!

But who am I, (and all the other thousands of people saying the same thing), to criticise the road planning gods?   I suppose nothing will change until a few pedestrians are run over eh?

LOL... rant over.  For now.

It's mid morning now, and I'm going to take a little breather before heading off into the sewing room.  
The weather is closing in, and the predicted thunder storms are looming.  Right in time for tomorrow's market.  OF COURSE.  And damn it all.  Grrrr.  πŸ˜–πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©

5 pm:  Rain on and off all afternoon, and a very strong wind.

I went over to Steve 'n' Bex's and spent a pleasant hour or so with them, then left my car there, and came home with their van.

I've now got everything sorted for tomorrow's market, right down to our food and drinks.

I did get some sewing done this afternoon, but not as much as I would have liked.  This new runner is nowhere near ready for market.  Maybe by the next market it will be.  IF it comes out nicely.  It's a work in progress for sure.

Although the weather is not looking great for tomorrow, I'm still optimistic it will be a good market.  Positive thinking and all that eh?

8.30 pm:  It's cold tonight.  I'm about to get me blankie on and just sit and watch the telly till we head off to bed.  Market in the morning, so an early start for us.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. My goodness! We are having massive WIND today. It sounds like ocean waves blowing through the forest.
    What is wrong with Lacy's shoulder? It has been a while.

    1. Lacy just woke up one day with her shoulder hurting her. She let it ride for over a week, then finally went to the doctor when her arm and hand were going numb and tingling! He said it was a muscle strain, impacting a major nerve. Gave her pain medication and nerve blockers (?)... but it hasn't helped much at all. So she's going back to get it looked at again. I believe she needs to have her shoulder x-rayed and or scanned.

    2. Yes and I will bite the dam bullet and will be heading back in on Monday if the nerve meds don't start doing a bit more by Monday, yes I'm a procrastinatior, and atm im not good at standing or sitting for long periods of time, it becomes very uncomfortable and hurts, and unfortunately my docs is a walk in and this is what I need to go thro to be seen, well guess needs are a must this time again πŸ˜•
      But I agree with Ma I do feel it's in need of being xrayd or scanned or something....Im just not me with a bung sholder 😭😭😭🀣
      The day it actually stops me from being able to drive is the day I will defiantly do something serious about it, let's hope it doesn't come to that.

    3. Anonymous2:45 PM

      X-ray and CT probably

      I hope it is not rotator cuff


    4. Apparently my left sholder has a rotator cuff problem, this came about a year or so ago I think, but yes was put in a sling and was advised the tissue was near gone and needed work physio ect.....I can say this is my other sholder and this pain is so different and has lasted a lot longer then what my other sholder did.
      This is a sholder and arm problem, arm due to Nerve problems, caused by what ever is going on with my's a bloody conundrum

    5. Lacy! OMG!
      DO NOT WAIT for it to get worse and to lose more abilities (like driving and walking) before you go back to the doc. The sooner the better! It's much better to catch things early even if it's a pain to wait at the doctors office. Bring a phone and play games or something while you wait. They should have x-rayed it on day one! Being in this much pain is not acceptable. You are miserable! And... not walking around the lake with cute little duckies! It is already affecting your life. Nerve problems suck. I hope they are wrong or can fix whatever is causing it. Good Luck!

  2. T-shirt is perfect for you


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