Tuesday, November 21, 2023


 Like the Braid Runners before them, the Twisted Pole Runners can have endless colour combinations.

This is the second one:

ABOVE:  Very effective adding a third primary colour into it.

I am looking forward to trying a few other colour combinations later on.

But for now, I have two jobs lined up for today.

ABOVE:  I doubt I'll iron all of them.  Cos I'd rather scrub toilets all day than iron shirts!

I will probably do 3-4, then go and make a Bowl Cosy.  Then do a few more... and repeat.

Bowl Cosys will be made today as I need to build up my stock on them before all the pre-Christmas markets.

I don't know about you, but I have a favourite set of kitchen 'tongs', that I use all the time.

I have 2-3 others that are much larger, that I don't like using at all.

So I asked Stew to pop into a shop next door to his office, and get us some more of the little ones that I prefer.

He came home with these:

ABOVE:  Three lovely small tongs, and two others that you can use to hold and flip stuff with.  Brilliant idea!  Love them.

I find the small tongs are perfect for putting in salad bowls etc when you have company.

And yes, Marley just loves investigating everything that comes into the house, no matter what it is.  And Photo Bombing of course.  Such a tart.

1.40 pm:
Sorry!  I've been working in the sewing room for the past 5 and a half hours.

Lacy went for a lake walk on her own today, as I wanted to get to work on the bowl cosy's.  I'll join her tomorrow.

When she left, I gave her a container with several pieces of the slice:

ABOVE: Rest assured, it's amazing!
I want Bex to come over and take the rest home... we certainly don't want to eat it all.

ABOVE:  I have made 9 Bowl Cosy's so far today.
I hope to get a few more made after I've taken a lunch break.

ALL THOSE SHIRTS got ironed this morning too!  Only 13, which was good as I thought there were more than that.

4.53 pm:  I cut out 8 more Bowl cosy's to sew up tomorrow.  My back was KILLING ME after that, so I decided to call a halt to any more work in the sewing room.

And then I went outside and pulled some weeds and scrubbed the bottom of the pool instead!
Not exactly relaxing.

Bex and the boys called in to pick up the Slice, I'm sure they will enjoy it.

I've just had a relaxing hot shower, washed me hair, put on me face and in about an hour I will go to me WW meeting.  NOT TO WEIGH IN THOUGH.
I am going to attend the Friday meeting and weigh in then.  

I allowed my emotions to dictate my eating over the past couple of weeks... no one to blame but me.
Moving on.  There's always going to be up's and down's in a weight loss endeavour, I know this only too well.

I can do better.   It is not all lost in two weeks!

Now that I'm sitting down actually doing NOTHING, I realise how tired I am.  I could go to bed right now and would no doubt fall asleep right away.

And wake up at 2 am bright as a button, rearing to go.

I think I better not lie down any time soon.  2 am is not an attractive time of the day. 😂😊😉

Right.  Been out to dinner to the Indian restaurant.  I think I'm over it now!

Might give it a miss for a month.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Loving the colour combo!
    Here’s one Christmas colours WITH hilly as the rope around poke? Elves sliding down pole reindeer faces? There’s a challenge
    Pole dancing reindeer lol

  2. Holly around the pole I meant

  3. Marley is a cutie.
    I have NEVER ironed a shirt. Thankful for the casual lifestyle.

    1. Lucky you! I wish Stew wasn't a business man sometimes.

  4. Where's the photo of the Chocolate Brownie/Cornflake Caramel slice? - dying to hear what it's like

  5. Tell Lacey to look up "frozen shoulder" on the internet. She might find a video or two that could give her some ideas to help encourage her shoulder/s to feel better. She may need several thick pillows to pack around herself at bedtime...

  6. Rhonda3:23 PM

    OMG that slice looks delicious. It’s probably got a million kilojoules. Enjoy

  7. I likje the runner with the added colourm. And yes I like the small tongs too.

  8. Anonymous4:49 PM

    The slice looks so yummy
    My downfall is caramel slice drool

  9. IS the shoulder improving?

  10. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Recipe please GM 💙💙

    1. https://ashbaber.com/cornflake-brownies/

  11. Anonymous3:07 AM

    I use to grumble about dirty hands on my bath towels until one day I thought yeah if he had a office job it would shirt collars I'd be washing and then ironing so stopped grumbling and just bought him dark towels to use not my good white ones.
    3am perhaps I best go to bed...at 5pm I could have slept for a week now wide awake gggrrr and it's gonna be stinking hot day so I'll be hot and tired and grumpy oh such a joy to be around lol

  12. I love the runner! Might have to try making one at some point.


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